Friday, July 19, 2024

Dust! (...and Hidden Treasures)

 I'm not looking forward to what I will find when I break down my Queen-sized bed, throw out the mattress, and give away the frame. I know for a fact that several dogs have been under that bed over the last nine years, and God only knows what toys, and half-chewed rawhides will be found. I imagine the dogs I have now already know. They do spend quite a bit of time under the bed.  I know I have two half-chewed clothing bags under there. Hugo made it a point to take the corners and zippers out of both of them -- I will need to find a place for all the tee shirts that are currently in "rotation" packaging.

    I rotate my tee-shirts every year or so, this way I don't have to buy new ones. I have over 100 I'm sure. If I keep them rotating like I have, I'll always believe I have new clothes. I've been able to fool myself for a while now. I will admit to buying new tees, slipping them into the bags under the bed, and pretending I just bought them. It's a fun game I play with my own mind. It's been helpful over the past 792 years - - except back in the day I did the same thing with longer flowing loose-fitting garments and sashes.

    I'm in the middle of moving my room today. I'll get 90% of it done, then start on the dining room and pantry tomorrow. Laura's got the living room and 2nd hallway closet. I did the first closet earlier - I was too excited to sit still so it was first to be packed. Now, we can use the empty closet to store things we wish to give away to Goodwill. We'll take the stuff just after we take the U-Haul back on Sunday afternoon, and before we return to clean the old place.

    You NEVER realize how much dust you have until you move. You can keep up with it, but when you move you realize just how bad you suck at dusting. Not lying, I truly suck at it. I'm hoping to do a better job after today because I plan on buying those gizmos that take the dust out of the air! I have one for my room, but I was without a filter so I didn't use it. I found the filters finally online and ordered 4 so I would have them a while. I need to buy 4 more of these things for the rest of the house, and I'm going to get a little Roomba vacuum to just do its thing every weekend - - and scare the cats.

    I want to get to the bottom of my closet today so I can see if I can find a particular rock that I used to pray with. I've not seen it in nearly 6 months. I hope I didn't somehow manage to throw it away - that would make me really sad. I've owned the rock since about 1998.  It fit perfectly in my hand! I love that rock.  Here's hoping, and praying it turns up.  

    The new house doesn't have the same size closets, so I may end up not having a prayer closet, but I think I'll be OK. God knows me. He's good if I pray anywhere - - I just like the whole concept of a prayer closet. (I can still do it, but I'd have to move the chair in and out of the way and that can be annoying.)

    Sneezing is something I'm finding myself doing all day today, and I assume I will be doing it all day tomorrow and probably Sunday as well. Dang - - and dang again. This dust! It's everywhere and just moving things from one closet or from under the bed brings it into the air and directly into my nose! I'll use that washer and dryer I ordered. That's for sure! I'm holding off on a load now, just so I can use the new washer - - sad, huh? You know you're old when that sort of thing excites you.

    I took a wee break from blogging in order to clear out some of the bedroom closet. I'm using the clothes to top off most of the boxes so I don't overload them with heavier items.  I now realize I have 8 sets of Queen-sized sheets that will need to be washed, folded, and given away. I'm downsizing to a full-sized bed and looking forward to the extra space. My Queen frame is beautiful - - but I don't need it.  Funny, how you go through phases like that. I simply had to have it when I saw it, and in fact wanted one like it for years before I bought it. Now, I'm thinking I want a more subdued and simple style.

    I'll need to run by Sam's tomorrow to get another 12-15 boxes - I'll donate them too when I'm finished with them. I could have used hand-me-down boxes myself, but I just figured this move deserves the best - - it's probably my last move. I want it all to go so very neatly and smoothly. I don't mind donating 30-40 boxes to someone else who could use them. I'll set them in the laundry room  -- it's our catch-all. If no one takes them, I'll swing back and throw them away a week later. 

    I'm going to have lunch now - - today and tomorrow will be my last lunch in the apartment! I didn't eat as much food as I wanted to, but luckily I don't have far to drive the things currently left in the refrigerator - - we can throw out the 2/3 eaten Braum's ice cream - - we know where they sell more!!

    Photo Credit: 

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