Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Southern Belle in Me.

 A good now and again (excuse me, that was rather Southern of me) I say something rather Southern, and when I do, my friends from overseas tend to giggle just a little. They know this woman is from the Southwestern region of these United States. From time to time, whenever I'm asked, I will always tell a person that I'm from the Great State of Oklahoma.  Most of the time, however, depending on how they ask, I may say, "I'm from a place where we don't use prepositions at the end of our sentences"; however, that would be a lie. Oklahomans do, most certainly, use prepositions at the end of their sentences. Just so you know.

    Today, like just about any other day, when someone I'm speaking to, gets my goat up (another Southern idiom), I will go full South in my mouth! You'll hear it. You'll know it too. When a Southern woman speaks with intensity she tends to squint the corners of her eyes and draw her mouth up at the corners to bring in a bit of forced cordiality before...well, you know...before she tells you exactly what she's thinkin'. If she doesn't tell you exactly what she's thinkin' you may not live long enough to find a way to appease her and the whole situation.

    Today, while on the phone with a "damager", which is what we call folks in our business who go around damaging other folks' commercial property, I had to use a few breathing techniques to subdue my tongue long enough to force kinder than I wanted to use words. I wanted to let the whoop out of the can but decided my job meant a lot more to me than anything or anyone on the other end of the line. I had to remind myself I wasn't speaking to anyone with any common sense. I was talking to a man who had purposely and repeatedly chosen to not call 8-1-1 before he dug and you know what he did. I don't even have to tell you -- you already know.

    Now, before I say too much, I won't tell anyone who I work for. I won't say too many specifics about it, but what I do is adjust the liability factors when our clients bring a claim to our company seeking subrogation (third-party recovery) for said claim and for said liability.  John D'Nothing, the man on the other side of the line, had the gull to say that folks in "that part of the world" meaning the Southern states, wouldn't know how to read the laws let alone be expected to understand them or adjudicate terms of liability to him - - he was what my mother would call a "know-it-all" and what my daddy would call a "prick". You know my daddy didn't want me tellin' my mama what he said about people, you know that.

    As the boy continued to dig a hole too deep to crawl out of, I nearly asked him if he'd had the smarts to call 8-1-1 for that as well. He was digging and digging aimlessly, wantonly, and apparently with complete abandonment because there was just enough grace left in me by the time he finished wringing what was left of my last nerve, that I all but went dead silent on the man. The damn fool had no idea what that would mean, of course, he probably thought it meant he had the upper hand in the matter.

    Well, I paused, like I said, not saying a thing. I asked him politely if he was finished. He laughed and said he was. I then, in the sweetest drawl I could muster, told the gentleman that I had heard and recorded every word he had said; that most of what he was saying over the lines was both illegal and would be turned over to the legal department for review, but not only that, I had fully intended to make a copy of the recording for his employer (a major insurance carrier) allowing them to understand why it was that I would be bringing abuse charges against the man for his hostility toward me, and his false accusations of my person, not to mention the discriminatory remarks he chose to hide behind involving my race, gender, and age.

    When he exploded and told me I had no right to record him, I reminded him that the laws of the state of Oklahoma are not the same as the laws in the state of New York, (thank God) and that I was fully within my rights to expose him to his employer for who and what he was. I then, in the sweetest of Southern language, stated that I would be willing to negotiate with him regarding the potential charges if he would take another look at the damage report I had emailed him a week or two before; the one with supporting documents to prove my point...points.

    It was right about that time that the man on the other end of the phone became quite quiet...you could have heard his heart beating if you listened closely enough. I took that to mean I had the upper hand in the matter, so I politely closed the conversation with the following statement: "Living here in the South has its privileges. We may not be as sophisticated as you folks up that way, but we do know a good game of football, and we have the best BBQ to boot. You have yourself a good evening now and don't forget to call me next week when you've come to your senses about this claim. Good night now, and remember to kiss your mama when you see her!"

    I thank God EVERY DAY for the Great State of Oklahoma, and everything it ever meant to me.

Photo Credit: Way.com

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sore but Happy!

     Because Laura's bed hasn't arrived yet (Monday is only 2 days away) I have been sleeping with all three dogs on my full-sized bed. It's not that I'm complaining (much) but I can't turn over without disturbing at least one of them. If you know the rules you know the rules, and if you break the rules...well, it's not a good thing in our house. I wake up with dogs too -- usually before my alarm because one of them has decided to stick their nose into my eye socket. It's not Ginger. Ginger knows the rules. I don't disturb them, and they don't wake me up before the alarm!

    This makes a full week that we've slept in the house! We are simply too happy to be here. I downsized from a Queen to a Full and I love that fact. I'm sleeping on the same 17-18" that I had with the Queen, but for obvious reasons, it is now in the middle of the bed so that the two puppies (about 20 pounds each) can slumber quietly on either side of me, and my Ginger dog can trap my legs; holding me in place at all costs.

    When I woke up this morning I knew I didn't have to do anything regarding the move. We are 100% in our house and out of the apartment, but I also knew that sooner or later I'd have to tackle the unboxing. We knew this day would come, but it's nowhere near as daunting of a task or chore as it was last week when we were packing the same boxes and hauling them down the stairs, into the car, out of the car, and into the appropriate rooms of the house.  It is SO much easier to just reach into them, pull stuff out, and put it up or put it away. Let me just say I am grateful for the slowness of it all, and the stresslessness of it all. 

    I finally got the part of the kitchen unpacked and put away that has the coffee machine, coffee, and something for breakfast. Climbing over and around boxes was annoying, but when your body screams at you -- you have to listen. I wasn't about to unpack or unbox during the same week we were moving and cleaning the old place. We just had to live with the cardboard cubicles for a little longer, that's all. Now, and thank God, we can find the coffee!

    I still take the same two ibuprofen that I took all last week in the morning because I knew I'd be pushing the body a little bit, but that new shower is a miracle worker! I never knew I would be so happy to have a big walk-in shower. I really thought I'd be OK with the shower in the tub, but nope...I'm a new fan! I will single the endless praises of a good showerhead in a big stone shower with good water pressure and endless hot water -- we have a tankless system now. It's the first time I've ever seen one.  There is no tank, the water just runs through it and heats. In theory, I could stay in the shower all day, but I'm not going to try that; not yet.

    The ceilings in the house are over 9 feet high. They are something like 9 feet 2 inches. All of the windows are larger than the ones I had in the apartment so none of my curtains will fit. I'll need to donate those and get new ones. With the pretty framed boxes around each window, I may end up just leaving them bare in the office; the blinds are enough, but I will end up buying new wooden blinds soon...and the really good thing is, the maintenance guys will install them for me. This is good. I think I'm still pinching myself over this move.

