Sunday, July 3, 2022

Why I'm Not Married (Yet)

 The list of reasons I am not interested in being married is longer than the list of why I'm not married (yet).  I say "yet" because God isn't finished with me, and I could actually end up being married again if HE, God, were to decide I need to be married. I personally am not seeking a marital relationship at this time. What I am seeking is to do the things God wants, be the person God wants me to be, and if that includes being a wife, then by God, and all things Holy, they (the Trinity) will need to make that happen by opening every last door necessary; a lady never has to open doors you know. (That's a little added Southern hospitality for those of you who don't know me. I'm absolutely from the South, which is a place where we honor God and expect men to be men.)

    It won't make me the least bit popular with the women folk when I say this, but believe it or not ladies, God made the man to be the head of the family, therefore, as a wife, I would understand that. I'm not all that easy to wrangle, manage, control, or handle, so God will need to provide a man who is capable of actually performing that duty before I can submit to him as God would have me to do. First things first, he has to present me without blemish and without blame. Once he can do that, hold his hands up to God and dedicate his life to me both monogamously and show the same love for me that Christ has for the Church, I will have zero reasons not to submit to him the way a wife is intended to submit. 

    Again, I won't win any friendly smiles or nods from the ladies who have suffered at the hands of the wrong man (me included) but if I were to marry again that man (my husband) would have the final say over our finances, and that means if I am the one earning those finances, he would be given the last word there as well. That's not something most women in 2022 are willing to consider let alone do, but if God picked the man for me I would have no reason to doubt that God would also train that man in the ways and means of how to be the best decision-maker after we had dutifully (as a couple) discussed what we both this is best for our family or union. He would have the last word in all things; that's a hard thing to give up, but if you think about it, he has it so much worse than I ever would. I am only submitting to him, a man, but he (a man) is submitting to God, and he's 100% responsible for the decisions he makes, and guess what, he's (the man) responsible for the decisions I make too! He's the head of the household. It ultimately falls on him to discuss these things with me and to make sure whatever we do it's the right thing!

    I can't think of a better thing to be than free from having to be responsible for the decisions being made. I have a great mind, and I am a very very strong-willed woman, so I'm not going ot just let any ol' man come along and be the head of my household, take control of my finances, my choices, my desires, and my decisions. No, that's not what will happen. If God, and God alone, decides to make me the EXCEPTIONALLY wonderfully dutiful and respectful wife that I know I would be, and could be, He (God) will have to provide the ONE man who I can be subjected to, who I can submit to, who I can follow, who I can uplift, who I can support emotionally, spiritually, even financially if he needs to work on whatever it is that God wants him to do - - that's a very unique and one-of-a-kind man. There aren't two out there. God knows that. 

    The list of reasons I'm not married is LONG indeed, but the list can be summed up by saying this; I am not willing to submit until God brings me the one He wants me to submit to. I won't be doing the choosing if there is another one.  Nope! He'll be dropped in my lap, and I've said it before; God will write "This one's for you Jude, you're welcome" in purple lettering on some random wall.  He'll make it so clear that I won't even have to wonder -- don't you kinda feel sorry for that guy right now? I mean, he's possibly out there minding his own business, just going what he thinks God wants him to do, and maybe he's thinking he can't do it alone, and maybe he could use a really good wife to both help him and support his passion for the ministry God has chosen him for. Don't you think he's gonna be in for the shock of his life if he does ask God for me? LOL...I mean, he may not realize it's me, but yeah, God will know. 

    To be honest, I think I'd be OK with it.  I know I've learned a great deal from life and could be the helpmeet someone needs; love will grow.  Honor, respect, communication, all of that will happen -- if it is to happen.  The list is short really, it's because God hasn't said yes yet - - just "wait" and when He says to wait it's a yes just waiting to manifest -- So yeah, I'm open for a discussion on the matter (as long as the man is right with God and right for me...and has a guitar. There will be a guitar in this union, or else, I'm not doin' it! I've gone long enough without one! I can't play one, but I damn sure want to listen to one being played!) Smiles. There will be dogs too, and chocolate. There will be kilts, there will be coffee, there will be beaches, and there will be beards. There will be great sex, and....did I say that out loud? Well, I should probably stop before I truly say what I want to say - - I do that from time to time, but it's OK, God will tell the man that too. He'll know. He may already know. Who knows? (God knows.)

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