Thursday, July 4, 2024

Gearing Up Mentally to Move!

 I wish it was this weekend that we were moving, I'd take off tomorrow, and make it a four-day thing.  This being July 4, we are actually working tomorrow (Friday) and of course, I'm off the following two days. I'll be taking off the 19th (1/2 day) and making it a 3-day thing since we get off 1/2 a day on the 19th. That should work out fine - - and if I can't move into the house until the next weekend, I'll take off that Friday instead.  I want the move to be done well and move very smoothly.

    I'm going to the store today to pick up more medium-sized boxes to pack the smaller things that could add up to space and weight if I put them into bigger boxes. The bigger boxes will be for the much lighter things - - such as linen, comforters, and curtains.  I don't really want to pour myself into lifting these boxes you know. I'm old...and I get a little grumpy when I have to do physical work. 

    I can already tell that my room will have a ton of boxes probably, but I really want to have the strength and courage to either throw things out or give things away. If I don't use it, I need to let it go - - I'm thinking I'll be able to do that for 80% of it, but there's that other 20% that I really don't need. Why on earth do we do that? We keep things we neither need nor use. I don't understand it  - I really don't.

    Looking through my room I can say I'll be donating about 25 pairs of shoes, but then again, Laura and Caity may be the first vultures to land on that pile. I have bulletin boards that will be taken down, gone through, packed, and set back up again, hopefully with fewer bits and pieces of memory I don't need...or will I just keep those memories in a box for when I'm 99 and have a look-see to remember something? I have no idea.

    I have too many (way too many) CDs that will be boxed and stored, I won't get rid of them - - I did that back in the 80s with my LPs and regretted it - - not making that mistake again. I will start going through them and listening to them again. I don't listen to music as often as I need to. I find myself either working, writing, or watching Law & Order - - yes, it's that bad, yes, I am that pathetic.

    There are office supplies and school supplies that will be boxed and donated, I certainly don't need them anymore. To be able to say that makes me smile. I am genuinely not going to need either of those things again because I'm not teaching and I'm working from home with a company that doesn't require that I use any supplies. I have a notebook and pen! Besides my computer, I'm writing numbers down - - OK, to be honest, I have two clipboards too! Done.

    It's funny how time goes by and makes you realize that what you absolutely had to have one moment is useless and even in the way a moment down the road. Amazing, but true.  I don't need a file cabinet.  I don't need boxes of electronic cords and cables. I may have used those cords and cables at one point. I know I did. I have several MP3 players that are relics now by anyone's standards; why do I still have them? I don't use them. One I won't give away because it has a really cute sticker of my kids on it, but it's from 2005. Geez!

    I've asked myself if I'm keeping the art I have now, or if I'm giving it away and starting over. I really don't know the answer. I think I'll just keep it for now, and see how it works. It's not bad, it's not ugly, it's not dated. Two pieces were created by my daughter -  so they'll always stay. I am mentally moving things into closets. I am mentally storing them into boxes today, and making plans to do so in real life - - yes, I'm that pathetic. I also go to grocery stores to think about what I will buy soon. 

    OK, there is one thing that will go - - well, it will leave my room. I have a chair that I call the "Jeannie" chair because it is where she sits when she comes over. It will be out of my room and in the new office!! That's exciting. Ginger uses it to jump from the ground to the bed, but when I move I'm commandeering Laura's full-size bed. It's a platform bed, and doesn't use a boxspring - which makes it 10 inches shorter and I won't need the chair for Ginger! Done!

    I have a few stuffed animals, and I've decided that they will go into the office, not the bedroom. I have a good corner to put them into. It's the same corner where Jeannie's chair will go - - they can guard the chair; cute and efficient. Right now, there are things sitting on top of my dresser. That won't happen in the new house. I have a plan to have everything off the floor and nothing on top of the fridge, the table, the dressers, or the bookshelves that line the entry. EVERYTHING will be in its place when we move - - or it won't be in my house at all.

    I'm not saying the place will be a showcase; it won't be. I just won't live the way I've allowed myself to live because I don't have the space I need to spread out like I do now...or will when we move. The manager put my deposit checks through this week, and I've already put three of the four utilities in my name. I have to wait a week to do the electricity, it's their rule, not mine. I'm going to put in a change of address the week I move so that anything I get will go there, but the mailman is the same mailman and he'll hold it until I actually move -- he's hilarious. It's a good thing to know our postal people.

    OK, well, that's it. I'm planning to plan, and crossing all the T's as well as dotting the I's on this one.  I'm not sure if I'll leave the bed frame in the unit and let the maintenance people have it, or if I'll put it up on Marketplace for free. I won't carry it downstairs -- it's really a nice piece, but I've had it a long time and it's time to start over -- truly making the move to be both happier and content. I love content. Content is valuable. 

    Being content isn't settling - - it's being thankful and grateful for what you have now, and willing to be patient and work on your future self. That's where I am.

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