Monday, July 1, 2024

The New Book - - Has Started. (Officially)

 Today, because my internet went out on me, and I had very little choice but to play on my computer offline, I decided to write the first paragraph of the book so I could poke myself in the ribs and get started on writing the book in genuine. I have NO idea what is taking me so long to get into the mood to write this book, but I'm just not there yet. I will be. It will happen, but it's just not jumping out of me.

    The first paragraph turned out differently than I had first intended it to, but that's not really a surprise and it's not necessarily a bad thing either. I was going to go further, but since my internet was out I couldn't use the A.I. feature I plan on using for this book -- which will significantly impact what the book ends up being, if I had to be honest. I plan on using the A.I. feature I used while writing "Mesa", but of course, I'm changing up all of the scenarios, characters, situations, and more. It will be fun!

    One of the reasons I'm going to heavily depend on the A.I. is to see where it takes me; who knows what will happen? I'm going to wing it and see if I like it, and if I do, I'll keep winging; if I don't, I'll clip the wings and go back to thinking on my own. I like having the feature to goad me into thinking outside my little box of thoughts that I so often get trapped inside of. This thing really lights a fire when I ask it to. Sometimes I absolutely hate what it has created, but I do think even when I hate what it suggests I could learn from it somehow.

    The first paragraph of a book should tell you a little about the character who will lead you through the story. It should be gripping, interesting, and have some sort of hook to make a reader think rather than just react. I think I've achieved my goals with the first paragraph of the new book. I can't say that the entire book will be centered around it; that would be misleading, but I will say that it gives the reader insight to the kind of person the lead female character is - she's not the typical garden variety stock trader - - she has depth. I saw to it to add a little history about her so she's well rounded and has a little flavor. It's a good paragraph.

    I don't know yet how long it will take me to write the book. I'm hoping that I can just jump right in and start the process. I need to write it. I need to get it out of my head and onto the printed page -- and of course, because I'm putting all of my books online in eBook format, it will be digital as well. Yep! I hope to have it written before the end of summer so I can get going on the next two books that I plan on writing before the end of the year. It'll probably just be four books this year, but I'm OK with that - - I don't have any real deadlines; I just write.

    I'm moving in about four weeks or so, and that will certainly have a little bearing on the writing but hopefully not too much of a delay. I think I can squeeze it in between the boxes and the new deposits. I just set up my electricity and my gas today for the new place! That may end up being something that the character does so I can add this experience to the book - - it's not the first time I've put services in my name, but this time is going so much smoother than ever before. I love that.

    I know I'll write about Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy store. That will be in the book - - it's not in the first paragraph, but it may be in the second. You just never know. I could find my lead character roaming through Braum's choosing her favorite three-pint pack of ice cream while realizing that she needs at least three to have choices in her life. It could be that her grandfather kept her in ice cream and boots - - it could be that she has decided to go sugar-free and knows Braum's won't let her down if she so chooses!

    The book is on it's way to being written, and that's the point. It's on its way. it has begun, and I can sit back and wrap myself around the first paragraph to write the next, then the next, then the next until I fall head over heels into the mood and write the first chapter!  Like all the others, this one will be about 30 chapters long, about 360 pages, and it will include love, rumor, romance, challenges, sex, money laundering - - and...what? Oh, yeah, I did say that, didn't I?  Well, there you go, one big fat nugget for you!  

    I'll go to the fridge now and see what choices I have! I don't have to wonder too hard - - I bought three tubs of Braum's earlier today when my internet was down -- a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. It's 105 degrees outside!

Photo Credit: C&G Ford Parts

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