Thursday, August 3, 2023

Periwinkle will be Published Again

 It's been 17 years since I first published the book. Dang. I had no idea that the photo on the back was that old! LOL.  Here I was thinking it was less than 10, but nope, it's on the book, and the book was published in 2006, so there you go. I guess I can take it off my LinkedIn profile now. It's a bit old.  It would be great to look that young again, right? Maybe it's my fault for thinking I do look younger, but then I see my face in a mirror and realize the, I don't like the truth. Let's go back to fantasy!

    Anyway, the poetry book was and is only 124 pages long. It's a 5.5" x 8.5" book, and only .29 inches thick. It's not a big book, but Amazon had it for sale for 17 years for over $21. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't change it either. I have no idea why they placed the cost so high. There are no photos inside the book. There is nothing special about it whatsoever, it was in fact, quite small. To me, it should be $8.00. I don't know what they will charge when I upload it again. I have no control over that sort of thing.

    I am waiting for Ingram Spark to tell me it has the file, and all is well because I have to resubmit it. I didn't realize I could change the mistakes in the old PDF, but I can, so I did. I have to upload it again, and I don't think they'll charge me for that. I think I have 60 days from the time they upload it to make any and all changes before they charge me.  I not only changed the exterior because they told me I needed to, but I also changed two spelling errors and took out a paragraph in the introduction. It has been there 17 years, and for about 14 of those years, I've been upset with myself for having given someone credit when really, they did not and they do not deserve my trust or respect.

    It felt REALLY good to undo that boo-boo.  The back and the front are slightly off in color, but really, when you have the book in your hand and you're turning it over from the front to the back, you don't see it. It's just a little darker in the back so you can see the writing. I rewrote the back as well. I shortened it, and 17 years ago I didn't have grandchildren, so I added that fact. Love those babies.

    I'll find out tomorrow or the next day when they do send me the status on the upload whether or not I can upload it without costs; if I have to pay I have to pay, but still, it would be great not to have to do that. Some of the better things in life are free!! I mean, if I wanted a copy of the book I would have to pay for it, but I can see why they don't charge authors to upload. We're not known for being all that wealthy you know. We write. We don't always sell. I would love to have a royalty check for $$$$$ for my poetry book, but we have to be realistic. I think I've sold 50 in 17 years. 

    I am actually writing my second poetry book too. I have about 40 of the needed 100 poems to do the sequel. I can push them out I guess, but I don't want to do that. I want them to be organic, real, and something that actually means something to me. I may actually ask my kids to write a few like Reuben wrote 5 poems in Periwinkle. He may or may not feel he is still a poet, but he did a really good job then, he may as well give it a go! Why not? Caity is really good at writing, as is Laura, but they write FanFics and Sci-Fi fantasies. Maybe I could get one or both to write a few poems! If not, maybe my grands would like to give it a try!! That would be great.

    Well, that's all I have for that. I will be publishing more books now that I know I can do it for free. It makes me happy just knowing I can type, format, create a cover, and boom! Book! YES!

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