Tuesday, February 6, 2024

1211 (53500 words and growing) 62% Done.

 Yes, yes, I got really busy today, and I finished three more chapters of the latest Nick Posh thriller titled "1211".  If you don't know, 1211 N.W. 30th was an address in Oklahoma City that I really did live at when I was quite young and stupid. I've changed the address in the book to 1211 W. Garvey Street, and I give it a much more affluent style and living space(s) than I ever had. It's all part of the creative license I'm so proud of. 

    You'll never believe what I did, and only because I can. No, Tex, I didn't ask permission, I just did it. I did it because I wanted to. I did it because I could, and I did it because it made my book that much more interesting. I claim in the book "1211" that a baby elephant was born in captivity at the Oklahoma City Zoo when in reality, the darn thing was born in the Tulsa Zoo! Woot! I went there!! Changed the course of history and the true facts just out of sheer want-to. That's me. I will not apologize. I claimed that elephant's birth for my fair city, and you know what, I may alter one or two more realities in the process!  You just never know with me. It is a fiction book - - nothing can be or should be taken seriously; not in this one.

    So, today, in the book, Mercedes finds herself at the hospital after being pushed to the ground by a silent rather hulking bully; we're sure Posh won't let it rest. He'll find a way to nail the S.O.B. when he can. It may take a minute to think about, but he'll get his man. Speaking of men who have been got - - the body of the murdered man was indeed found today in the basement of the old stoic home and just like that, he disappeared! WHAT? Who? When? How? Well, you'll just have to read the book now, won't you? (I have to write the rest of it before you can. I haven't figured it all out yet.)

    Tonight I sat down with Ginger and went over the small tartan book that I use for notes for this book. I have a tartan-covered book for each of my books. They will end up sharing a notebook when I get to the point where I run out of tartan-covered notebooks. I can fit two books in one for notes. It's good to know. Anyway, I sat down with Ginger and I wrote out the little notes I had been scribbling into the book. I write them all out, type them out, and then I refer to these notes when I'm fluffing and stuffing.

    I'm not at the point where I need to fluff or stuff just yet, but I'm sort of kind of doing that along the way to make things seem as if I know what I'm doing. It's a game I play with myself. I pretend to be this really successful author who has nothing to do all day but read and sweat words; it's a really fun game. I like to think I'm winning at it, but again, you'll have to wait for the next chapter to be written to see if I really made any progress or process. It's not always crystal clear because I can't always read my notes -- yeah, it's that way most of the time.

    Tomorrow will be a big day. I will type up the notes and then start placing the tidbits into the already 62% of the book that I have finished. I'll scratch through each note to show myself that I did in fact use the note I took. If I don't use the note, I'll save it for the next book - - I do that too. I go back over the notes I have written for the other books to see if any of those notes will fit into this book - - sort of a tying up of the loose ends from a book that may have had an unanswered question just hanging and dangling out there in space. I do that too.

    I even found myself writing notes in the "1211" notebook, then circling the note and writing the words "Mesa", "Cask", "Shadow" or "Kingdom" next to the circle. Those are the next four books in the Nick Posh series. After Shadow is "Death Mask" and after that I don't know yet -- but I'll work on it. I'll keep you posted. The next book I'm going to write will not be a  Nick Posh thriller at all. It won't be a romance novel. It will be a dramatic novel and I've already started it. I don't have a tartan-covered book for it yet, I want it to have its OWN. This one is really rather - - special. You'll find out why later, I promise.

    Until next time -- eat your vegetables and sing your praises. Always turn off the basement lights and if you need to double lock that door -- go ahead and do that now.

Photo Credit: Me. This is the "1211" notebook.

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