Sunday, July 3, 2022

The Blood of a Lamb

 Just this past week I was reading an article about how a lamb or sheep in a woman's field had been severely bitten by a rattlesnake!  The poor sheep was in terrible pain, and though she swelled up and could hardly move for 2 days, going into the 3rd day she revived.  Not only was she able to return to the herd, but she also seemed stronger, even more, "alive" if you will. Her attitude (did you know animals have attitude?) seemed to be uplifting.  What happened? The woman said she never took the sheep to the vet because when she called the vet she was told that the blood of a sheep can actually neutralize the venom of a snake! WHAT? Say that again, but this time, say it with a Biblical inflection.  The Blood of The Lamb neutralizes the bite of the Serpent!

    God is so so so so so wonderful. He did this on purpose folks!! I am and have been, a Baptist all of my life, but I never knew this to be so. I am flat-out amazed, and I'm humbled to the point of tears just relaying the facts.  God, in His infinite wisdom, created the anti-venom materials needed to sustain the bite of a poisonous snake inside the body of a lamb!  It just goes to show you that He knew all along what His plan was for Christ. He knew all along what His message was for us.  God (through the Creator side, Jesus) made the sheep and He made the serpent KNOWING that the blood of the lamb would prevail.  I am raising my hands, but when I do that I have to stop typing! 

    So overwhelmed am I, that I have been tweeting, texting, calling, and bothering just about anyone who will agree to listen to me. I am just blown away by this fact.  It could not be more clear.  It does make me wonder why the damned serpent we call Satan chose the snake as a means to lull and lie to Eve if he also knew what could and would happen.  I can only imagine there would be sheep in the Garden of Eden were he to bite one or the other of the first couple.  It also blows me away that Jesus created the trees that would become His cross. He allowed them to be watered, to have sunlight, to thrive and grow strong; strong enough to hold a man's full weight as He was nailed to it and bled for my (our) sins. People say "He could have called 10,000 angels" but you know what, He could have just skipped that seed altogether and that tree would never have been planted!

    Most of my ancestors are from the UK area, mainly Scotland, but also England. This is where an amazing new anti-venom testing and study is taking place. More than 2000 sheep are injected with venom on a monthly basis, and one of the main (main) reasons the study is allowed to continue is that the blood never fails to do its job.  Did you hear that? The Blood never fails.  Oh, I am just so happy right now, and I'm thinking more people need to hear this. I think I'll send my blog to about 1000 churches this weekend to see if any of them wish to do a bit of research on the matter and do a bit of educating - - and witnesses, all at the same time.

Here is an article that talks a bit about it. You can find more. Be blessed. Be covered! The Blood of the True Lamb covers every sin.

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