Sunday, March 26, 2023

SEX!! (Do I Have Your Attention Now?) It Happens.

 I've always been a writer, even before I could write. That's not a funny statement either. I told stories before I could write them down, and to me, that's the same thing. I told stories and tales, but I wouldn't take credit for them because I knew they were made up, so I said my dog Rover told me things and I thought that would cover any and all strangeness attached to those tales and/or stories. I know, right? I know what you're thinking, "Jude, you really had a dog named Rover?"  Yes. Yes, I did.

    After I was aged about five and I was able to legibly write my own name, which was at the time, Judy Stringfellow, I was given my very own Metropolitan Library card, and I was allowed to check books out and bring them home with me. Again, at the time, no one told me that I was limited to only two books at a time. My mom OBVIOUSLY put the other dozen or so books I wanted on her account, and then as I read them I would walk them back to the library one at a time. I was five. The library was about one mile from my home down one road; Mueller.  I was five!  You can't do that in 2023, folks. Kids would never walk their books back, would they? NOPE!

    I'm still writing, and I'm writing more now than I ever have. I write in my journal every day and go through a 250-page journal every six weeks. How many books have I actually written? Geez!  I have written five or six that have been published, and several more that have not. I have this one book, that I wrote in the '80s that is really nothing more than a trashy sexual experiment of erotica texts and prose; no you can't read it, it even makes me blush. I wrote it in the same style as I would a journal, just one sordid story after another, and my friends and I would read a passage or two when we had drinking nights -- except yeah, I didn't really drink. I was the designated driver; so there's that. 

    During "Pyrate Nights" or nights when the girls would literally swing from the rafters, the poles, or any apparatus we could find (monkey bars at the local school) the girls and I would write these types of sexual tales with the sole purpose of making the others blush and/or spit their drinks out of their mouth; it was a true challenge of which I have to admit, I took things very seriously. I wanted to win. It was sort of, somewhat, a wee bit, in this vein of thought that I decided to spice up my first romance novel.  I did go a bit far, yes, I'll admit it. I did cross a line or two, but in all fairness, it was a fantasy of the fictional character, not a reality, and therefore I think maybe I'm given some sort of leniency. I also pre-empted myself and confessed to my mother that I wrote it and that I was publishing it, but I also dedicated the book to her, so there's another brownie point -- maybe!

     OK, but as a Christian, you may ask, how can you (I) write such things and not feel the least bit guilty for it? Well, let's discuss that for a second. You're here, I'm here, and people had sex to make that happen. No. Don't argue with me. Your parents had sex, and my parents had sex. We were born, and we learned to read and we learned to write, but we also learned about sex. We learned when to have it, who to have it with, what the ins and outs (no, I didn't just say that sorry) about sex is, and we learned that sex is not always kept neat and tidy in its little box. If you're having sex in a little box, I can tell you right now, it won't be neat, and it won't be tidy. We are not non-sexual beings. God made us humans. We are to be responsible with our bodies, and yes, with our minds. I'll admit my shortcomings (no, I won't pun that one); He knows me.  I don't have sex with anyone except my brain....which often causes my face to smile. 

    This month I will celebrate (that's not the best word choice) the 24th anniversary of my chosen celibacy. I choose not to be actively sexual with my body; I still exercise and activate my mind.  Apparently, I activate and exercise my keyboard as well, and that's not a bad thing. I think we all think, and I know we all know. The ONLY reason I'm celibate is I'm not with someone. I'm not with someone because I choose not to be, and I choose not to be because the choices are really just not that pleasing to me. I watch. I observe. I witness. I investigate. I don't like what I see or find. I would much prefer to be single, alone, happily not engaging if engaging means I would have to put up with what I see, hear, find, witness, and observe.

   I've said it before and I'll say it again. If GOD and GOD alone wants me to be a wife I'll be a wife. I won't date anyone. I will not date anyone at all. I may marry someone, but I will not put myself through the whole "getting to know you" process and then realize that I would really rather not have put myself through that process. Nope. If God wants me to be a wife, He will make it happen. He will choose the man. He will put it together. He will line it up and cause it to be; until then, I'm counting the days until we just all go home. I'm so tired of the way people treat other people; especially the ones they SWORE to love, honor, cherish, and be faithful to. I can't stress that enough. God knows. If HE wants me to be married, HE will have to do the heavy lifting! 

    Sex takes place in my new book; c'mon, it's a romance novel. It goes without saying that sex takes place in the book. I'm mentioning it because my mom will want a copy, and my sisters, my brother, my nieces, and my nephews too. My kids of course will want copies, but so will their friends, cousins, neighbors, co-workers, etc, and then there's my preacher...yeah, he needs to know I sin in my head. I'll text him and tell him, but he probably figured it out already.  I'm pre-empting again because when they pick up the book for the first time and start off reading the very first chapter they may see steam coming out of their eyes and nose before they get to the fourth or fifth page...OH MY GOODNESS!  She said THAT!!!!  (Yes, I did, Rover did not mention these things to me...ever.)

    Why did I do that? Why would I go that far, too far, and hope it would be OK? I guess because we all think it. I've always been that girl who says what she thinks, and even when people stare wide-eyed at me with their jaws on the ground, I'm the one saying "You know you thought it too, I just said it".  It's sort of always been that way. We have different personalities and believe me when I say that I'm not overly sexual with my friends and family, I'm really not. I have to have a pen in my hand before I really get gritty; not that I have sex while I'm holding a pen, that could possibly be dangerous. 

    I hope you enjoy the book - - my realtor told me she had to read the first chapter a couple of times before moving on to the second chapter. That told me all I needed to know. The book may sell a few copies. I hope so.  I want to buy that flat in Edinburgh...and write the sequel. 

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