Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My New Friends - Washer and Dryer.

 It's not every day I have the privilege of blogging -- it's Almost Daily, you know. I would blog ten times a day if I had it my way, but alas, I must work, earn a living, and do adult things most of the time. Blogging is a freedom, a fun passage, it is not a right. (It is a write, but not a right...there is a difference.)  So, today, yesterday, and the day before that, I have been waiting for my new friends to come to me and to be productive, useful, and efficient. I had two other "friends" on Saturday, but they weren't working out - - in that they weren't working. Well, that's not true. I should tell the truth.

    I found Will's Appliances OKC online - and I called him or maybe I texted, and I set up a time for him to bring out my new washer and dryer (a set) for just $350, which included the two machines, delivery, set up, and a 60-day warranty. That's amazing!! Will (last name unknown) was quite helpful, he was right there to bring me my appliances, and to set them up lickity-split...except there was a problem.  He thought he was doing me a big huge favor by bringing me a really cool digital Maytag, an upgrade he told me, from what he normally sells for the $350 price. It certainly was spiffy, I'll give you that -- but when he set it up there were a bunch of buttons and pushy things on the panel -- and I don't understand tech, so yeah, it wasn't gonna work.

    The next big fat red flag telling me that it wasn't going to work was the fact that after Will programmed it (yes, programmed) the lid locked and it wouldn't open! Yeah, that's not gonna work for me.  He needed to replace it, but wouldn't have another set until Monday (two days) and I had to wait patiently for him to be able to bring out a new set. Since he wanted the washer and the dryer to match, he waited until he found a working set that was in the right price range (and yeah, a little above it, he gave me a really good deal) and a set that wasn't fancy-schmancy because I don't want fancy- -- I want SIMPLE! I am a very very simple wash-woman!

    I told Will I wanted something I never had to dial after I dialed it the first time. Just set it, push the start button, and go.  He smiled.  He had a newer Amana set that he brought to me today - - after he had made about a half dozen other calls all over the city and even out of the county, to people I'm sure were less picky than I am... or maybe they're much more picky, because, like I said, I only want a single-action start button! I don't need all the temp settings, water gauging, balancing, and programming - - just dump the clothes, add the detergent, push the button, and go. I also don't want the machine rattling out of the laundry room - - which mine did the first time we ran a load.

    Will stayed later this evening and set up the washer by reinforcing the springs, and lowering or raising the legs to meet the uneven flooring in the laundry/storage room of my new (circa 1931) house. It only took an hour! LOL...the poor man had to put up with countless stories about Faith, my kids, and my strange little niche job that I have during my waking hours. He's probably ready to find customers he can drop appliances off to who won't require the dummied-down version -- who are willing to pay for it because they don't want to be bothered to be trained on how to download the PDF manual for the one he brought the first time. You should have seen my face when he suggested I do that - - I laugh just thinking about it.

    I looked the man in the eyes (he's pretty tall, so it was a challenge) and I told him I want a machine with one button - - the start button. I don't need to see that it's filling, washing, spinning, and complete....just go!  He said that the 1990s had been gone for a while, but he'd see what he could do for me. The compromise was an Amana set made in 2015 that was rebuilt by himself using new parts, and though it does have a locking lid, he said if I wanted him to, he'd disconnect it for me - - I may have him out to do that. 

    Because he had to put me off a few days and make arrangements to come out later in the evening than he had originally thought, he gave me a 120-day warranty on all things - - no questions asked. I loved that. I told him I'd call him anyway if it breaks. At that price it's affordable and I trust he'll keep his word. If you're in the OKC area, or even outside of it, he'd be a good guy to find for all of your major appliance needs...not just washers and dryers.  I'll leave his email so you can contact him. Just be sure to tell him I sent you so he can laugh.

    I am now washing my third load and I'm happy...so very very happy. I will say that the dryer doesn't heat up that much, but the clothes are dry. It's not one of those overpowering heated things -- which is good for the environment and my clothes, but you know the dogs will be incredibly disappointed. Ginger sort of looked at me when I brought the first load in and poured the basket onto the top of the bed...she knew. She's not stupid. What Ginger doesn't realize is that I didn't do the laundry downstairs and around the corner like I've done for 8.5 years!! I did it in my own storage room off the carport!  THAT...that is the difference I love the most.

    I went over the top with the detergent and softener as well. I use sheet detergent so there's that, but I bought the Downy Unstoppable blue beads for the washing and then the BLISS dryer sheets -- absolute overkill on the scents, but if it makes me smile a little -- let it be.

Photo Credit: Me.

Will's Appliances OKC:  willsappliancesokc@gmail.com

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