Saturday, January 13, 2024

Earthquakes in Diverse Places. (Like Oklahoma)

 It's been several years now, but one day I was in my apartment living right here where I live now as far as apartment complexes are concerned. I lived upstairs and I had a really sweet neighbor whose son had just moved back with her for a few weeks to save money to get into his new house. Well, I poured myself another cup of tea and was just about settled into my cozy couch to watch the OU/OSU Bedlam game, when that man decided to make so much noise that it literally shook my apartment!

    I jumped out of my skin, to say the least, and I ran out to the balcony of my unit to glance down to have a good holler at the man when I saw him flying out of his apartment below me and he was about to fuss at me for doing something to interrupt his game watching too!! 

    Both of us just sort of stared at each other, and I said something like, "Wait, that wasn't you?" He retorted, "No, I thought you did something bad enough I was gonna have to come save you or something."  Then we both sort of felt something else, but this time without the noises; it was just the rumbling of the ground...EARTHQUAKE!!  That was in 2015 I think. I would have to go look it up to see how big it was, but it was in Edmond, Oklahoma which is about 15 miles north of where we were living.

    Today, just about noontime, I was again, sitting in my cozy chair reading a book with my dog by my side and though I'm in the same complex, and I'm still living upstairs, I felt the livingroom shake -- I wasn't sure if the whole apartment shook, but again, I thought maybe the neighbors below me were playing hockey or something; maybe crashing into the walls with their pick up truck. I just wasn't sure. 

    Today's temperatures plummeted from 62 degrees yesterday to about 11 degrees today, so that can cause the earth to make really funny noises and it can cause disruptions in or near faultlines as well -- and that's what it was! Up there in Edmond, Oklahoma again, the world was coming to an end! We had a 4.4 Mag Earthquake, and then a few minutes later there were a couple of smaller aftershocks; one of them right up under my brother's house and the other under my sister's nose!

    My dog and I just sort of hung out in the chair blaming the neighbors when one of my friends posted something about it on social media, and I put two and two together. I called my daughter out from the other room to let her know we had survived the earthquakes. She was happy to know it, and we did the little praise dance; as it really is a reason to thank God when you are spared the tragedy that some are not spared. 

    If you look at Oklahoma on a map, you'll not only see that we are plumb right on top of Texas, which is where God intended us to be, but we are also nowhere near a fault line of any sort whatsoever -- so why do we have Earthquakes? Some say it's fracking, and I don't doubt that one bit - - but whatever the reason, we have had a few rather good shakes and it makes me think of the Bible verse that in the End Times, there will be earthquakes in diverse places.  The Bible doesn't say ONLY those places with fault lines -- it says diverse places. We count!

    Now, if we're having alien sightings, which some say we are, and we're having earthquakes in weird places, and we're about to see Damascus taken out to the point that no one can ever live there again (think nukes) - - then maybe we're looking at the last days of the last days, and we're about to go home soon! Wouldn't that be awesome?  Say yes, because if you say no you're literally saying Jesus isn't as important as whatever it is that could possibly keep you here on this earth. God really needs to twist your spirit if you're thinking that way.

    LET'S GO HOME!!!  That's what I'm thinking. That's really really really what I'm thinking. For now, I'll just keep the dog close, the book pages turning, and my ear to the ground -- I mean, it could have been my weird neighbors too, but this time, it was legit.  The ground moved.

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