Monday, March 27, 2023

Books on Hold for Now (Future Books)

 I was released from a trading support position in late December with nothing to do and nowhere to go, I was paid a severance, so I decided to write a book. Now, because that's over, and I need to work, I've made another decision to get my Series 7 out of the way, then take the exam for Series 66 so I can focus on earning money in order to further promote my books. It sounds like a vicious cycle, and that's because it is.

    Most writers, most anyone, don't have $$$$ in the bank sufficient to let them just sit at home for months and years on end so they can perform, write, paint, play, or act. Most artists have to work for a living; which of course, is a really sad thing.  I am not special, in that I am not the end-all of writers. I offer that I can offer, and I do what I can do, but I know and recognize that I am a writer and not yet a fabulously wealthy and successful writer or author. I like the word "author" better anyway. I mean yeah, authors write, but I'm more of an author.  

    Because I can earn a living outside of prancing on the keyboard, I do.  I have a means and way of figuring things out for others, and I am pretty good at selling things too.  I have my license to teach. I have licenses to sell insurance (all lines) and I have a license to be a Property & Casualty Claims Adjuster as well. The thing I don't have yet but have wanted for a very long time is my certification in Finance for the Series 7 exam and the certification for my Series 66. These certs will allow me to not only sell stocks, bonds, variable products, etc., but they will also allow me to advise others on how they should proceed with their trading, purchasing, and more, for their retirement, income growth, and more....and more...and more. 

    My plan is pretty simple: I'll write books, sell stocks, trade currency for myself, and earn enough to promote my books. There is a tipping point at some point, where my books will earn more, and I can simply stop selling and work harder on trading for my own income growth and book promotions. It's a way down the road, but it is the road I'm currently on, so that's a good start. Some people do what I'm doing as a hobby after they retire.  I really have no intention of retiring. What's the need? I can travel and work. I can write and work. I can stop working and live off the trading, and I can focus on what is most important; going home! I'm looking forward to the Rapture; nothing else could keep me interested long enough to keep the hope going. I'm ready.

    If you don't understand finance you may want to stay clear of that world. It can swallow you. I danced around the edges long enough to know I want to dive into the pools so that's where I'm headed now. I have a few stop-loss floaters to take with me, so I'm good. Trust me when I say I'd rather be writing than selling, and I'd rather be trading than selling, but for a minute to go, I have to do both. It's all good. Nothing worth keeping isn't earned. My plans have plans. 

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