Monday, July 24, 2023

Be Prepared. It is a Choice.

 I'm going to try and be positive while writing this blog, but to be honest, I'm just over here shaking my head and wondering why folks will show up to a scheduled Zoom call completely unprepared.  We were told, (told, told, and retold) that it would be required to have a desktop or laptop, two monitors, a headset with a mic, as well the ability to download a certain program. We were told. Let me try to get that through, we were given at least 3 separate emails letting us know that before the Zoom we were to have these things in place.

    I get it if a person can't afford the desktop, the laptop, the monitors, whatever is needed. I do get that, I've been there a dozen times myself, but it is required. I have had to tell my kids so many times that we can't afford this or that; if you can't, you can't and you move forward or try to find a way. It may be that you have to wait until you can afford it before you can participate, but to show up to the Zoom where 50 others are ready to go, and not have what you need, is the epitome of not being ready. It doesn't mean that a person is a bad person; they're not being selfish or rude, they are just not ready. People, we have to be ready. We are required to be READY. 

    I'm thinking that being prepared for whatever can happen in life is a learned thing; we are to be taught. We need to be taught. This means we have to be willing to be taught. We do that by showing up, listening, following directions, and asking questions. Listening is extremely important. If we're not ready to listen, to gather the intel, to understand the situation, we're not going to be ready or able; we may only be willing.  Why am I going through this rant?

    I'm on a Zoom training session with about 50 folks. We've all been waiting for this particular class for over a month. Through a series of emails, we were told we needed to have certain components of equipment, we were told to download a certain program, we were told to show up at a certain hour, and we were told we were required to have a camera as well as a headset with a microphone. This is 2023. This is NOT something we don't know; however, we simply have too many lazy folks who just can't get their act together, or they don't put an urgency to what is required.

    Don't blame me for being direct. Don't blame me for speaking the truth. Don't blame me for being frustrated and disappointed with the generation(s) who think it's OK to be late, OK to be slack, OK to be less than what is required or expected. Why should 14 of us wait for the other 36 who aren't compliant? I remember in 2011 when I was asked to interview enough folks to meet the criteria so Xerox could hire them for open enrollment. We needed 80 folks. I had to interview 600+ to get 74 because so many folks were unwilling to be drug tested. Seriously?  Those that did pass that test were woefully unprepared for the first day due to either not being able to wake up, show up, or do what is expected of them.

    I didn't want to say it, so I'll let the instructor's words do the job for me. The instructor, who openly stated his age to be 46, said that out of the 50 people who were to show up and do the work as expected today, 48 did in fact show up, but 11 of them were late. He stated that 11 others were early, and the rest were literally signing in exactly at 8:00 a.m. CST.  He commended those of us who were early, and made the statement that of the 11,  9 of those people were "Boomers". There were no "Boomers" to show up on time or late. He then went on to say that there were too many folks under the age of 40 who either didn't have the withal to show up, sign in on time, or to have whatever was required of them.  The 9 "Boomers" to a person, had their equipment ready, their download ready, etc. He was making a specific point. I think I'm willing to make it as well.

    We may be older. We may be "over the hill" but most of us can still climb it without having to check our social media, take a selfie, and call a friend to ask for directions as to which way we were supposed to go up that hill. The generation just below mine is mostly responsible, but the one below that is disastrously late, and they don't give a rip to be apologetic because they don't actually think that their behavior is out of line. This, as they say, is our future. Welcome to a disorganized mess, is all I can say if that is what the world at large wants to accept.

    I'll give you ONE MORE example before I go. During the scheduled training the instructor gave us all a break so the ones who were not downloaded, prepared, and/or set up could do so.  He said, "Be ready, come back at 9:30".  When that moment came, there were six (6) people who took their damn break rather than taking the 20 minutes to set up what needed to be set up. When he drilled them about it, they said "You told us to take a break" I am NOT kidding you. This is where we are folks. Do we blame these people, or do we blame their parents? I bet you can't blame their grandparents!


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