Friday, March 31, 2023

If I Die It Was the Cake in a Mug

 So,  I was cleaning out my kitchen cabinets a bit before organizing everything into these really cool plastic containers with lids. I bought a whole mess of them, and if you're not from the South, and I have to explain "a whole mess" then maybe it's time I started a blog on Southern hospitality and verbiage.   I bought a lot of containers of various sizes with the same type of snap-on lids. I'm not really going for the air tightness as much as I am going for the "not falling on the floor when I pick it up" sort of thing. Anyway, I was doing that, and I cleaned out the back of the top shelf and found a real gem...unless it's not.

    I found a box of Duncan Hines mug cakes. This one happens to be confetti or whatever, it's the one with the birthday colors and it's a white cake basically. It's so cheap and so cheesy, to begin with; if I die, it's because it's about two years old and it's a Duncan Hines mug cup; I have NO IDEA if they have a shelf life. I didn't look at the box either to see if it had an expiration date. I figured if the colored things in the mix weren't grey or black, I'm good.

    To make it you dump the little pack into a cup that's microwavable. You add 3 tablespoons of water (I added 4) and you mix it up before cooking it for just over a minute. I think I put it in for 1:23 seconds since the numbers 1, 2, and 3 were really close to one another. You hit the start button and you wait. They come with frosting too, and really, I should have just thrown it out when I thought about it because even when I was opening it and squeezing it out onto the newly baked mug cake, I thought the off-white color was more beige and I said to myself, "Yeah, no." but I did it anyway. To make up for that though, I did add a boatload of new pink sugar sprinkles. That should fix it.  By the way, a boatload is not nearly as much as a whole just isn't. They aren't the same thing.

    I got about four bites in before I decided to share with the dog. Now, by sharing with the dog, if you think I just gave it all to her, you're right. She's a Pug, Chihuahua, and Dachshund mix, there's not much she says no to. She'll be OK. There's a big bowl of water right next to her and she's eye-balling it as I'm typing. She knows when she's had enough fun.  She even left a few dribs for the cats, but you know cats don't really do clean up. They're useless for the most part. We keep them around to remind us to pray. 

    Life in the Stringfellow household can be so edgy!! We are just rocking with the whole living-on-the-edge thing, and being really "hip" you know. LOL...I am so trying to be that way. I think I achieved it. I can see my grandkids shaking their heads at me. They know I'm a dork. When I pulled the mug cakes out my daughter, (their mom) told me to throw them out and I asked her why. I literally said, "It can be a science experiment if we let it be." So we made it. I ate part of it, I didn't die, but I do think maybe she was right. I think I could have checked the expiration date on the box. I'm going to go do that now.

    OK, so yeah, I did that. I checked. It has a best-if date. So it was BEST IF used by April 2019; that's only four years folks. I'm good. No, I'm lying. It was Feb. 2022. Tomorrow is April Fool's not today. I should wait to post this; but you know, it's close enough. I have to be honest with you, those mug cakes suck when you get them new and they're fresh. If you can cook something by only adding water, and only for a minute, it's not going to be good - - that's a gimme. You really shouldn't throw your money away like that, or put your dog in that position. She's OK. She burped. It's all about digestion. 

    I hope this blog has been informative as well as interesting for you. I could have videoed it and made a lot of really cool statements about experimenting and show you the colors of the candy crystals to see if you thought they were too old. The icing was a giveaway - - it was NASTY; even the pink sugar crystals didn't really help. Let it be known that I will likely never buy those things again. I really don't think I bought them in the first place; that seems more like a kid's purchase if you ask me. Anyway, we lived, and now we have space in the cabinets for more important things like coconut protein bars and hemp hearts! Yeah!! That's so much more like it.

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