Monday, January 22, 2024

1211 (35% done) YEA!!

 First, just let me give a big shout-out to my good friend Tex who I now has been religiously reading every blog and every social media post I have been able to produce lately. You don't know how much that means to me. I love technology...I'm not good at it, but my daughter is, and she showed me the ISP of several frequent flyers;  you're one of the top contenders, Tex!! Oh, you have made my heart sing.  You have danced on my soul, and I appreciate it. Thank you. If I can bring a smile to your face, I will praise the God we love, and consider it a blessing to do so.

    That being said, my book "1211" is 35% written. What? Yes, it is true. I am getting into it now. Let me say, I'm loving it. Mercedes is about to describe the women of the house, and we're about to find out that there's a ghost of a chance that someone dead is still very dead in the basement and he's not being all that quiet about it. 

    There's an arson to report. There's a car show coming up, and the First National Bank will suffer one of its biggest robberies tomorrow -- not in true time, not in reality, don't go off telling the FBI that I said I was robbing the bank! No. The bank in my book is the First National Bank, and in my book, this very very fictional, not-real book, it will be robbed. Do you think I made the point that it isn't really going to happen? I hope so. Of course, I would die laughing if they were robbed tomorrow and I am sitting here with this blog out there in front of God and everyone.

    Tonight will be a good night. I'll read more of my Perry Mason story, the one I'm gleaning information to spice up my book a little. I do that. I don't plagiarize God knows I'd hang myself first; I do borrow things and recreate situations. I do give credit, and I also twist and uncover ways to say the same things someone else said without being a thief about it. There is nothing new under that old ball of fire in the sky, you know, so I can say something that someone else said without being held accountable to anyone. I am very careful not to be a boo-bear in those terms.

    So, Elaine found out today that her husband had been intimate, or maybe he had been intimate with a very famously gorgeous superstar after they had said their international goodbyes about eight years prior. She's not going to let that happen again - - no sirree!! She's got her painted nails dug very deeply into the man, and he doesn't want to be anywhere but where he is.

    It's a good book. I like it.

Photo Credit:  (Mabel Normand)

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