Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sore but Happy!

     Because Laura's bed hasn't arrived yet (Monday is only 2 days away) I have been sleeping with all three dogs on my full-sized bed. It's not that I'm complaining (much) but I can't turn over without disturbing at least one of them. If you know the rules you know the rules, and if you break the rules...well, it's not a good thing in our house. I wake up with dogs too -- usually before my alarm because one of them has decided to stick their nose into my eye socket. It's not Ginger. Ginger knows the rules. I don't disturb them, and they don't wake me up before the alarm!

    This makes a full week that we've slept in the house! We are simply too happy to be here. I downsized from a Queen to a Full and I love that fact. I'm sleeping on the same 17-18" that I had with the Queen, but for obvious reasons, it is now in the middle of the bed so that the two puppies (about 20 pounds each) can slumber quietly on either side of me, and my Ginger dog can trap my legs; holding me in place at all costs.

    When I woke up this morning I knew I didn't have to do anything regarding the move. We are 100% in our house and out of the apartment, but I also knew that sooner or later I'd have to tackle the unboxing. We knew this day would come, but it's nowhere near as daunting of a task or chore as it was last week when we were packing the same boxes and hauling them down the stairs, into the car, out of the car, and into the appropriate rooms of the house.  It is SO much easier to just reach into them, pull stuff out, and put it up or put it away. Let me just say I am grateful for the slowness of it all, and the stresslessness of it all. 

    I finally got the part of the kitchen unpacked and put away that has the coffee machine, coffee, and something for breakfast. Climbing over and around boxes was annoying, but when your body screams at you -- you have to listen. I wasn't about to unpack or unbox during the same week we were moving and cleaning the old place. We just had to live with the cardboard cubicles for a little longer, that's all. Now, and thank God, we can find the coffee!

    I still take the same two ibuprofen that I took all last week in the morning because I knew I'd be pushing the body a little bit, but that new shower is a miracle worker! I never knew I would be so happy to have a big walk-in shower. I really thought I'd be OK with the shower in the tub, but nope...I'm a new fan! I will single the endless praises of a good showerhead in a big stone shower with good water pressure and endless hot water -- we have a tankless system now. It's the first time I've ever seen one.  There is no tank, the water just runs through it and heats. In theory, I could stay in the shower all day, but I'm not going to try that; not yet.

    The ceilings in the house are over 9 feet high. They are something like 9 feet 2 inches. All of the windows are larger than the ones I had in the apartment so none of my curtains will fit. I'll need to donate those and get new ones. With the pretty framed boxes around each window, I may end up just leaving them bare in the office; the blinds are enough, but I will end up buying new wooden blinds soon...and the really good thing is, the maintenance guys will install them for me. This is good. I think I'm still pinching myself over this move.

    Today, we received fence liners that go around the areas of the fence that are over 2 inches off the ground. They stick into the ground and stop Ginger from rooting her way out of the fence. She hasn't had a backyard for 8.5 years (she's 10.5 years old).  She's beside herself with glee -- I can tell.  The puppies have no clue how much and how long Ginger has suffered. They have no idea that I took her downstairs 6-8 times a day to do her business and to walk her around a bit. Here, she can run, skip, hop, rest, root, and make as much noise as she wants. She's taking full advantage of it!

    Yes, I'm sore, but I'm happy. I'm willing to think about putting things away, which means I'll get around to it. I'll do one room a day, this way it will only take about a week to get it all done. I'll buy storage shelves for the storage room to get everything we decided to store up off the ground. Just knowing we won't trip over the things trying to get to our beds at night can make my dreams that much sweeter.

I think it's time to thank God, just one more time.

Photo Credit:  DZ Moving

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