Thursday, July 18, 2024

First Boxes in the House!

 It has begun!  The first carload of boxes has been loaded into the car, driven to the house, and uploaded into the storage room. We will do that for now, and on Saturday we'll move everything from the storage room into the actual house. This way we have more control over it. The storage room door has been fitted with a new lock and knob so anyone who may have had the keys from previous times can be tempted to rush in and take things.

    I have to be 100% honest, the most anyone could get from me anyway would be used clothes, books, journals, more books, and maybe a book or two.  I gave away a lot of things and I threw out a lot of things - - we're down to the nearly bare essentials. (Jeannie would wholeheartedly disagree. I bet she could find many more things that I need to throw out!) I'm dead dog tired already, and it's literally just been one full trip and then loading up my car for a 2nd run sometime after I take a break. Moving is really hard on a body - - well, mine anyway.

    I decided to put my phone in my pocket to count the times I go up and down the stairs. It's only fair that I get to count those steps three times for the record!  If I had to be honest, moving is a helluva workout - - maybe I'll think about signing up to do it for someone else - - NOPE...I was joking. They can't make me. Not even if they double-dog dare me. I'm not doing this again! If I ever did it, I would not choose the middle of the summer to do it - - maybe I can count each stair 4 times to give me credit for the heat and humidity. That seems fair.

    I went to Big Lots to seal the deal on the delivery of my sofa. I bought it online, but the delivery will be done in person, so I can get 1/2 off!  I'm literally just paying the guy who delivers it and not the store. The guy is doing it using his own truck; they give him little side jobs to keep the customers happy and to be sure all the other deliveries get done in a timely manner.  If I don't mind if he comes after hours, I get it for $75 cash!  Love that. He drops it off, brings it into the house, moves it to where you want it, and since it needs to have the legs screwed in, he'll do that too! 

    While I was at Big Lots taking care of the delivery, I bought a 5x7 area rug to go under said sofa. I wanted one to bring the sofa and the ottoman's colors together. I bought a really nice pillow that I saw yesterday and hoped it would still be there today. It was. I bought it. I may go back tomorrow or Saturday to buy a few more throw pillows, but that one was a unique one, and there was only one left -- love it. 

    Getting the boxes out of my apartment and into my car takes much more strength and energy than I had anticipated. I haven't been this winded and physically challenged in years. I know I'm older, but I didn't realize how it would affect my breathing and my ability to balance while dragging, pulling, pushing, lifting, and carting around medium-sized boxes. I intentionally didn't buy bigger boxes, and I am intentionally not loading them to the point that I can't lift them. Still, this is a chore!

    I think my bottle of Aleve and I are going to become very close over the next few days. I sort of wish I drank wine, but I don't. I would if I did, but I don't, so I won't. I'm not opposed to anyone else doing it, but it's just not something I do. I save my sugar intake for chocolate. It's a good compromise.  I will have more fun tomorrow after I put in 4 hours of work. I anticipate going slowly, moving at the pace of a wounded snail so I can breathe, take things as they are, and not push either myself or my ego - - I tend to give myself impossible goals when I don't take the reins from myself.

    Saturday will be the big day -- we'll get a lot more serious then, and by Sunday, when I get the U-Haul, there will only be the heavy things remaining in the apartment - - which I've managed to dwindle down to the extreme bare essentials. I will say that the neighbors won't like me much; I'm throwing my old furniture into the dumpster rather than setting it on the side. I can't take the chance of someone not taking them - - I won't be that person who leaves trash outside the big dumpster never to be picked up again. Nope...not me.

    Sunday around 2:00 p.m. we will take the U-Haul back, go back to the apartment to clean it (maybe an hour or so, we're not getting the deposit back so we're not busting our backs on the cleaning.)  Around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, I hope to have most of my things unloaded into the new place, set up, and ready to go -- that includes the computers so we'll be up and running Monday for work.  Plans work.

    Thank you, God. Thank you, Jesus, Thank you, Spirit. I am too very happy about all this....too very happy.

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