Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Jude's Almost Daily Blog Book 2 is Being Published Soon.

 About two years ago or so, I wrote Jude's Almost Daily Blog Book, and then over the next few months, as I was saving for the book to be published and printed, I decided to write the sequel; Jude's Almost Daily Blog Book 2.  Well, as you can imagine, over the next 20 months or so I've written quite a few blogs and now have enough material to write a third and even a fourth blog book! OMG...yes, it's true, I talk a lot and write just as much.

    Well, while praying today the thought occurred to me (Thank you, Jesus) that I don't have to save for publishing anymore. I don't have to save for printing or distributing anymore. It's all free!! I know how to do the formatting. I know how to do the cover art. I know how to upload it, and I am going to write the 2nd, the 3rd, and probably the 4th books very soon. I am at the very least, going to get Book 2 published probably over the weekend! Dang, that makes me smile.

    To just say out loud, and/or in writing, that I'm going to publish a book this weekend, makes me really happy. I've sat here with the books just needing to be uploaded, and needing to be published. I just have to find out if they'll let me insert photos for free, I think I can. I just have to figure it out, but it's too late tonight, and I'm really busy tomorrow, but Friday, that is my goal. I'm going to find out if I can figure out a way to upload photos and have them inside the book. I don't know how many I'm allowed to have, and I don't know if Getty will let me use theirs for free, but I'll find out. I know I can join certain places for a month and get free photos. I may just do that. Woot!

    I don't even care if I sell a single book, I just like writing them. I did sell one book this past quarter, and I had to laugh because my royalty checks just hit my bank today; I guess maybe it was an eBook that sold because I made $2.99.  I did the dance. I was laughing. I mean, I can't really even buy a good cup of coffee with that, but it was just the fact that someone out there in the big, bad, world has my book and will be enjoying it this week! YES! How much fun is that?

    I will say this, I was at the airport one day, and I saw that one of my books was on sale in the gift shop. It nearly floored me to see it there. I have no idea why it was there, who had ordered it, or anything, but there it was. I told the clerk I was the author and she wanted me to first prove it, but then she asked if I would sign it. Sure, why not? She slapped an easy-peel-off sticker to the front saying it was a signed copy, and she upped the price by $5.00.  I won't get any of that, I was paid when it was purchased for the shop.  I loved it. I thought how fun? How fun for her, for the person who buys it, and for me. It makes my heart sing when I think someone may actually like what I wrote. Woot!

    So, Friday I will make it a point to find out about the photos. If they allow it, and I figure it out, I'll do it. I'll upload the book entirely on Saturday or Sunday after I make a cover for it, and format it. Then, after it's done, I'll start on the 3rd Book. I know I can scrape another 105 blog entries together, and more photos. I'll go out and take photos if I have to! This is gonna be fun. It may be the most unread and uninteresting book series EVER, but I wrote it, and I know I had fun doing it. 

    One person's boring book is another person's treasure of interest. I just made that up, should I put quotes around it? 

Photo Credit: Me

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