Saturday, March 25, 2023

My Opinion. Doesn't Have to Be YOUR Opinion.

 I have friends and family, sometimes just people I meet, who say things like, "You shouldn't think that way" or maybe they'll phrase it differently, they'll say, "Well, that's not right, you can't possibly believe that."  I know they mean well, I do. I think they want me to have the best the world has to offer, etc., but the thing is, I am the only me I can be, and no matter how long we are left on this planet, my opinions will always be MINE and I don't mind sharing them, but you can't force them out of me just because we disagree. I try really really hard not to sound the same as they do, not to commit the very folly I find them distributing so freely. I try to be open, and I try to be understanding. If it goes against GOD then we may have an issue; but the issue is I won't agree ever and we'll just have to agree to disagree.  God is always right.

    Let me give you a few examples so you'll know exactly how very crazy I am.  There are gifted people in this world who are either musicians, artists, writers, singers, etc, and in their very essence they are incapable of being clerks, doctors, lawyers, engineers, or anything resembling anything other than who and what they are. There may be a talented engineer who also plays piano, but he or she is capable of making a living as an engineer, whereas the artist may or may not be. He or she is true to his or her own craft and if they make a living they make a living, but if they don't we need to help them. OK, there is it...I just said WE need to help them. Most, if not all of my friends and family, and yes, those randoms on the street, will say to me, "No, we don't have to help them, they can get off their ass and get a job."  This is where we differ. I don't believe these souls can actually function in those other capacities other than who and what they are. They are rare. They are few. We can help them, so we can continue to benefit from their God-given talents.

    I'm not talking about the people who are both talented and capable of taking on other jobs. I'm ONLY talking about those who are ONLY capable of performing and working within the confines of their mental and spiritual genius. It could be one reason God created Patreon and other platforms.  You've all seen these types and several have shunned them for not "pulling their weight", to which I question, "Can you, the hater, also play as wonderfully? Can you bring peace through your vocals? Can you paint to the point that we see visions on canvas and not just color?"  When a man or a woman meets, falls in love with, and then subsequently marries one of these/those people, it doesn't take too long before the bread gets thinner and the spouse begins squashing the dreams and means of the artist to get them to subject themselves to physical and/or intense mental stress for the purpose of bringing a buck into the house to pay a bill.  Here's a thought: YOU KNEW they were a musician. You KNEW they were a writer. YOU KNEW before you married them that you may or may not see $$$ coming into the bank account, stop pretending that a swan can be a goose or a duck! Love the one you loved the way you are supposed to love them. FREELY.

    If the musician, artist, writer, etc., can make money for themselves or the family, that's great, but if they are one of these rare and unique beings who absolutely can't be subjected to forced labor without killing their spirit, STOP forcing them to do so, and just support them. YOU DID PROMISE to do that. You did make that oath. You did give your word. YOU DID SWEAR TO THE ALMIGHTY through your vows that you would CHERISH and you're not cherishing anyone when you force them to be what they are not, or cannot become. Let them strum. Let them think. Let them play the keyboards, ENJOY!! You have a gift and a present like very few others have. That person can probably keep the house clean for you, he or she can watch the kids. They probably have no issues shopping for groceries, or perhaps making dinner. Talk about it before you sign the dotted line, that's all I'm saying.

    If there were millions of these types it may be different. They are like the golden eggs being laid by that one magical goose that came by now and again, but we can't capture it either, and we can't force it to lay another egg just like the last one. They are all so very very different. They are all so very very precious. If someone in this position abuses his or her position, then he or she is NOT actually that soul. I believe, and again, it is my opinion, that the true artist is on loan from Heaven to fulfill a purpose and we have an obligation to assist them so they can be in line with what God has in store, and we will be blessed not only for helping but because we are probably going to hear them, see them, admire their work, etc. If we squash their energy we cut off our noses to spite our faces! We lose, they lose, and the world loses. LET THEM PLAY!  Money is not the end-all.

    I'm not capable at this time to host someone like this really. I will be someday maybe soon, but not today. I thank God every day for the talent and the gifts He gives to others who both entertain me and bless me. I see it, I hear it, I feel it, I am moved by it. To think that others would purposely shut that down so the person can work at a grocery store as a clerk, or as a crossing guard for minimum wage; thrusting their talents into the sewer as well as creating mental's repulsive. YOU KNEW IT when you met them; you had to. They were probably holding a guitar, a pen, or a paintbrush, and they were no doubt showcasing their latest discovery or project. YOU KNEW.   The problem isn't money really, it's love. If I read my Bible correctly, it says if I delight myself in God HE will give me the desires of my heart. If that's correct, and I have a musician or an artist in my arms, I'm going to let them seek and do exactly what God wants them to do, this both allows them and me to please God. God will provide the rest.

    The problem that come up in these sorts of relationships, and in many relationships, is that one or the other person tries to live outside of their means. Then they expect and force the other person to keep up with their idiot decisions; forcing the couple into fights and upheaval.  Don't live outside your means. Don't have a champagne style on a beer budget. Be frugal, save, think, and if you can't do that with the gifted person, give up the gifted person to someone who will love them and keep them, care for them, help them, and watch them please God. If the person is NOT pleasing God, not doing what he or she is supposed to do with their talents, that's not what I'm talking about.  I am talking ONLY about those people who have been called by God, and given the talent by God to please Him. Let them. Be their wind so they can fly. Watch them. It's amazing. It's simply amazing.

    Yes, I may be crazy, but I'm a very happy crazy.

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