Saturday, July 23, 2022

Frequency and Attraction (Not the Law of Attraction)

 Years ago, when the book "The Secret" came out, and everyone (including myself) was in awe of all the things that seemed too real to be true, we (collectively) fell for all the bright and shiny words coming out of the mouths of these so-called professionals. Were you one of them? Were you like me? Did you start thinking all you had to do in order to bring more goodness, wealth, and health to your life was to think it? I think we all found out really fast that the load of crap they were pushing was great as far as they were concerned. Millions of people were duped into buying their books and going to their movies. Millions of dollars and other currencies were spent and shared with those producers and authors; but how much actual goodness, wealth, and health materialized for the buyers?  I suppose that's a question to be answered on an individual basis. 

    There may not be anything to the SECRET of thinking something and having it materialize, but there is a lot to be said about the holding of positive thinking and the letting loose of anything and all things negative.  There are many scriptures that back up the facts, not theory, of thinking positively and bringing to ourselves goodness from God.  All things good do come from God, and all things bad do come from Satan. It's not a question of whether or not this fact is true; it simply is.  That's not to suggest in any way that if something bad happens to us that we must have sin in our lives, or that we're somehow bowing to Satan and asking for his assistance in a matter. Nope, but we do live in a fallen sinful world and there will be bad things around us at all times. It is, therefore, imperative that we continue to think of and worship Christ.

    I have been reading lately about other types of frequency and attraction, and in doing so I am opening up a more intellectual awakening in my mind and body through the education of learning about the various levels of frequencies in food! Who knew? I certainly didn't realize that food has a frequency level or count. It makes more sense than ever when you begin to study it and you find out that green leafy vegetables actually have a much higher frequency than refined sugar, caffeine, or pasta wheat.  It just makes sense to realize that good and healthy foods such as carrots, beans, and nuts will have a higher and more effective frequency than cotton candy, Dr. Pepper, or artificially flavored cake donuts!  Did you know, and I know I didn't know, that one of the HIGHEST levels or frequency counts can be found in dandelion stems? WHAT? We throw them out as weeds! Seriously, they probably have the cure for so many things but we just cut them down and remove them thinking they're a menace to our lawns! Could we be this stupid? (No need to answer that one.)

    Another thought hit me between the eyes regarding frequencies and it makes again, so much sense.  We as people vibrate somewhere between 62-68 Hz on average, (not discussing Chakra, that's of the Devil to confuse people) but we have an almost unique frequency frame or structure. Each of us literally has a different color or vibration that maybe no one else has, or maybe they do.  What if, and there's no direct evidence for this that I know of, we were attracted to those people who have extremely similar frequencies to our own? What if we find ourselves following those people, thinking about them, hoping for them, seeing ourselves in them, and maybe we start praying for them or wishing they would seek God's light so they too can be closer in unison because we feel somewhat pulled away from God when we realize that they (the person like us) is being pulled away from God?  Maybe it's vibrational. Maybe it's impossible to stop the connection on a very very molecular level, one so minute and intimate that we couldn't explain it unless we were rocket scientists!

    Can our frequencies change? Yes, our bodies can, and our minds can, but not the soul. It is not possible for the soul to change after it has been sealed with the Holy Spirit.  Before it has been sealed it must change in order to accept Christ, but once it has been sealed, it is sealed and is no longer subject to being taken back by Satan or given away by the person him or herself.  It belongs to Jesus, and what the Father has given to Jesus through His own sacrifice, cannot be reversed, changed, altered, or taken. John 10:29 confirms that one, My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.  NO MAN, including the man or woman who is the saved person. They can't decide to leave the fellowship and sin constantly and then find themselves in Hell should they die. No, they will have sorely disappointed the Father and Jesus, but they are saved eternally. They will NOT be blessed, and they will fall into folly. They will reap the consequences of their sin, and they will destroy their work and their reputation perhaps, but they are sealed by an unbreakable oath.

    Knowing that I can literally benefit my body now using higher frequency foods, I will begin doing that more often. I mean, I eat really well now, but I am still showing myself little favor when I drink my coffee with all that caffeine. That just means I will have to counter that with more nuts and green leafy spinach!! (Giggles) I will and I am trying to be as good to myself as I can be. We're not on this Earth forever, we will be in Heaven forever if we are saved.  If I can make this life more pleasurable and healthy I'll do it. If I can find those to who I am attracted through the same vibrations and frequencies through Christ, I will. I think we need to help our soul and mind as often or as well as we treat our bodies.  It just makes sense to do so. There are some people I see, hear, listen to, and find zero attraction to either physically or otherwise. Then there are those I am unable to break away from mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  I may not be close to them physically, but my soul reaches for their company to worship with them. I can't explain it.

    I can listen to Praise music from every band imaginable, but only a few grab my heart and my soul. Only a few have spoken deeply to me as if to say "Yes, we are the same".  When that happens I know I have found a bond that I didn't create. I  know I have found a vibration that not only works, but it is true.  I can't and I won't explain it, I'm not a scientist by any means, but what I am is certain that all things were created by the same God, the same Jesus, who literally took my sin to His grave, and it was buried. When He arose on the 3rd day, my sin stayed right there in that tomb.  I could say,  "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, life is worth the living just because He lives." That's the better way of explaining it anyway. 


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