    Today, we received fence liners that go around the areas of the fence that are over 2 inches off the ground. They stick into the ground and stop Ginger from rooting her way out of the fence. She hasn't had a backyard for 8.5 years (she's 10.5 years old).  She's beside herself with glee -- I can tell.  The puppies have no clue how much and how long Ginger has suffered. They have no idea that I took her downstairs 6-8 times a day to do her business and to walk her around a bit. Here, she can run, skip, hop, rest, root, and make as much noise as she wants. She's taking full advantage of it!

    Yes, I'm sore, but I'm happy. I'm willing to think about putting things away, which means I'll get around to it. I'll do one room a day, this way it will only take about a week to get it all done. I'll buy storage shelves for the storage room to get everything we decided to store up off the ground. Just knowing we won't trip over the things trying to get to our beds at night can make my dreams that much sweeter.

I think it's time to thank God, just one more time.

Photo Credit:  DZ Moving

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Last of the Last.

     We are soooooo out of the old apartment!! Laura is literally turning in the keys now; dropping them into the night drop box.  She would have taken time to clean the place tonight, but the maintenance people went in without asking and pulled up all the carpet in the apartment - something they should have done before we moved in over eight years ago.  They spilled at least a half liter of Pine-Sol on the floor and mopped up all the tile and concrete areas. You can smell the Pine-Sol from outside the building. You know the neighbors will not be happy tonight trying to sleep with those chemicals floating around. Geez Louise!

    It feels good to say we stayed in one place for 8.5 years, but it wasn't the best of places. It was in a good building with good people, I will say that. We had a few bad neighbors over the years, but over the past five years or so, we've had good people next to and below us.  Now, we're looking forward to staying here until (or if) I get my own place. I may not do that because the maintenance takes care of the electricity, plumbing, etc, and they keep the lawns mowed. It's sort of a win-win. The cost is the same as if I bought a house of a similar size, but I am not responsible for the insurance or the upkeep. I literally pay the renter's insurance and the utilities, and I'm done.

    Anyway - - Laura is loading the vacuum cleaner, the steam cleaner and the very very very last of the boxes and those things that don't exactly fit into boxes, and she'll be back soon - - and we will no longer be a part of the apartment complex - - sort of. The complex owner's brother owns this house, so we are, but we aren't.  I didn't tell you this before, but while we were moving in, some of the people in the complex were moving out and they dumped their mattresses and box springs on our lawn since it's the corner! NO! I complained about it of course, and of course, they were removed, but I did ask the manager of the complex to send out emails and write notices to let the others know this is not their free space! We live here.

    At least with the dogs barking and romping around the backyard the neighbors know they can't poke their noses too far into the fence without being seen, heard, and smelled.  Ginger is the first to alert and then it's a dog-fest! We have three now.  I do hope we end up staying here a long time (that is unless I win the lottery or sell a lot of books, then I may feel the need to move). It's a good place - it's weird being downstairs, and it's weird being in a house again - - but it's a good weird. I could do without the street traffic being as loud as it is, but yeah, it's downstairs! We live with it.

    This weekend will be an unboxing weekend. I've been doing it as I can, and I'm actually starting to see most of the floor again. I've made a great dent in the laundry - - and believe me when I say that makes me smile. I'm washing things just to wash things now. It's a "because I can" thing!  I've never really felt that way about many things, but God only knows the joy I feel when I put a load into a machine that actually works, and I don't need a card to put into the machine to make it work....and I'm not waiting on someone else...and I'm not praying no one steals my clothes. Yeah, I'm pretty stoked about the new place.

Photo Credit: llco.com

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My New Friends - Washer and Dryer.

 It's not every day I have the privilege of blogging -- it's Almost Daily, you know. I would blog ten times a day if I had it my way, but alas, I must work, earn a living, and do adult things most of the time. Blogging is a freedom, a fun passage, it is not a right. (It is a write, but not a right...there is a difference.)  So, today, yesterday, and the day before that, I have been waiting for my new friends to come to me and to be productive, useful, and efficient. I had two other "friends" on Saturday, but they weren't working out - - in that they weren't working. Well, that's not true. I should tell the truth.

    I found Will's Appliances OKC online - and I called him or maybe I texted, and I set up a time for him to bring out my new washer and dryer (a set) for just $350, which included the two machines, delivery, set up, and a 60-day warranty. That's amazing!! Will (last name unknown) was quite helpful, he was right there to bring me my appliances, and to set them up lickity-split...except there was a problem.  He thought he was doing me a big huge favor by bringing me a really cool digital Maytag, an upgrade he told me, from what he normally sells for the $350 price. It certainly was spiffy, I'll give you that -- but when he set it up there were a bunch of buttons and pushy things on the panel -- and I don't understand tech, so yeah, it wasn't gonna work.

    The next big fat red flag telling me that it wasn't going to work was the fact that after Will programmed it (yes, programmed) the lid locked and it wouldn't open! Yeah, that's not gonna work for me.  He needed to replace it, but wouldn't have another set until Monday (two days) and I had to wait patiently for him to be able to bring out a new set. Since he wanted the washer and the dryer to match, he waited until he found a working set that was in the right price range (and yeah, a little above it, he gave me a really good deal) and a set that wasn't fancy-schmancy because I don't want fancy- -- I want SIMPLE! I am a very very simple wash-woman!

    I told Will I wanted something I never had to dial after I dialed it the first time. Just set it, push the start button, and go.  He smiled.  He had a newer Amana set that he brought to me today - - after he had made about a half dozen other calls all over the city and even out of the county, to people I'm sure were less picky than I am... or maybe they're much more picky, because, like I said, I only want a single-action start button! I don't need all the temp settings, water gauging, balancing, and programming - - just dump the clothes, add the detergent, push the button, and go. I also don't want the machine rattling out of the laundry room - - which mine did the first time we ran a load.

    Will stayed later this evening and set up the washer by reinforcing the springs, and lowering or raising the legs to meet the uneven flooring in the laundry/storage room of my new (circa 1931) house. It only took an hour! LOL...the poor man had to put up with countless stories about Faith, my kids, and my strange little niche job that I have during my waking hours. He's probably ready to find customers he can drop appliances off to who won't require the dummied-down version -- who are willing to pay for it because they don't want to be bothered to be trained on how to download the PDF manual for the one he brought the first time. You should have seen my face when he suggested I do that - - I laugh just thinking about it.

    I looked the man in the eyes (he's pretty tall, so it was a challenge) and I told him I want a machine with one button - - the start button. I don't need to see that it's filling, washing, spinning, and complete....just go!  He said that the 1990s had been gone for a while, but he'd see what he could do for me. The compromise was an Amana set made in 2015 that was rebuilt by himself using new parts, and though it does have a locking lid, he said if I wanted him to, he'd disconnect it for me - - I may have him out to do that. 

