Tuesday, February 20, 2024


 ...and here we are. I'm listening to SYR in my ears through really good and very crisp earphones. I would say they are state of the art, but if you know me, you know I don't have that type of need or taste. They're good. I'm very satisfied. Great band, great music, and if you haven't done so - - please, find them. They're quite literally the best Celtic band I've ever  heard - - and they're from South Carolina. DANG good.

    We're not here today to talk about Syr, but listen, once I turned the music on my head, my mind, my spirit, and my being simply stopped and had to sway into it for at least long enough to tell you about them. I'm here today, to talk to you about the new book. I won't tell you the title. I've told a select few so I could run it by them to see what they thought. My three children know, and my best friend knows. I received the same, the exact same reaction from each.

    The new book will be called "The New Book" until I actually publish it, and then I'll be very happy to share the actual title with you and everyone else on the planet. This is going to be a dramatic book; but not the same as "Bay Sorrel Ranch" in that there will not be a romance of any type, and there won't be a single story to follow. Instead, there will be several stories, all experienced by one person in one way or the other. She stumbles onto one; she's involved in two, and she's observing another. It's something she can't avoid. None of us can.

    OH MY GOSH, this music. It's hard to concentrate even long enough to write. I want to jump into the video and just breathe it in.  I'll use several lines from their songs in my book; I know I will. I will glance and skim across Perry Mason books for insight. I'll watch shows, investigate on my own, interview people, and observe. I'll volunteer so I can get first-hand experience about a particular thing I want to write about. I don't want to just talk about it; I want to know it. 

    This book, "The New Book" will expose, it will dig, it will hurt, it will lay raw a few things that need to be seen, heard, and known. It will be an eye-opening book, one that slaps us all upside the head with reality. It's all around us; we just either choose not to see it or we purposely don't look. That's one of the differences in our characters; some choose to ignore while others choose to rush by not noticing. There is a vast difference there, and therein lies some of the problems we have in our world. 

    "The New Book" will be written next, and I'll try to get it done before the end of March. That's my goal. I want to start on the next installment for Nick Posh, which is "Mesa."  Nick will take off for the South Southwest and find himself entangled with not only a nomadic circus, but he'll literally join it in order to solve a murder. Too much fun!! Can't wait, and I have to wait...hate and love that. I'm really looking forward to writing "The New Book" because I believe it needs to be written. I hate that I need to. I'll start on it in a couple of days.

    I'll leave you with what Syr asks.

"If you don't know who you are, who is it you hate? All the lies that swallow you whole don't even know your name." 

Photo Credit: Reader's Digest


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