Thursday, February 18, 2021

Big Bearded Beautiful Brutes

     Every woman has her preferences I suppose. I also suppose that every man has his personal preferences when it comes to who he may find attractive; by attractive, I literally mean who and what type of person will draw the attention of another person to the point of thinking "You know what, I like what I see". For me it's an easy fix; give me the big, bearded, beautiful, brute every single time. I don't know what it is about that "type" of man, but it is the trigger and I pull it every time - - at least in my head, I do.

    It can happen at any time too. I know I'm not the only one who is randomly caught off guard by the one thing that trips their mind's trigger. You'll be sitting somewhere, minding your own business, maybe thinking of going to the store and picking up a bag of bagels, when out of the clear blue sky he walks right past you! Who walks right past you? Do you know him? No! You don't know him, but he's THAT GUY! He's about six feet tall, give or take. He's about two hundred pounds or so, maybe a bit more. He's round, not thin, he's more or less marching, not simply walking, and he's got that face a grizzly bear would love! He is fully bearded, and that wonderfully draping beard is not necessarily all that closely shaved to the face -- you can see a bit of the blue sky through it when he passes you - - it's at least two inches long; qualifying this man to be THAT GUY!

    This exact thing, sans the bag of bagels, happened to me the other day while I was working out at my local YMCA.  The Y is just across the street from where I live, so giving in to working out is not an issue for me. I just trot over, swipe my card, and spend 20-30 minutes on a few machines working as hard as I can for the maximum boost for what my personal trainer (son) calls H.I.T.T., not to be confused with H.I.I.T. I do the High-Intensity Tactical Training - - and it sucks! I'm not that great at it, but I do give it a go, and that's exactly what I was doing on the crunch machine when I decided to change the weight from 130 to 150. In order to do that, I sat up, opened my eyes, and was instantly met with one of THEM....THAT GUY was also working out, not walking past me, but just gloriously picking up more than his own weight in a deadlift and he was just about at half squat - - he had THOSE LEGS that go along with THAT GUY. His longer than shorter, shorter than long legs with just about as much muscle as a man can pack onto said legs, and almost as fuzzy as his face. I stared for at least a full few seconds before increasing the weight on my machine. I may have drooled.

    Not being one to take one of these types home with me at first glance, I decided to incorporate him into my next fantasy - - probably worked out better for both of us if he was married with kids, or needed to know my name before marrying me and running off to Scotland. I think of these things. I think I should at least be cordial and pick my tongue up off the floor before I have to smile and say something stupid like "Excuse me, are you using this machine?" when you KNOW he is not using the machine that you pretended you wanted to use. I am so not going to do that - - so I left the gym before I did that. Self-preservation - - works well when you take the time to utilize it in your own life.

    All that being said, and I could go on and say so much more, but I won't; I prefer the hairy big bearded brutes to the skinny boys (or men) wearing tight jeans, scarves, polos, whatever - - crocs. Give me black boots on a man; hell, he can be barefoot as long as he's bare all over - - did I say that out loud? Stop already! OK, OK, he shouldn't be naked, he should have clothes on to keep him warm, and if he's at the gym or walking into the store he would definitely need to be wearing something so let me see, what on Earth could I possibly put on this new fantasy man that would make him more...ahh, I know, a kilt. That's it! He's ready to go!  I didn't say he had to attract you or anyone else did I? Nope, his entire mission today, tonight, tomorrow, the next day, and every day after that in my dreams is to attract ME and only me, and he can do that wearing his kilt...and black boots. I do like black boots, maybe unlaced, maybe holding a cup of coffee, but yeah....that.  So sue me, I have a type. 

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