    Because he had to put me off a few days and make arrangements to come out later in the evening than he had originally thought, he gave me a 120-day warranty on all things - - no questions asked. I loved that. I told him I'd call him anyway if it breaks. At that price it's affordable and I trust he'll keep his word. If you're in the OKC area, or even outside of it, he'd be a good guy to find for all of your major appliance needs...not just washers and dryers.  I'll leave his email so you can contact him. Just be sure to tell him I sent you so he can laugh.

    I am now washing my third load and I'm happy...so very very happy. I will say that the dryer doesn't heat up that much, but the clothes are dry. It's not one of those overpowering heated things -- which is good for the environment and my clothes, but you know the dogs will be incredibly disappointed. Ginger sort of looked at me when I brought the first load in and poured the basket onto the top of the bed...she knew. She's not stupid. What Ginger doesn't realize is that I didn't do the laundry downstairs and around the corner like I've done for 8.5 years!! I did it in my own storage room off the carport!  THAT...that is the difference I love the most.

    I went over the top with the detergent and softener as well. I use sheet detergent so there's that, but I bought the Downy Unstoppable blue beads for the washing and then the BLISS dryer sheets -- absolute overkill on the scents, but if it makes me smile a little -- let it be.

Photo Credit: Me.

Will's Appliances OKC:  willsappliancesokc@gmail.com

Friday, July 19, 2024

We Have Liftoff!! (...and the keys)

 A few hours ago I signed the lease for my new home! Laura and I have taken four loads over now and we'll do about two or three this evening. Tomorrow will be the back-and-forth day, the ants-all-in-a-line day.  We'll see if we can get all of it done, everything except the big pieces. The big pieces go on Sunday when we get the U-Haul.  I truly do believe we can get it all in one clean sweep. It's only a 10-foot truck, but we don't have as much as most people do in their two-bedroom apartments.  We're throwing out the sofa and the chair  -- but we did get that pretty ottoman that I know I can fit in the trunk if I have to.

    I haven't felt this good about something in a long time. It's hard (not gonna lie) to move things up and down the stairs, and try to lift, push, pull, and drag boxes in order to make them fit in the car. I'm not happy about that part of it, but with each box I'm that much closer to being in my place, and that much closer to having it all settled.  The maintenance guys changed our locks today - five doors. We have five doors! We went from having two keys, one for the main building, and one for our unit, to having one key - one that fits all five doors.

    I have been in and out of the place a number of times and I keep forgetting to measure the windows! That makes me laugh. I wanted to check to see if the new curtains I recently bought will fit or not. I think they may, but I don't know. I can tell you this, I will find out tonight when I take another load over. I've written it down on my hand to remind myself. It's something I've done since the 3rd grade. I put an X on my hand, and it jogs my memory when I see it.  My mom used to ask me..."What are you trying to remember?" She'd see my hand and know.

    I have a house!  I really really really have a house! I don't own it, and to be honest, that's preferred. I don't have to keep up with the maintenance or the lawn. You can't beat that. If the AC unit goes out, they have to replace it, not me. The fence is a really nice tall wooden fence too - - truly private. I know the dogs will love the yard, but I will love the privacy! I'm not thinking that I'll be outside all that much, but I will go out to work out with the ropes and I'll be out to relax now and again, so yeah; it's nice to have the security.

   Speaking of the maintenance people; one of them caught up with me today to say they were unable to fix the hood over my stove before we moved in. If they have to replace it he's going to do so in the Fall so he's not crawling up and around the attic in 100+ degree weather. I don't blame him. I can still cook so I'm not worried about it - it's just something that needs to be fixed. They painted the walls today and went over it again with the mops and brooms. We have a spick and span little house to call our own!  Thank God!

    The lease was for a year, but I know we'll stay for several years unless, as I decide to buy one on my own. You never know. I'd rather not, but if the economy does better in the next few months, I may consider it - - if I do I will 100% be sure to get one with a new HVAC unit - - and warranties for everything there is that goes in, on, or outside the house. EVERYTHING!

Photo Credit: Etsy

Dust! (...and Hidden Treasures)

 I'm not looking forward to what I will find when I break down my Queen-sized bed, throw out the mattress, and give away the frame. I know for a fact that several dogs have been under that bed over the last nine years, and God only knows what toys, and half-chewed rawhides will be found. I imagine the dogs I have now already know. They do spend quite a bit of time under the bed.  I know I have two half-chewed clothing bags under there. Hugo made it a point to take the corners and zippers out of both of them -- I will need to find a place for all the tee shirts that are currently in "rotation" packaging.

    I rotate my tee-shirts every year or so, this way I don't have to buy new ones. I have over 100 I'm sure. If I keep them rotating like I have, I'll always believe I have new clothes. I've been able to fool myself for a while now. I will admit to buying new tees, slipping them into the bags under the bed, and pretending I just bought them. It's a fun game I play with my own mind. It's been helpful over the past 792 years - - except back in the day I did the same thing with longer flowing loose-fitting garments and sashes.

    I'm in the middle of moving my room today. I'll get 90% of it done, then start on the dining room and pantry tomorrow. Laura's got the living room and 2nd hallway closet. I did the first closet earlier - I was too excited to sit still so it was first to be packed. Now, we can use the empty closet to store things we wish to give away to Goodwill. We'll take the stuff just after we take the U-Haul back on Sunday afternoon, and before we return to clean the old place.

    You NEVER realize how much dust you have until you move. You can keep up with it, but when you move you realize just how bad you suck at dusting. Not lying, I truly suck at it. I'm hoping to do a better job after today because I plan on buying those gizmos that take the dust out of the air! I have one for my room, but I was without a filter so I didn't use it. I found the filters finally online and ordered 4 so I would have them a while. I need to buy 4 more of these things for the rest of the house, and I'm going to get a little Roomba vacuum to just do its thing every weekend - - and scare the cats.

    I want to get to the bottom of my closet today so I can see if I can find a particular rock that I used to pray with. I've not seen it in nearly 6 months. I hope I didn't somehow manage to throw it away - that would make me really sad. I've owned the rock since about 1998.  It fit perfectly in my hand! I love that rock.  Here's hoping, and praying it turns up.  

    The new house doesn't have the same size closets, so I may end up not having a prayer closet, but I think I'll be OK. God knows me. He's good if I pray anywhere - - I just like the whole concept of a prayer closet. (I can still do it, but I'd have to move the chair in and out of the way and that can be annoying.)

    Sneezing is something I'm finding myself doing all day today, and I assume I will be doing it all day tomorrow and probably Sunday as well. Dang - - and dang again. This dust! It's everywhere and just moving things from one closet or from under the bed brings it into the air and directly into my nose! I'll use that washer and dryer I ordered. That's for sure! I'm holding off on a load now, just so I can use the new washer - - sad, huh? You know you're old when that sort of thing excites you.

