Saturday, July 1, 2023


     ....and with that, it is DONE.  It is not finished, but I have ended the book. I have ended Murder Book. It is now ready to be gone through, tweaked, flushed, fluffed, stuffed, and propped. It will be wonderful.  Here is a portion of the last page for those of you who like to skip ahead:

"As the carousing increased and became at one point all but venomous, vulgar to the core, the woman stopped just inside the door frame to ask a less bawdy patron if he had seen a man, a certain man, did she come to the right place? Her would-be knight pointed directly without hesitating toward the ancient solid oak bar where Montgomery and Posh had taken their perch. Standing now only feet from him, and removing one glove to reveal small dainty yet well-formed fingers, the woman quietly spoke words that seemed to stop all time;

 “Hello Nick, it’s me, Elaine.”


The End"

Let me just say that writing this book was so much fun. I had started writing it in April, but after being terminated from my job, as I was before I wrote the last book I completed, I wasn't in the mood to "stick it to them" like I was when I wrote, "Of Kilted Pleasure".  This book was going to need my attention. I didn't want to rush it or blow through it. I thought maybe I would have to put it off until I was employed again, so that I could relax and write a chapter a night, pulling it out of my head slowly and with more purpose than just pushing a narrative; this is my first Nick Posh book, so it had to be perfect. 

Well, as it turned out, I started using Nick as a way to take my mind off the fact that I wasn't being hired. I knew I was training to become a Claims Adjuster, but with Hurricane Season still a ways off, I knew I had time to do the training and the writing, so I let the good detective have his way with my brain. Turns out he is really quite the nice guy! He's not as hardened or as brash as I first thought he would turn out to be. He has a sensitive side, though only a few are apt to see it. They do see it. The reader will see it and hopefully appreciate it.

That's it then.  DONE!!  At this point, it is 37 chapters long, 81502 words, and 215 pages typed on the computer using Word. My book "Of Kilted Pleasure" is 79,370 words I think, and 216 pages. That means I did more separating in the first book where the quotes are concerned. I'm not finished with the book, so it may turn out to be fewer words, more words, fewer pages, more pages. I can't tell you. I haven't gone through it all the way to make the changes. I'm just telling you it is DONE in that it has been written. 

Now the real fun begins. Woot!!


Photo Credit:  (This is the Sheep's Heid Inn, where the last scene of the book takes place.)

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