Saturday, February 27, 2021

I Find Things

 I don't know what it is about me, but I am a thing-magnet. I find things all the time and end up having to call the owners and say something like, "Hey, I found your wallet at the feed store, where do you live and I'll bring it to you?"  Usually, when this sort of thing happens, the other person is shocked clean out of their minds, and they can't believe someone is willing to bring them their lost or stolen item.  I love it. I absolutely LOVE IT because it means I have an opportunity to say that Jesus has blessed me so many times, and when I lose something I know He'll provide the same type of courtesy to me that I show to someone else.  That's been my experience anyway.

This time, (and you can't see me over here laughing) I had to stop posting to answer the third call that the guy made to us to be sure we're not lying to him; he just can't get over how anyone would (a) find the wallet (it was a wallet that I found) (b) go through the wallet to find his correct name and address (c) having found his address, and realizing he is from another state, would try finding him on Facebook (d) having found him on Facebook, would message him and say "Hey, I found your wallet at the feed store, if you tell me where you are right now I can bring it to you."  Well, he doesn't know me very well, that's for sure, because there is nothing else I would ever do! I could not, I would not, and I should not throw someone else's property away. I would never keep it either. I would never take a penny from it, I would never stalk him further than was necessary to find out who he is - - but Laura did! LOL

Laura found out through his Facebook posts that he's not only a bleeding heart Liberal voter, but he did also in fact vote for Joe Biden for president and now the man (owner) is really upset with himself and says if he had to do it again, he'd vote Trump!  I thought that was funny, so she read a few more posts to me while I drove the car.  Turns out the man is Cajun, from Texas, moved to Oklahoma recently, has purebred dogs that he was selling, that's why he was at the feed store, and get this, he's so anti-everything we believe in or stand for.  You couldn't have found someone with more different views. At least he's a Christian man, or at least he states he is on Facebook. We'll have eternity to laugh about what we put ourselves and others through on this Earth thinking and feeling we were always right to think or feel that way we did.

Laura wrote to him on Facebook to let him know we found his wallet, and before we would agree to give it to him he needed to verify his middle name. He did verify his middle name (on the license) and she called him.  He was surprised that a person (Laura this time, not me) who was so different from himself would be so kind. She told him she was raised correctly. I told her we were both raised correctly, and that Jesus does things like this so we can share His word.  Laura mentioned this to the man, and he laughed, agreeing with us, and saying that he was very grateful that Jesus led us to his wallet and not someone who would take money, credit cards, throw away pictures you can never replace, and of course licenses, banking information - - you name it.  

Interestingly, his Facebook posts could be considered racist; but he stated that you can't be racist toward a white person. I find that to be both racist and offensive; and here we are, returning his wallet, not stealing a dime, and thankful that he will be able to get on with his life without the inconveniences of having to cancel cards, get a new ID, etc.  He laughed a second (or third) time when he found out we were Trump supporters.  "Really? Are you serious?"  He asked.  "Yes, we are, and the only reason I mention it is because of what you said on your wall. You said we were all crackhead crazy.  I'm not really all that crazy, just maybe a little bit", was Laura's answer.  He apologized and said,"Well, you know what? That's God right there. He knows I need to change my heart about things. He knows I have been too critical of others, and this just proves it. I'm sorry."  

Recently, maybe over the past year or so, I've found two wallets, a few dogs with and without collars, a horse blanket that was worth well into the $$$, and I found a shoe that was literally just randomly placed in a marked parking spot where I live. I knew the shoe didn't belong to the owner of the parking spot, he was a man, this was a smaller woman's shoe, and something about it told me to leave it where it was, but take photos of it, and let the manager know.  When I did let the manager know, she mentioned that the police had been by earlier asking about a kidnapped woman who may have lost her right shoe. The woman was found (safe) and now the cops knew that she could have been taken by someone who lived in our complex or at least knew someone who lived in the complex. To my knowledge the shoe was returned; I can't say the same for all of the dogs. Some were rehomed when no one claimed them.

So, one down, and God only knows what to expect, or how many more to go. I'm here if He needs me. I count it a blessing since I know I've been silly enough to leave my purse (and other things) on top of my car before I took off without them -- the struggle is real.

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