    I took a wee break from blogging in order to clear out some of the bedroom closet. I'm using the clothes to top off most of the boxes so I don't overload them with heavier items.  I now realize I have 8 sets of Queen-sized sheets that will need to be washed, folded, and given away. I'm downsizing to a full-sized bed and looking forward to the extra space. My Queen frame is beautiful - - but I don't need it.  Funny, how you go through phases like that. I simply had to have it when I saw it, and in fact wanted one like it for years before I bought it. Now, I'm thinking I want a more subdued and simple style.

    I'll need to run by Sam's tomorrow to get another 12-15 boxes - I'll donate them too when I'm finished with them. I could have used hand-me-down boxes myself, but I just figured this move deserves the best - - it's probably my last move. I want it all to go so very neatly and smoothly. I don't mind donating 30-40 boxes to someone else who could use them. I'll set them in the laundry room  -- it's our catch-all. If no one takes them, I'll swing back and throw them away a week later. 

    I'm going to have lunch now - - today and tomorrow will be my last lunch in the apartment! I didn't eat as much food as I wanted to, but luckily I don't have far to drive the things currently left in the refrigerator - - we can throw out the 2/3 eaten Braum's ice cream - - we know where they sell more!!

    Photo Credit: CakeSpy.com 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

First Boxes in the House!

 It has begun!  The first carload of boxes has been loaded into the car, driven to the house, and uploaded into the storage room. We will do that for now, and on Saturday we'll move everything from the storage room into the actual house. This way we have more control over it. The storage room door has been fitted with a new lock and knob so anyone who may have had the keys from previous times can be tempted to rush in and take things.

    I have to be 100% honest, the most anyone could get from me anyway would be used clothes, books, journals, more books, and maybe a book or two.  I gave away a lot of things and I threw out a lot of things - - we're down to the nearly bare essentials. (Jeannie would wholeheartedly disagree. I bet she could find many more things that I need to throw out!) I'm dead dog tired already, and it's literally just been one full trip and then loading up my car for a 2nd run sometime after I take a break. Moving is really hard on a body - - well, mine anyway.

    I decided to put my phone in my pocket to count the times I go up and down the stairs. It's only fair that I get to count those steps three times for the record!  If I had to be honest, moving is a helluva workout - - maybe I'll think about signing up to do it for someone else - - NOPE...I was joking. They can't make me. Not even if they double-dog dare me. I'm not doing this again! If I ever did it, I would not choose the middle of the summer to do it - - maybe I can count each stair 4 times to give me credit for the heat and humidity. That seems fair.

    I went to Big Lots to seal the deal on the delivery of my sofa. I bought it online, but the delivery will be done in person, so I can get 1/2 off!  I'm literally just paying the guy who delivers it and not the store. The guy is doing it using his own truck; they give him little side jobs to keep the customers happy and to be sure all the other deliveries get done in a timely manner.  If I don't mind if he comes after hours, I get it for $75 cash!  Love that. He drops it off, brings it into the house, moves it to where you want it, and since it needs to have the legs screwed in, he'll do that too! 

    While I was at Big Lots taking care of the delivery, I bought a 5x7 area rug to go under said sofa. I wanted one to bring the sofa and the ottoman's colors together. I bought a really nice pillow that I saw yesterday and hoped it would still be there today. It was. I bought it. I may go back tomorrow or Saturday to buy a few more throw pillows, but that one was a unique one, and there was only one left -- love it. 

    Getting the boxes out of my apartment and into my car takes much more strength and energy than I had anticipated. I haven't been this winded and physically challenged in years. I know I'm older, but I didn't realize how it would affect my breathing and my ability to balance while dragging, pulling, pushing, lifting, and carting around medium-sized boxes. I intentionally didn't buy bigger boxes, and I am intentionally not loading them to the point that I can't lift them. Still, this is a chore!

    I think my bottle of Aleve and I are going to become very close over the next few days. I sort of wish I drank wine, but I don't. I would if I did, but I don't, so I won't. I'm not opposed to anyone else doing it, but it's just not something I do. I save my sugar intake for chocolate. It's a good compromise.  I will have more fun tomorrow after I put in 4 hours of work. I anticipate going slowly, moving at the pace of a wounded snail so I can breathe, take things as they are, and not push either myself or my ego - - I tend to give myself impossible goals when I don't take the reins from myself.

    Saturday will be the big day -- we'll get a lot more serious then, and by Sunday, when I get the U-Haul, there will only be the heavy things remaining in the apartment - - which I've managed to dwindle down to the extreme bare essentials. I will say that the neighbors won't like me much; I'm throwing my old furniture into the dumpster rather than setting it on the side. I can't take the chance of someone not taking them - - I won't be that person who leaves trash outside the big dumpster never to be picked up again. Nope...not me.

    Sunday around 2:00 p.m. we will take the U-Haul back, go back to the apartment to clean it (maybe an hour or so, we're not getting the deposit back so we're not busting our backs on the cleaning.)  Around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, I hope to have most of my things unloaded into the new place, set up, and ready to go -- that includes the computers so we'll be up and running Monday for work.  Plans work.

    Thank you, God. Thank you, Jesus, Thank you, Spirit. I am too very happy about all this....too very happy.

Photo Credit:  Lowes.com



Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Big Lots vs. Mathis! (I Made a Decision)

 I love window shopping, and I love browsing online for things.  I do a lot of both. This weekend and all this week so far, I've been fixated on which sofa to buy; knowing that it would need to be both economical and comfortable. It has to look good with dogs and cats all over it, and it has to be sturdy enough to take on those animals as well as my guests.  ( I say that as if I have guests! I have Jeannie and Robin! These are my two guests.)

    The sofa search was a good one. I started out in one of the more expensive stores, knowing the whole time I was there that I wouldn't end up buying one from those stores. I always fall back on either Big Lots or Mathis, and I usually fall back on either the Ashley brand or the Lane brand. It's just the way it is. Today, I decided to go with Big Lots and for the Ashley Tishen Pebble Sand Faux Leather sofa.

    You can Google it easily enough. This particular model is in the $500-600 range, give or take. It's a 3-seater with good material, and a good quality frame, and it has a warranty if you want to purchase that as well.  They have a 4.8-star rating and are good for just about any home with kids, animals, guests, and those that don't.  It's a neutral color and will be accented of course, with throws and pillows so that it ties in well with the new ottoman. I am very happy.

    The thing is - - in the store, it was $529.  Online it was $423. They expect you to buy the "Big Delivery" online for $149.00 so they lower the price. I know the delivery guy and he's going to do the delivery and set up for $75.  I was able to use my Big Rewards value card and get the sofa for $408 plus tax  -- so $435!  Done!  The same sofa at Mathis Outlet was $599.00 and though the delivery was free, they'd want $49 to bring it into the house. (Yeah..no. I did the math.)  My $435 + 75 = $510.  Sorry, Mathis  -- Big Lots wins.

