Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Edinburgh (The Book) Five Chapters In So Far.

 This one will be short and sweet, but even if it's not short, it should be sweet. I can say that much.   I believe in being as nice as possible, so here's just another example of that.

    I'm writing a novel that I haven't ever thought about writing really; it's a present-time romance novel, but I have to include murder and mayhem, it would be mine if I didn't. I won't say I love murder and mayhem, but I do think the commercials are funny.  That only makes sense if you're into insurance. I write novels, and today I'm writing a novel about a woman who has been through the wringer and I do mean through it. She's seen so much in her 42 years that she feels the need to run away from it all, leaving behind her life, her friends, her family, and her cat - - she isn't leaving her dog, the dog died a year ago, so she's moving forward from that too. The cat she'll leave with a good friend, and no worries, he's not all that affectionate anyway.

    She's a lot like me in so many ways, but then again, she's completely not like me in that she will see through to the end some of the things I hope to see through to the end. She will achieve what I am striving to achieve. She will be far more promiscuous as well. I could only dream about such things - - and yes, I do dream about such things. She does these things. She gets out there and grabs that man by the scruff of his collar, turns him around, and makes him an offer he chooses to accept. No one forces him, and no one judges either of them. They are where they are when they are, and they do what people do in fantasy romance books.  Reality is never so easy, is it?

    Well, today I wrote about 7500 words and I added those to my 6000+ words from yesterday, so I'm at 13,800 I think, something like that.  The entire book will be 86,000+ give or take, so I'm 16% done! Wow! I love that. I'm two days in and I'm at 16%. With this rate I can be at 32% in two more days, 48% by the weekend, and who knows, I could complete this book by Labor Day weekend. Woot! Wouldn't that be hilarious? I mean seriously, I may actually try to make that happen just to be able to say I did it. I want it to be good too, of course. I do like the way it's shaping up. It was beginning to bore me at one point, but I mixed up a little canoodling and there you go, instant betterment. (again, another insurance term)

    So, yeah, short and sweet, just like I  promised.  Elyn is thinking about thinking, and she's coming to grips with some of the more challenging issues from the stale-ended career path she thought would be world-changing. Teachers often go into the profession with wide eyes and hopes to make a difference, only to find out that the harder more accepted reality for educators is to shut up and do whatever they're told to do. It's a hard lesson for sure, and one I'm so very happy I never have to deal with again. Where do you think I got the material for most of the book? Right out of my own personal journals! Elyn will be the me I was, the me I am, and the me I want to someday maybe be. I can't say I really want to manhandle a man anytime soon, but I may not be opposed to a few of the concepts I create for the woman.

Oh my! 


Photo Credit: BeardSorcery.com 

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