Friday, January 13, 2023

Chapter Two: In the Can!

 My, my, my....the book is just rolling off my brain. I would say it's rolling off my tongue, but I'm typing it not telling the story orally.  I'm writing and I'm writing, and believe it or not I don't really like what I've written because I know it's not flowery enough, it's not detailed yet. It lacks the lackluster that will lusterly lack it later. I've been on the whole "I'm going to write a chapter a day" kick, and I am going to, but then I'll have to go back and thoroughly go through the thing one page and even one paragraph at a time. When you actually finish it there aren't paragraphs really. I mean there are, but you don't separate them with space, only an indention. I'll have to do that sort of formatting as well. Geez!

    So, Chapter Two explains who the main characters are a bit more focused than what takes place in Chapter One. Chapter One is about grabbing the reader by the throat and forcing them to continue reading. Chapter Two is about who it is that these people are reading about. You have to make the characters believable, loved, hated, whatever, but you have to explain them to the reader.  So far, and this is only Chapter Two, I am not pleased with the lack of explanation. I find myself wanting to go into so much more detail about the characters. I will. I will redo the whole thing once I have cranked out the bulk of it.

    The way I write is to plan the pre-plan. Then I write the pre-plan which is essentially the way I want to show the book in an outline. The Outline is the plan. Then there's the fleshing of the chapters and that's what I'm doing now. First, I wrote up a synopsis for each Chapter, then I typed it out and added information to each chapter since writing it seemed a bit dry.  Next, I printed the 10-page outline which literally has 30 chapters one on top of the other with an explanation and/or a brief description of what will go into it. Did you catch that the synopsis is 10 pages? It is.

    The next thing to do is literally go chapter by chapter, day by day, adding at least one chapter a day to the whole, and then after that is finished I'll go through it as a whole and take out what I hate, add what I love, add what I think needs to be said, and once that's done it should be ready for a second full read.  The second full read is truly the first true read. The second full read is the first read after the changes have been made.  Then I'll tweak it again, this time taking out the separating lines and using the "find" and "replace" buttons to change all of the words that can be changed to another one. Here's an example. I call the first wife of the mean villain by a name I shouldn't have used. I'll change that. I was just being a bit rude and now I am over it. So, yeah, I'll change it. 

    During the first full read, I will add graphic details about waterfalls, cress being sold at the market, how a guitar is made, and other bits and bobs that make the book pop.  Right now I just mention that Ewan plays the oud. What the hell is an OUD?  It will need to be explained, so I will do that during the first full read. For now, the oud is just that, a mentioned stringed instrument, but after the first full read of the oud's origin, which is in fact the history of the guitar, so that all the readers know that Ewan is a singer and songwriter! There you go, I will be the champion of using 1000 words rather than the six needed, and I will do so with luster and lambency! You don't even know what lambency is....neither did I until I looked up words for luster, and found it. I just wanted to sound really cool. 

    Bam! Chapter Two is in the can! I'll get started on Chapter Three tonight probably, and if I'm true to myself, I'll have the book finished long before the end of February so that I can do the first full read. I'm expecting the changes to take four or five days, and then the second full read, and if I can be so bold, I will make a prediction that I can have the book entirely ready for publication around mid-March. I just have to come up with $$$$ to pay for the design of the cover, and then the publication. I can do that. I'm making plans to make more plans. It will happen.

    Here's a bit of foreshadowing for you. After the Highland Romance novel, which is also a Historical Fiction novel, I will end up writing the murder book. Then I have plans to write a second Historical Fiction novel with both murder and intrigue that takes place in my own city at the start of the 1980s.  Next, will be the follow-up to the Murder Book, and then another History Fiction novel that spans Europe and the US from the late 1800s to the present time....then, you guessed it, a third MURDER BOOK!!  So busy, so busy.  Pray for me. :)

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