    I ordered the sofa about an hour ago, and called the store to let them know so I can go back into the store tomorrow to pay the delivery guy - - he's going to bring it to the new place either Saturday or Sunday, and bring it in, and move it to the spot where we want it. I may end up getting a nice rug to put under it so it doesn't slide around and so that the dogs don't scratch it trying to get off the slick floors -- no carpet in the new house!

    Since the sofa is a pebble sand color and the ottoman is a medium slate grey, I'll get a rug to bring them together, and a few nice pillows for both the sofa and the ottoman. I'm not going to get a chair after all. I'm going to put the ottoman in the corner and add about 5 pillows...that should do it. I really can't wait  -- and it's only 3 more days. I still can't wait. I'm really super happy.  It feels really good to finally have the space we need. Since we're going through the things we own and are trying to downsize, it should be our corner of paradise.

    If you don't have a Big Lots you can still buy online. I use that store for just about everything except food - but you can still get some essentials there.  If it had a dairy and meat section I would consider living in the back, but as it is, I'm going to make do with my house  -- I wake up thanking God every day for it. He truly is to be praised. I did buy a little plaque for the wall that says "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"...I think the house understands.

Photo Credit: BigLots.com

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Hooked Up and Ready!

 I took off work at 2:00 p.m. today so I could meet with the internet installer between 3-5 p.m.  You know how they are, right? They show up after 5:00 p.m. and sometimes they don't show at all - - they reschedule by text!  Well, at 3:07 p.m. the man was knocking on the front door of my new house! Wow!

    Cox Cable of OKC has been really good about showing up, doing their job, doing their job well, and the only complaints I ever have about them is when storms knock out our service, but that's not something they can control. Every time we have had an outage issue they are on the move making something happen pretty fast! I've really appreciated that.

    So, the installer came by, and he was confused because we had asked for an additional line with a modem to be installed on my side of the house. He wanted to know why we needed or wanted two modems and not just one with one or the other of us using WiFi. Our jobs don't allow it. Both of us need to be hardwired into a modem -- it's worth it. Our company (Laura and I work for the same one) actually gives us a fairly decent stipend which lowers our internet bill in the first place. 

    After the installer got started, I was able to switch the electricity into my name, order a U-Haul truck for the move, and ordered my washer and dryer to be delivered this weekend too.  This weekend will prove to be a very busy weekend. I'm actually off work at noon on Friday, and that's a great thing. I'll make my first 16 trips to the new house before Laura gets off work at 5!  I can't wait to see it all taking shape.

    We went over to the house this evening, and we prayed over the house, the yard, and the neighbors as well. We don't want any spirit around us that doesn't commune with Jesus. If there was any reason to think that the house was not a good place or that it was a conduit for evil - - no one thinks that now. Some of our neighbors were trying to warn us about the house  -- saying it was a hub for evil. Please! Jesus is Jesus! There is nothing that can come against Him, and He is with us!

    I can clearly and openly say now, that as for me, and MY HOUSE, we serve the Living God.  Friday morning can't come fast enough!  I'll work until noon, then start the process - - one, two, three, four --- I have no idea how many actual trips I can get into before my daughter joins me, but I plan on doing as much as I can so I can relax around 7:00 p.m. and get an early night's sleep to start on the Saturday all-day hustle!

    We have a U-Haul for Sunday, and that'll be the day my son Jonathan helps me. He actually lives on my new side of the complex; he can come over for tea!  He'll move all the heavy stuff and we can get it all in the truck with one pass I imagine. It was about $65.00 for the truck for four hours.  Believe it or not, the move is nowhere near as expensive as it could be. Not one utility charged me a deposit. I think I have maybe one or two install fees, but they were under $30.

    The washer and dryer show up Saturday around noon, and they'll be delivered and installed for $350!  The man goes to wholesale auctions and picks up new or refurbished units, goes through them to be sure they're working well, and he sells the set for $350 delivered. He even sets them up, runs a load to make sure it's working, and gives you a 60-day no-questions guarantee!  That's a good deal.  Love it.

    It's all coming together!! I love that. I will need to buy a second end table to match the one I have now, but other than that, my new chair and sofa....I'm ready to go. The couch and chair arrive around the 24th.  We don't spend much time in the livingroom anyway - - we're good.  I don't know what it's going to be like to not see Laura much. She's on the other side of the house - - wow...I'll have to text her now and again to be sure she's OK!

Photo Credit: Mathis Home

Anticipation! (Moving Jitters)

 It's really fun, and really exciting to be moving after nearly nine years in the same space.  I remember when I moved from a small two-bedroom house to a larger two-bedroom apartment, we were pretty excited because we were going to save money. Yes, we knew we would give up the backyard, the garage, and the washer and dryer, but we were saving literally $400 a month by doing it.  We were also looking forward to having a dishwasher, a second toilet, more closet space, and carpeted floors. The house we lived in had all wood floors, and where that sounds pretty -- the dogs weren't easy on it. 

    Over the next nearly nine years, we've both (Laura and I) accumulated stuff that we don't need, and we're feeling that now. We both have bags and boxes full of things to donate as well as bags of things to chunk into the big blue dumpster outside our apartment building. It's just amazing what a person collects! We don't need most of it. It's just there. Why on earth either of us thought we'd be able to move quickly this time, is unknown.

    We're going through every emotion possible. We're happy, we're sad, we're excited, we're nervous, and we're thankful. Mostly, we're really grateful and thankful, because moving from a two-bedroom apartment to a four-bedroom house is just too fantastic!  It will cost a great deal more, but we're both working, and we're able to keep up the bills like pros! 

    We just got word that we're able to move this Friday, which is in just three days.  I can start to really get serious now about what I do after work, and stop thinking about what goes in what boxes.  I will be packing for the next three days and putting the boxes in the living room to have them ready to take downstairs on Friday.

    I can load up my car with 6 boxes and about 6 bags each trip and that will cut down on the trips I need for the bigger things. I want to do this correctly, and fast, but smoothly too. It more important to me to relax and do it right than it is to get it over there. I could literally leave what I don't want in my old place, but I don't do that. I throw things out -- donate them, or keep them. I'm even going to clean the place even though I know I won't get a single penny back - - you never do.

    I'm really really really making plans now. I'm waiting for the cable guys to come and do the internet hook-up, and then I'll walk the house again a few times to see what I'm actually willing to bring and what I'll leave behind...in a dumpster.  I have a chair, couch, and mattress that will be left. That much I know. I'm absolutely starting over as far as that goes. I have an amazingly gorgeous Queen-sized frame that I'm giving away because I've had it nearly nine years and I am downsizing to a full-sized bed. (Why did I capitalize Queen, but not full?)

