Friday, February 9, 2024

1211 82% (Woot!)

 I am 82% finished with the first draft of the book "1211" and I will say it has been a lot of fun to write. I'm going to wrap things up for now and call it another day after writing 3 chapters.  I will start Chapter 26 tomorrow, and write another 3, so 26, 27, and 28. Then, on Sunday, I'll close the whole shebang by either writing 2 chapters, ending with 30 chapters, or I'll write 3 and end up with 31, I haven't decided. 

    Who am I kidding? I don't decide these things. The characters decide. Just like they decided to take a hike and see the...oh wait, that's tomorrow. I can't tell you what they see, I only have an idea about it. I have the outline. I have them leaving their house, driving to the end of the Scottish shores to what is known as the "End of the World". This is not to be confused with the "End of the World" pub, which is at the end of Edinburgh's old street boundaries. 

    Remember, this book is taking place in Oklahoma City for the most part, but we do visit Edinburgh, and we talk about Chicago.  The next Posh thriller will begin in Oklahoma City, and leave Edinburgh in the dust for nearly the entire book, but speaking of dust, it will take us through the Mauve Desert, and there will be a tribute to Toby Keith in that book, even though he didn't come along for another 30 years. There will be someone like him in the book, and I'll be sure to give him a grand tip of my hat  -- such a really good man, that one.

    With "1211" being 82% done, I can tell you that one character has been completely changed by the events that took place in the book; she will never be the same. We see and find that less is more in some cases, but not in all cases. We have a killing, a death, an accident, and talk of other crimes. We have comparisons of things similar and things not so; it is a good book. I really like it - - I'm having a great time writing it. I even pulled out a few old friends and gave them a nod. God rest the Three Guardsmen. (Here's the link to them: )

    If you ever have the opportunity to write you should do it. I don't watch television, so I have a little more time than most do I suppose. I mean, I have on-demand CBS and Paramount, I do watch shows, but I'm not addicted to the tube or anything. I don't go out partying, and I don't go out with anyone - - dang, having said that I realize how boring I am. Maybe I need to write about how pathetic I am...LOL, nah, no one who knows me would believe me.

    So, "1211" will be done by this time Sunday. I'll read through it Monday/Tuesday, adding and fluffing. Then I'll set it down for a few days, picking it up again on the 15th or 16th, and I'll make final corrections, size it up, and send it off to be published. I'm trying to not have to stop the press so I can make even more corrections. That's the reason I'm setting it down for a few days. I need to do that. I hate it, but I can't find my own mistakes for a while after I write something. 

    It will be out in the middle of the next week with a publication date around the 20th or so.  I can't wait to get $$$ in my pocket to make all my books into Ebooks. That's the next big step for me. That will be grand.  The next Posh thriller will be titled "Mesa" and will be out in late spring or early summer. I've got another book to write in the middle of this one and that one. After I write the drama book and get back on track with Posh, I will likely write at least three more Posh books in 2024. That's the goal. Let's see if I can do it.

    Here's a book for you, it's Tom Rizzo's book


Photo Credit: 

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