Sunday, July 7, 2024

God is GREAT!! (Even in the Little Things)

 I really don't know how anyone in the world, past, present, or future, could go a single minute, let alone a full day without thinking and knowing that Jesus is in the middle of literally everything that takes place. He doesn't always act or do things that we want or appreciate; in fact, sometimes, He can be hard to understand.  His ways are not our ways, and that's the one thing I think I've learned over the many years I've followed Him. His ways are best - - even when I flat don't get it - - which can be often. 

    Three days ago I took in a new dog. I didn't rescue her, and I didn't adopt her. I found her on Craigslist, and I answered the ad. I texted the people and asked if she was still available. She was, and I let them know I would give her a good home. We met in Edmond, about halfway between our two houses, and I simply took the dog into my arms and drove her home to become a member of our family. She took to us immediately, and we took to her just as quickly; and completely.

    I named her Kiah which literally means "A New Beginning" or "The Strength of God", depending on the place you look for the meaning.  Some say it is Celtic, others say it is Hebrew. I liked the name.  Kiah is a relatively young dog, she's under a year and closer to five or six months; just a puppy. She's medium-sized, in that she isn't the size of a Chihuahua nor the size of a Great Dane. She's going to be about forty pounds probably; and the best we can tell from her appearance she's most likely a cross of breeds including the Border Collie and Standard Schnauzer.  A Border Schnollie!

    If you know anything about the two main breeds that make up my new princess, you'll know that both breeds were bred to herd; both breeds were bred to run great distances and to do so very quickly. This is exactly what happened the second day I had her! Kiah pulled from me while I was walking her, and she managed to take the new blue retractable leash handle right out of my hand! The second the plastic handle hit the ground beside the dog's feet she took off like a bullet! She was gone!

    I'm in absolutely no physical shape to chase a dog and to be honest with you, no human could have done so no matter how fit they were. That dog was forty, fifty, sixty feet from where we were standing in under a couple of seconds. Zing! The leash handle was about twenty inches from her the entire time, and as it pounded the ground it would force her to run faster to try to get away from it - - as you can imagine, she never managed to lose it!

    I frantically screamed for my daughter who was in her room upstairs just above my head, but she didn't hear me. She had her headset on while playing a game. I managed to pull myself up the stairs trying hard not to trip myself because I wanted to chase the dog and knew I couldn't do it - - Laura finally heard me and she came out to assist! Both of us literally whispering prayers at the same time -  I heard her. There is no doubt she heard me as well. It was going to take Jesus to stop that dog!

    My biggest fear was that Kiah would run blindly into the oncoming traffic. Our apartment complex is on a rather busy street; I didn't want to even imagine what could happen. I've seen it happen to several geese who believe people will be kind and courteous -- it's a terrible thing. I prayed. Laura prayed. We both ran in opposite directions hoping the dog would pass one or the other of us - - and she did.

    Twice the dog was able to get the lead caught in the base of a hedge, only to get out of it split seconds before one of us could grab her and pull her to safety.  I nearly collapsed from the sheer exhaustion of trying to run at my age, with the weight I have, and not being the least bit prepared to sprint. Needless to say, I'll be working on the weight thing immediately, but I don't think I can do much about the age thing. It just is what it is.

    Within a few minutes of her coming out of the apartment to help, Laura was able to grab the dog when Kiah finally passed close enough for Laura to do the whole football linebacker tackle thing - - taking down the speeding frightened animal has to account for Laura's new medals I'm planning on buying her; I may end up taking her to dinner at least. She deserved it! Thanking Laura, and most assuredly, thanking Jesus for being in the middle of it. He was - - no doubt.

    The thing is, just an hour before this happened I had purchased not only the new lead, but I bought her a nice little harness as well. I just hadn't taken it out of its packaging. I count the entire fiasco as being my personal mistake! I am so blessed to have the puppy back in the apartment safe and sound, and you can bet she'll not step out of the same without being strapped in tightly to her new harness!

    You just never know when and where you can end up talking to Jesus - - and then thanking Him for knowing what you needed long before you asked for it. 

Photo Credit: Me (This is Kiah)

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