    Anyway, I'm too stoked. I'm looking around at the 15 boxes that aren't built up yet, thinking I need to do that, and then there are all the things in the pantry, hall closet, and bathrooms that aren't going to pack themselves....this will be a very busy evening, and tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow will be equally busy!  The best sort of busy there is; a planned busy! I need and love (depend on) plans. I love my plans.

    So, that's it. I'm outta here...soon.  I'm not going very far. I think a good strong man would be able to throw a rock from my backyard now to the new backyard - - but that's not the point. The point is, I will have two rooms, Laura will have two rooms, we each have our own bathroom. I will have a driveway and a garage - - we'll have a washer and dryer as well as a garbage disposal -- but we'll still not have a dishwasher. We had one here at the apartment until it died! (The one they gave us to replace it was not good - - nope, not good.)

    I have to go now - - too much to do!  BYEEEEE

Photo Credit:   Pinterest.com 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Furniture Shopping!!

 That was me, praying the entire five miles from the furniture store to my apartment. I was praying that the trunk of my car would stay tied down, that the big fat Ashley ottoman I just bought on clearance wouldn't come flying out and hurt someone, and I was praying it would all be intact when I arrived. I texted Laura every mile to let her know I was still alive, the ottoman was still in place, and that no cops were on my tail.  

    This morning I decided to go furniture shopping, and I don't even have a clue as to why I do that. I know I'm going to come home with something. It's like going to the shelter to look at dogs or going to the auction to look at horses. I will come home with something if I go furniture-looking -- it's just the way I am.

    Mathis has been a staple in the Oklahoma City area for over sixty years; it's where you go. I have gone to Bob Mills. I have gone to Evans. I have gone to Brunos. I have done my due diligence online as well. I shopped at America Freight and Living Spaces. It's just you can't really beat the better quality for the lower prices at Mathis Outlet. It's sort of their secondary shop; secondary to the main store, but I love it.

    The ottoman (an Ashley Signature) was up on a shelf against the wall in the back where they had clearance items.  It was marked $116 and the regular price is $315 at the original Mathis. I can tell you this, when I looked it up online it was as low as $207 and as high as $413 in the same city, all shops being about 4-6 miles apart from one another. Yeah, I'm going with Mathis Outlet if it's $116!  One online store was the closest at $207.  That's a huge difference. Living Spaces was out of them, but sold them for $413.

    What I've decided to do with the piece is to put it in the corner and use it as my sitting space with pillows against the wall. I'll get a 3-seater sofa for the other side of the room. If I need to, I can move the ottoman to the other side of the room to watch TV, but that will likely never happen. We don't watch TV much at all. I'll end up using the ottoman as my daily sit-space for when I write, and I can have a dog or two join me. When I'm not using it, I'm sure one or the other cats will find it comfortable.

    My new place is going to be so precious! I simply cannot wait to have it all set up. It will be another week before we move, and another week before it's all set up and ready to take pictures.  I will take pictures. You don't have to worry about that.

    When I walked into Mathis Outlet there was (of course) someone there to greet me. His name is Cobi and he's probably 20. He smiled and told me his name, said he'd be available if I needed him. I hate it when people follow me or push themselves on me, so it was nice to have him just say hello and leave me alone.  Later, I found the kid and asked if he had a business card. He texted it to me.  This way he has my phone number as well. Good plan.

    I left the store, texted him to let him know, and thanked him. About an hour later I texted him again and asked the size of the ottoman. I sent him a picture. He texted back that it was a standard oversized ottoman and 3 feet by 3 feet at just about 20 inches tall with the feet attached.  I measured my car and thought it would just about fit. I let him know I was on my way. He met me in the back, and we loaded it up - - except, it didn't fit in the back because the doors of my car won't bend that way.  We put it in the trunk and used twine.

    We both laughed because he had to take the legs of the thing off to fit it in my car's backseat, but it still didn't go in. He set the legs to the side, grabbed the ottoman, put it in the trunk, and went to find twine.  He said out loud "You grab the legs and I'll get the twine."  It took half a second before both of us were spitting trying not to laugh too loudly.  He turned so red I thought I was going to have to pour my bottled water over his head to cool him down.

    We were tying the ottoman down when another salesman came out to the bay and said "Oh, I guess it's sold then."  To which Cobi smiled again and said "I guess it is!"  He had been trying to up the guy who had asked, and he was finally able to do it.  I asked if he really wanted to up the man, to which he said he did.  I told him to start studying FOREX trading, get his license to become a Claims Adjuster, and start making real money in the next 90 days.  Cobi agreed to check it out.

    So, on the 24th I'm going to order the sofa that I like. It's not the exact color match, but close, and I can always connect the two with throws and pillows. It's going to be lovely.  Cobi agreed to find someone to deliver the sofa for me so Laura and Reuben don't have to fight it through the door.  I liked that. I'll tip the guy(s).  I'm nice like that.  I'll even pick up a couple of area rugs but not right away. I want the dogs to learn to "go" outside before I lay rugs down.

    Sundays are great days to go furniture shopping. I made a quick pass through Walmart on my way home the first time. There are a couple of Walmarts I will shop at, and one of them is close enough to the furniture stores that when I'm in the area I'll swing by.  If for no other reason, I go to get my steps in, but I have decided that when I move I'll shop at THAT Walmart for food when I can because, like I said, it's not like the others. It's not in a residential area; most industrial. You have to be on your way there, or passing through to shop there.

    Furniture isn't something you buy all the time. Most people take a lot more time deciding what they want, but I pretty much know the style I like, the brands I trust, and the colors that I believe will work in my living spaces. I have to think "Will this look good with cats and dogs fighting on it?"  That's a factor in my decision making, and I have to ask myself if they haven't price gouged me.  

    My friend used to be the bookkeeper for a fine furniture store and she proved to me that the markup on furniture is sometimes 400%. You can find bargains, but the better bet is to go to places that will either price match or already have lower-than-average prices. Mathis Outlet is that place.

    If you go to Mathis Outlet and Cobi is there - - ask for him. He probably won't be there long, not after he gets a taste of claims adjusting and Forex trading....not if he's smart. He said he etched out $2300 last month and it was hard to do. He can do that in 1/2 a month as a claims adjuster and that's the low end; the desk side.  If he were to go into property field adjusting he'd make that every week.  We'll see how he adjusts. He'll be there on the 24th when I buy the sofa, and that's good.

Photo Credit: Me (That's Bilbo's ottoman now)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

TAKE FIVE -- (and then some)

 It started out easily enough; I needed an oil change so I attempted to make that happen.  I drove past the oil change place I typically go to, and they were closed. What? What car service place is closed on a Saturday when motorists are usually working the entire week?  My place was closed. That was last Saturday, and I failed to get the car serviced throughout the week because I don't drive that much, and I don't think about it during the week - - I get those things done on the weekends!

