Sunday, July 9, 2023

"PINBALL" and "Of Kilted Love" Have Begun.

     When I write one book I am so excited about the sequel that I just start putting things to paper.  I need to pace myself, because I'm thinking very seriously about writing two books at the same time, one being the sequel to "Of Kilted Pleasure", which is titled "Of Kilted Love" and the other is the sequel to "Murder Book", and the title is "Pinball".  I'm literally doing that right now. I'm literally writing notes for both at the same time. It's hilarious and fun.

    I should probably watch myself, and be careful with the whole two-at-a-time thing. It didn't work out so well for the Dalton Gang.  I'm actually going to be talking about the famous attempt in "Pinball".  It will lead into the story of the Three Guardsmen, and that will lead to the murder of one of them, Bill Tilghman, who was a personal friend of  Nick Posh. 

    "Pinball" refers to the game of course, but also to the psychosis of the killer who has escaped the UK to bring his mayhem back to the U.S. where Nick will get another shot at him. Speaking of getting shot, someone close to home gets shot in "Pinball" and by the least likely person to do so. You'll just have to read it. I haven't actually written it yet, but I will. I have it in my notes.

    As far as Ewan and Aria are concerned in "Of Kilted Love", their lives will start fresh together, and no one asks them about the death of her husband James; which is a great burden off of them both. Ewan's anxiety kicks in and he nearly confesses to killing James, but he's stopped when Ginger literally bites him to bring him to his senses. Ginger is getting very old, and it is believed she bit him out of confusion; he decides it's time to let her go on to greener pastures. This is a sad moment in the book but will be handled with love.

    Aria realizes she's pregnant after she and Ewan have been married for a minute. This is toward the end of the book maybe; but the interesting thing is, James had always told her she couldn't have children. He was the one who couldn't produce, and he murdered his first wife for not bearing a child. This is a tender moment too, and will be handled with joy and celebration, Ewan will absolutely do things differently than he did when Tarah was carrying their child. 

    So much to think about. So much to write. So much to do. One thing I have done is buy little 4"x5" notebooks for each of my books. I'm writing notes in them, all the notes will then go online in digital form, and I'll print them and put them in another folder that I can sell someday as a book. LOL.  Not really, but it's a thought. I love these notebooks because they are made by Waverley of Kinloch Anderson. They are really pretty. I have seven, so far. I've split them up between the two series. I'll need more eventually, but for now, they're good. I truly love them and as I read the books I'll write notes in my notebooks to say what I thought of my books after I wrote them. I love love love both "Of Kilted Pleasure" and "Murder Book". I'm not just saying that.

    If I could pick one job to do forever, it would be to write. I don't care if I don't earn a lot of money at it. I'm not interested in that really. It would be great, but I would rather write than do just about anything else. That fact may be obvious by the number of journals and blogs I have. Just saying.  OK, so both book sequels have begun in that they are being pinned down and penned down at the same time. I'm breaking so many rules. Gotta love that. REBEL!!

Photo Credit: Pinterest  (Nick's Fedora)

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