Monday, March 13, 2023

I Work From Home.

 I work from home, and I don't ever want to go back into the "real world" to make a living. If the truth is told, I shouldn't have to, either. People throw out the current year all the time as if because it is THAT or THIS year, we should be doing this or that. OK, it's 2023, I don't want to have to get up at a certain time, get dressed, put makeup on, drive to work, fight traffic, get to the place, only to find it too cold or too hot, or that see that the others who work there can't be cordial, polite, or civil. I don't want to deal with people coming into the office to ask me something that could be handled in a text, email, or I don't know, by them doing their own due diligence! Guess what, buddy, there's an APP for that!  GET IT. USE IT. (I have to, everyone I know has to, and you can too. (I'll go ahead and say, "It's 2023!")

    When I work from home I don't get dressed for success, I'm dressed for work. I don't have to impress anyone by slathering on base, eye-shadow, lipstick, or blush. I won't wear mascara for anyone, so there's literally NO CHANCE of that happening. I don't have to, but if I have to, then the boss has to, and every damn person in the office is going to because no one is going to tell me that a WOMAN wears makeup. Think about it, I'm a right-wing conservative saying that; imagine if I were a left-wing liberal and the boss or someone else wanted me to wear makeup. I know my politics shouldn't come into it, but what if my religion forbids me to wear it? It doesn't, but that's not the point. The point is I work from home! Not one of my dogs or cats (not even my lizard) has asked me (or expected me) to dress and wear makeup. I still do my job, and I still do it well. There you go.

    I work from home. I chose to work from home so I don't have to fight traffic and put myself into lethal situations when idiots decide they're late and can't be bothered to drive like a human rather than a cretin. I can't tell you how many times I have literally counted how many accidents I've seen or passed on my way to and from work all because, or mainly because, someone decided to pass someone, or get by someone, or they decided that they were more important than the rest of us who are abiding by the rules and laws. Why do that if you don't have to? Driving to work takes literally 40-45 minutes each way, and I'm trading that time for NOTHING. I don't get paid for it, it's given away. I'm losing it, and not being compensated for it. If I were to suggest being compensated for it, I would be laughed at. Don't laugh at me, just acknowledge that I work from home. 

    I work from home and yes, I have dogs. You may hear a dog bark if you call the office number. You can survive that. At least you won't hear a co-worker cussing or the boss freaking out. You won't hear me saying "I'm sorry, I can't hear you, there's a train going by."  I mean, I could say that, but there aren't any trains, it's just me and the dogs, cats, the lizard, and my kid. She works from home too. You could hear her, but then you'd think I was at work, wouldn't you? You'd think she was a co-worker, and want to know more about the Australian woman in the background? My daughter is a voice-over actress.  She could be a robot, she could be a man, she could be a chipmunk. She could be a male chipmunk from Australia fighting with a robot. She's very talented. 

    By the way, I work from home so I can make better lunches, and not have to spend an hour away from the office either driving around or pretending that I have something to do so I'm out from under the pressures of co-workers and bosses. I work from home so I can get my coffee when I damn well, please. I can go poop and not have to worry about someone coming in behind me and making faces. I can dance, do squats, lift weights, and study my Financial Advising materials without wondering if I will be seen, heard, or interrupted. If I am interrupted by work, I do my work. It's my job and I do it. I don't take from one boss to give to another. I am the other. I work from home for one boss, and for myself.  I work from home because I can get much more done that way. Yes, there are distractions, but not the type that sends me over the moon screaming and wishing I was at home, because I am at home. My distractions are the Amazon man delivering something, or the neighbor wanting to take my dog for a spin because she recently lost hers.

    All in all, I am very happy to be an at homer. I literally roll out of bed, take the shower, and dress back in my jammies. I eat when I want to, drink as much coffee, good coffee, as I want to, and NO ONE...NO ONE tells me to smile, and they don't ask me to run an errand. NO ONE ever asks me to just run to the post office, or the bank, to pick up their dry cleaning, their kids, or anything. NOPE. I work from home because it's where I feel most comfortable, free, relaxed, and capable. I do a much better job from home and when the whistle blows and the day if done, I don't have to get into my car and fight traffic again. I make it home on time for dinner, and I have NO angst or anxiety from the trek. 

    If you think about it, the Pandemic taught us that we don't need to be out and about and mingling with people. So, I guess all of us right-wingers were correct, not that the big pharms or others will admit it; but it is good that we can use their own words against them now. I don't want to be around people who may be sick. They say they're OK, but they say that so they don't lose their jobs. Being home I can work through a cold or fever. I don't have to lose money and my boss gets the work done without having to wait on it. There really are about 10 good reasons to work from home, but the best one I can think of is that I CAN!

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