Saturday, January 20, 2024

1211 (Chapter Six is DONE!)

 I don't know why I took almost a full month off from writing, but I was just not feeling it. I was not there. It was not there. I was and am thinking of other things. I need to stop that and keep the flow going. The writing is what I need and the writing is what will happen. Thank you, Jesus.

    So, I'm about to start Chapter 7 of the book now, having just finished 4, 5, and 6 today. I'll probably do 7, 8, and 9 tomorrow, and then at least 2 chapters a day from Monday through Friday, so that's another 10 chapters. If I'm at 7, 8, 9, tomorrow, and then 10 more, that's 19 chapters expected by this time Friday, and if I do 3 more on Saturday and three more on Sunday, that's 25!! Woot. I could be so close to finishing the book!! Oh my!

    It doesn't always happen that way. As you see, I took off a month and just hit it hard today. I'm loving it, and I'm about to start the process where I pull out the cards and start writing what I think should happen from one chapter to the next, but I'm not quite there yet. I am not at the point where the characters are branching off and doing things that begin to take over my brain yet - - it's coming, I promise you that.

    I've got one of the 9 household residents described. She's a hoot. She'll have visitors and "visitors" coming by to see her soon enough. Right now, the family is getting all settled into their new city; they just got married, they'll find a home soon and little Alistair will enroll in school. He'll be going to the same school my mom went to; just so you know. 

    I'm really looking forward to writing this book. It's quirky, fun, uplifting, interesting, weird, and downright strange at times. I can't wait to dig into it and really get the stories going. Some of them actually happened to me, that's why I'm so excited to leak them to the world and pretend I have no idea what I'm talking about...all the while I laugh in one of those subdued voices.

    Soon, and very soon, there will be naked people in the hallways, and bathtubs overflowing without anyone taking credit for the prank. There will be mishaps, murder, mayhem, and mayonnaise, and when I say that I am implying that the mayonnaise could have something to do with the mishaps, murder, and mayhem. It's a's a whipping-the-head-around ride, and I am so looking forward to writing it. I don't care if I don't sell a single book, I am going to have too much fun writing this one. I may write two just so I can get all these stories out of my head!

    Good luck trying to stop me from laughing, because this story, this book is a killer - - and then again, the murder was so long ago that it's a bit dusty at this point. 

Photo Credit: Getty Images Westend61

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