Thursday, July 20, 2023

Ding Dang It!! It Didn't Work!

 Well, phooey and fudge!! I am just too bummed out right now, but tomorrow will be another day, and I can get the thing done I think. What am I talking about? Well, my book "Murder Book", of course. I finished it. I read it through literally three separate times to go through it for spacing, spelling, grammar, and all sorts of other stuff. I made it all so very pretty, and I even formatted it to the 5"x8" size it's supposed to be. I worked on the cover, and I created it 100% in Canva. With really cool fonts that I feel that I embedded. 

    So, when I went to Ingram Sparks' site to upload my book, and to upload the cover, the book cover was accepted, but the book wasn't. There were issues with fonts. OK. I need to go back through it and embed certain fonts. I really thought I had. I went back over the cover, checked the fonts, and added ones that looked like they may not be added. I did the same with the Word document in the PDF. It's a learning thing. I'm still learning. I had to go into fonts again and add them again, but OK, I can do that. I did that. 

    When I tried to upload the thing, it was still giving me the same errors I got the first time, saying that there were fonts not embedded, but I don't see them, so now I have to call the Adobe guys tomorrow and get it all straightened out. Actually, I could call them now, it's open 24/7, but I'm a bit tired after the last of the reading, and the disappointment of it not being accepted. I was just so hoping. It will be OK, I'll be OK. I just hate the hassles. I'm learning, so that's good. I won't consider it a loss because I know I can call the support team at Adobe and they'll fix it within a minute. They always do. I let them just take over so I'm not confused.

    This time I will write down what they say. I went online and looked it up, and did what the instructions say to do, but apparently, I still missed something. I hate that, but it is what it is. I should be far more concerned with other stuff, not the stuff I know can be fixed. It's just that I really wanted to do this by myself and not have to ask for help; oh well, I'm not above it. I can do it. I am open and willing to be helped. But that doesn't mean I won't fuss about it. 

       So, after I get the thing loaded tomorrow on Ingram Spark, I'll order ONE copy and have it sent to me as soon as possible, so that I can go through it with another fine-toothed comb, but this time reading it as an actual book. I'll then mark it up and find the mistakes or corrections I need to do. It's $25 each time you pull it and have it redone; so I only want to make ONE correction round. I'm actually hoping I don't have to make any correction rounds. Wouldn't that be nice? If I could get through the mess without making a single correction I will be thrilled. I don't know that it's realistic of me to think that way, but you never know. 

    I find at least one mistake in almost every book I read. It's fun now to try and catch them. We're talking people like John Grisham, James Patterson, Patricia Cornwell, you know, people who have money to pay for editing. I still find errors in those books and it just makes me feel so very good because I'm over here editing my own to save money. I know it's hard, and I know it takes time, but I would just rather not subject myself to having to let someone else edit my work. If that makes me a control freak, then I guess I'm a freakin' control freak. (I know, I am one.)

    So, I'm about to walk the dog, play a few games of solitaire and head off to bed. I will sleep, have wonderful dreams, wake up, walk the dog again, make coffee, pray, eat breakfast, write in my journal, and then settle in and call Adobe. I want there to be peace and tranquility as we venture into the world of embedding fonts to make my book acceptable. I'll even keep them on the phone so they can help me if I don't do it correctly. That's what I did last time, and they were just so sweet. I recommend being a member of Adobe when you can, or if you can. I do it for about 30 days then I let it go until I'm about to publish. Then I do it again, so I can use them if I need to. That's why I'm trying to learn this, so I don't have to use their team again. I don't like spending money on something I really should know how to do!!

    I'll get over it, but not today. I've been frugal too long for me to think it's going to happen overnight. Maybe after I sell a few million books. 

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