Friday, July 19, 2024

We Have Liftoff!! (...and the keys)

 A few hours ago I signed the lease for my new home! Laura and I have taken four loads over now and we'll do about two or three this evening. Tomorrow will be the back-and-forth day, the ants-all-in-a-line day.  We'll see if we can get all of it done, everything except the big pieces. The big pieces go on Sunday when we get the U-Haul.  I truly do believe we can get it all in one clean sweep. It's only a 10-foot truck, but we don't have as much as most people do in their two-bedroom apartments.  We're throwing out the sofa and the chair  -- but we did get that pretty ottoman that I know I can fit in the trunk if I have to.

    I haven't felt this good about something in a long time. It's hard (not gonna lie) to move things up and down the stairs, and try to lift, push, pull, and drag boxes in order to make them fit in the car. I'm not happy about that part of it, but with each box I'm that much closer to being in my place, and that much closer to having it all settled.  The maintenance guys changed our locks today - five doors. We have five doors! We went from having two keys, one for the main building, and one for our unit, to having one key - one that fits all five doors.

    I have been in and out of the place a number of times and I keep forgetting to measure the windows! That makes me laugh. I wanted to check to see if the new curtains I recently bought will fit or not. I think they may, but I don't know. I can tell you this, I will find out tonight when I take another load over. I've written it down on my hand to remind myself. It's something I've done since the 3rd grade. I put an X on my hand, and it jogs my memory when I see it.  My mom used to ask me..."What are you trying to remember?" She'd see my hand and know.

    I have a house!  I really really really have a house! I don't own it, and to be honest, that's preferred. I don't have to keep up with the maintenance or the lawn. You can't beat that. If the AC unit goes out, they have to replace it, not me. The fence is a really nice tall wooden fence too - - truly private. I know the dogs will love the yard, but I will love the privacy! I'm not thinking that I'll be outside all that much, but I will go out to work out with the ropes and I'll be out to relax now and again, so yeah; it's nice to have the security.

   Speaking of the maintenance people; one of them caught up with me today to say they were unable to fix the hood over my stove before we moved in. If they have to replace it he's going to do so in the Fall so he's not crawling up and around the attic in 100+ degree weather. I don't blame him. I can still cook so I'm not worried about it - it's just something that needs to be fixed. They painted the walls today and went over it again with the mops and brooms. We have a spick and span little house to call our own!  Thank God!

    The lease was for a year, but I know we'll stay for several years unless, as I decide to buy one on my own. You never know. I'd rather not, but if the economy does better in the next few months, I may consider it - - if I do I will 100% be sure to get one with a new HVAC unit - - and warranties for everything there is that goes in, on, or outside the house. EVERYTHING!

Photo Credit: Etsy

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