Where do they come up with these quizzes? My son Ruby (Yes, I named my son Ruby) sent me a quizfarm.com quiz for my MySpace space - does that sound a bit reduntant? My MySpace space - yes, redundant. Ruby sent the quiz, couldn't wait for the results because he thought I would be a pistol. People are always calling me a pistol, so he thought "OK, Mom will be a pistol!" NO, No I'm not! I'm a Sniper Rifle - thank you, very much! According to the science of this highly developed (sarcastic note) quiz, I prefer to be very far away, hidden, and deadly accurate when I kill someone. Having absolutely no experience whatsoever actually killing someone - It would be impossible for me to gauge the accuracy of this quiz - but when I think about it, I think I would prefer to be far way, quiet, hidden from sight, and deadly accurate if I were going to pull the trigger on the bad guys.
My son, (probably because he's seeking revenge for his name) prefers to be up close, personal, in-your-face, and with more power than necessary to do the job - he's a tank. Not just any tank, he's an Abrams M1...I can see that. Reuben has always been head-strong, upfront, charging through things without hesitation and yes, he seems to knock out everything in his path just trying to get to the dinner table at Thanksgiving. I can see him ranking a tank on this quiz. If there were actually a more aggressive, larger piece of machinery my son would be it. Me, I'm in the wind! You don't see me, my camo is cloaked in camo! It wasn't me...must have been someone else - Ruby, he's all about the credit "ME! I did it! ME!" He raises his hand to volunteer too.
One time, at band camp - I packed my flute into my pant leg and pretended to be a sniper. I killed everyone - dead. I didn't have a scope or anything - point, shoot....bam. That's as close as I came to really killing anyone - but even then I was hiding behind a trashcan just behind the outhouses. They never caught me. Someone thought I was sleeping with my flute - and that rumor went around for a while, but I knew the truth.....he was the first one I shot!