    Today, I went to Sam's to get a few things, and instead of turning left against the traffic to exit, I turned right and pulled into the middle lane to turn left into the TAKE FIVE service station that was OPEN!!  Well, that's good news, right? I just wish I would have done a bit more research before pulling into the open bay to have the car's oil changed.  I got into the bay quickly, and by quickly, I mean no one was in line. There were three bays and only one car was being worked on.

    I pulled in, I popped the hood, and then this really nice young man pointed out my options. I could pay $84 or $104 for what I thought was going to be a $29.99 fix.  I was already in the bay, there was already a guy under the car (trap bottom that allows him to be under the car) and my hood was popped. I looked in the rearview mirror, and low and behold, another car pulled right in behind me. I was sort of stuck.

    I told the guy I wasn't really all that thrilled with either choice considering my place did them for $29.99 and he told me I was right, they do, but they aren't open on weekends anymore, and the average wait after 4:00 p.m. is an hour and you have to schedule to get that.  He's right. I was just not happy about it. I got over it and picked the lower-priced change. 

    Since I only drive my car about 300 miles a month or less, he let me know I could go 8-9 months before needing to change it again - - maybe 10.  If you think about it, if I was using regular oil instead of synthetic it would be $29.99 x 3 or 4 times a year, so it's all about the same. He gave me really good oil, and topped off other things such as radiator fluids, water, and even checked my air filter. He laughed when he did. He said, "I see we put this in back in June of 2023." Then he said, "You won't need a new one for a while still. You really don't drive your car much, do you?"  I smiled.

    Then it hit me...I wasn't the one who took my car for the oil change last time, my son had the car, and he took it in. Maybe my place has been closed for a while and I didn't know it. Either way, I have good oil in my car now, and a relatively clean air filter - - a new oil filter of course, and all the fluids are topped off. After tax, it was $97!!  WOW!  That's outrageous to me, but again, it did take under five minutes, and I literally pulled in and didn't even wait to be seen. 

    I have one of those "snapshot" gizmos in my car from Progressive; it tells my insurance people how I drive. It even tells them when my oil has been changed. Each month I pay my insurance for full coverage and from time to time it goes all the way up to $77 a month, but this past month it was $64. Less than a year ago I was paying $127 a month before thinking to shop my options. 

     I think maybe I can go ahead and splurge a little on the oil once or twice a year - - I'm good.  The people at Take Five were really nice too - - they offered me a bottle of cold water before I left, but I had one so I declined...still, very nice.  If there's a Take Five in your area - - go, but be warned, it's rather pricey.  

Photo Credit:  take5.com  

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Too Excited to Write.

 You know, it's kinda funny actually, but I'm thinking that I'm just too excited right now, to write the book I have in my head. I know I need to. I wrote the first paragraph so that I could get the thinking kickstarted, but then - - life happened. It is what it is. 

    I'm about to move into a real house and out of my really cool apartment. If I had to say that in British terms it would be that I'm about to move into a detached bungalow from my really cool 1st floor flat. The ground floor is the first floor in the US but it's the zero floor in the UK. That little difference made for some pretty confusing discussions when I sat down with folks from over that way - - my idea of a "bungalow" is not a one-story house, but it is what it is in Scotland. 

    The word "detached" means that it isn't what we would call a duplex or a rowhouse here in the US.  It's a single-story house; not necessarily a ranch-style house either - but it's nice. It's a stone house, which makes me happy. It's been around since the 1930s and has been really sturdy all these years. It was renovated about two years back; they tore it out completely and remodeled it from top to bottom! They even took out the fireplace but left the chimney on top of the roof. I noticed that the other day.

    This morning I drove by it and saw three men on top of the roof! The complex is adding a new roof to the house; which of course means that even the roof will be really new! We're starting completely over and I love that fact. The flat, or the apartment has old fixtures, old flooring, old cabinets and countertops. The bathtub is old too. The only new features at all are the bathroom sinks; there are two, and my toilet (1/2 bath) is newer. It may be under ten years old.

    Moving has me too excited. I'm dreaming good dreams. I'm thinking good thoughts...I'm putting ideas into my head about letting the dogs out the back door and not having to walk them on leads down the stairs six times a day -  separately! I have two dogs and can't walk them at the same time. The little dog isn't trained. She pulled away once and that was enough to make the hard decision to literally climb those stairs twice as much as I was before! I don't like that. I won't miss that.

    My thoughts keep me from writing. The book is very complex, and the narrative is rather depressing. I can't be happy and write the book how it should be written. I'm not saying the book is a downer - not by a long shot, but it isn't all rainbows and butterflies either -- not giddy. It's a book about real issues and real anxiety-ridden lives. I need to focus on the characters when I do sit down to ink it out. Being happy and in the mood to pack boxes would not do the work justice. I must wait.

    After I move, after I set up and get the place in order, then I can write. It's not the plan I thought I would have but I'm OK with it. If I only write a couple or three books this year it will be alright - - nothing will suffer for it. I'll be focused and the book will benefit from that focus. I've never been too happy to write before. I don't need to be sad, don't think that. I just need to be able to focus and give my all to the project and that is just not where my head is. My head is interested in looking up new wallpaper, paint, flooring, rugs, furniture, bedding, fence repairs, and LED lights to go under the cabinets in the bathroom and kitchen!

    It will happen. I'll write again. The book will be great. I promise. I just need to get all the jitters out of my system. I need to know I'm grounded and my head is where it needs to be. I really really really can't wait to move. We're talking just two or maybe three weeks -- so close!!

Photo Credit:  Pinterest

Sunday, July 7, 2024

God is GREAT!! (Even in the Little Things)

 I really don't know how anyone in the world, past, present, or future, could go a single minute, let alone a full day without thinking and knowing that Jesus is in the middle of literally everything that takes place. He doesn't always act or do things that we want or appreciate; in fact, sometimes, He can be hard to understand.  His ways are not our ways, and that's the one thing I think I've learned over the many years I've followed Him. His ways are best - - even when I flat don't get it - - which can be often. 

    Three days ago I took in a new dog. I didn't rescue her, and I didn't adopt her. I found her on Craigslist, and I answered the ad. I texted the people and asked if she was still available. She was, and I let them know I would give her a good home. We met in Edmond, about halfway between our two houses, and I simply took the dog into my arms and drove her home to become a member of our family. She took to us immediately, and we took to her just as quickly; and completely.

    I named her Kiah which literally means "A New Beginning" or "The Strength of God", depending on the place you look for the meaning.  Some say it is Celtic, others say it is Hebrew. I liked the name.  Kiah is a relatively young dog, she's under a year and closer to five or six months; just a puppy. She's medium-sized, in that she isn't the size of a Chihuahua nor the size of a Great Dane. She's going to be about forty pounds probably; and the best we can tell from her appearance she's most likely a cross of breeds including the Border Collie and Standard Schnauzer.  A Border Schnollie!

    If you know anything about the two main breeds that make up my new princess, you'll know that both breeds were bred to herd; both breeds were bred to run great distances and to do so very quickly. This is exactly what happened the second day I had her! Kiah pulled from me while I was walking her, and she managed to take the new blue retractable leash handle right out of my hand! The second the plastic handle hit the ground beside the dog's feet she took off like a bullet! She was gone!

    I'm in absolutely no physical shape to chase a dog and to be honest with you, no human could have done so no matter how fit they were. That dog was forty, fifty, sixty feet from where we were standing in under a couple of seconds. Zing! The leash handle was about twenty inches from her the entire time, and as it pounded the ground it would force her to run faster to try to get away from it - - as you can imagine, she never managed to lose it!

    I frantically screamed for my daughter who was in her room upstairs just above my head, but she didn't hear me. She had her headset on while playing a game. I managed to pull myself up the stairs trying hard not to trip myself because I wanted to chase the dog and knew I couldn't do it - - Laura finally heard me and she came out to assist! Both of us literally whispering prayers at the same time -  I heard her. There is no doubt she heard me as well. It was going to take Jesus to stop that dog!

    My biggest fear was that Kiah would run blindly into the oncoming traffic. Our apartment complex is on a rather busy street; I didn't want to even imagine what could happen. I've seen it happen to several geese who believe people will be kind and courteous -- it's a terrible thing. I prayed. Laura prayed. We both ran in opposite directions hoping the dog would pass one or the other of us - - and she did.

    Twice the dog was able to get the lead caught in the base of a hedge, only to get out of it split seconds before one of us could grab her and pull her to safety.  I nearly collapsed from the sheer exhaustion of trying to run at my age, with the weight I have, and not being the least bit prepared to sprint. Needless to say, I'll be working on the weight thing immediately, but I don't think I can do much about the age thing. It just is what it is.

    Within a few minutes of her coming out of the apartment to help, Laura was able to grab the dog when Kiah finally passed close enough for Laura to do the whole football linebacker tackle thing - - taking down the speeding frightened animal has to account for Laura's new medals I'm planning on buying her; I may end up taking her to dinner at least. She deserved it! Thanking Laura, and most assuredly, thanking Jesus for being in the middle of it. He was - - no doubt.

    The thing is, just an hour before this happened I had purchased not only the new lead, but I bought her a nice little harness as well. I just hadn't taken it out of its packaging. I count the entire fiasco as being my personal mistake! I am so blessed to have the puppy back in the apartment safe and sound, and you can bet she'll not step out of the same without being strapped in tightly to her new harness!

    You just never know when and where you can end up talking to Jesus - - and then thanking Him for knowing what you needed long before you asked for it. 

Photo Credit: Me (This is Kiah)

Friday, July 5, 2024

Streamlining!! ( Getting Ready to Move )

 My bestie came over this evening and helped me go through the closet to give away clothes I no longer wear. I think the oldest thing was about 20 years old, but if I held on to it another 15 years I'm positive it will come back into style! I'm absolutely sure of it  -- but no, I gave it away. It was a pencil-style jersey (light) skirt that pulls up and hangs well just around the lower part of the knee.  Very early 21st Century - - it had to go.

    The closet was stuffed full of blouses, sweaters, long and short-sleeved tees, some winter, some fall, some summer or spring wear, but mainly I had a boatload of button-down blouses! I was a teacher for a while and the wardrobe screamed it. It's one of those easy things to do - wake up, pull on a pair of trousers, a lightweight blouse, throw a longer sweater over it, and call it done. Because I walked a great deal at the schools I wore sensible shoes!  I must have given away somewhere between 40-50 blouses; various styles, hues, patterns, materials, and even some that were rather pricey. I won't wear them. I kept six or seven just in case I ever do need to look a little professional. I won't, but just in case I ever do.

    The sweaters were easy to chunk. I had most of them, if not all of them for several years. I think I kept four. I filled six big trash bags full of blouses, sweaters, long and short-sleeved tee shirts, and two note-worthy pairs of cowboy boots. I never had a pair of fake cowboy boots - - both pairs were Justin and they were working boots; truly broken in. Someone will love them, I'm sure. Hopefully, someone and a few someones will enjoy the clothes, and they'll pay a little something for them so that the good folks at Goodwill benefit from having them in their store. 

    Tomorrow, I'll run the bags up to the local Goodwill drop off and I'll have room in my room to go through the under-the-bed stash!  I have four or five storage bins of tee shirts under the bed, and I think maybe one of them is sweaters as well. I'm not sure, it's been a couple of years since I've seen what's under there, and if I've not worn something in two years I don't need it so badly -- I may end up keeping one or two really special tees, but c'mon.....two years? If I've not seen it in two years I won't miss it.

    After the bed comes the dresser - - that will be a challenge because I do actually wear what is in the dresser! I do however know for a fact that I have too many pairs of yoga pants. I can part with most of them and either live with the ones I keep or get more down the road. I'm going to see how long I can go without overstuffing drawers and shelves. It feels REALLY good to streamline - - downsizing is always a rush. Some people can't do it - - I look forward to it.  (Having Jeannie here helps because she reminds me that I don't need it. She's good like that.)

    The hard part will be the things I need to give away rather than donate. I don't want to keep the things (non-clothes items) but I don't want to donate them either. I want to find folks I can give them to if they're useful. I put a lot of things in the common laundry room here at the complex and they disappear, but I have things I know I want to "bequeath" to friends and my kids. I don't mind sending off a box or two to special people who will like what I end up giving them -- I just need it out of my house!! (Don't tell Lorna I'm giving her the Dachshunds, but I'm giving her the Dachshunds. Not all of them, but she'll get a few.)

    I can live with boxed-up things for two weeks while we wait for the green light to take them to the house!! I will be too excited about it - -I know me. I'll be doing the dance over and over again - - smiling.  You'll see me smiling a lot if you come around in the next few weeks. I mean, it's true, I smile a lot anyway, but I'm a little giddy now. I even walked over to the house twice today to look into the windows and see myself living there - - neighbors laugh at me, but that's nothing new.

    Soon, and very soon, we'll be buying the couch and chair, the bench for the dining room table, and curtain rods for the bedrooms. I can't believe the people who lived there didn't have curtains!! They thought the blinds were good enough. I like curtains too. I think they add a certain radiance to a room. I want really nice, artistic curtain rods, switch plate covers, and even the covers for the outlets that will or can be seen will be fancy - - not too fancy, but not plain white either. They'll be brass or pewter -- I haven't decided. I'm thinking....just thinking.

    First, we purge!  My room this weekend, and next weekend is the living room, dining, room, and hallway.  The final weekend will be the kitchen and bathrooms since we need those things now -- then...yes...moving day!!  I can't wait. I'm just too too too happy!!