Thursday, February 18, 2021

Brandola! Brandola!

     When she came home from a weekend camping venture, all Caity could talk about was Brandon this, Brandon that; Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. OK, I get it, you met a new guy and let me guess, his name is BRANDON!  Most men were boys when it came to Caity's attention. She was entering her last teenage year when suddenly she switched gears like she was running her heart on a railroad tracking system, BAM! She no longer looked at boys -- they had to at least be over 18, tall, handsome, rugged if possible, and if they had a job she was all about that - - enter, Brandon! (Did I mention he was flat-out adorable, too?)

     Like every young man, Brandon had issues with maturity, trying to make decisions based on both his own personal experiences and those experiences he's been privileged to monitor throughout his young life. He hadn't been exposed to too many good examples when it came to male role models, and that bothered me, having raised the girls without their father for the past several years; his choice, not ours. My dad was a very positive role model for my girls, as was their older brother, who at the time Caity brought Brandon home to meet everyone, was just getting back from Iraq, having spent a year of his life in the sand.  

    Reuben's concerns about Brandon took on a more fatherly type concern than it did a brotherly concern, but to say he was impressed was more of an overstatement. He was never going to allow Brandon the opportunity to even glance at Caity as long as she was still his baby sister -- good thing his duty station of Fairbanks, Alaska was over 3600 miles away!  Brandon met Caity on a Friday I think and was living with us the next weekend. He never left. We still have Brandon; who I call "Brandola" because I can. He's 30 now, over 6'4" tall, fully bearded, working full time, earning his own, they bought a house for themselves about a year ago, and because he's the nicest guy in the world, he made me two grandbabies with Caity. I love the guy. I'm going to keep him even if I sell Caity.

    I can't say that I agree with everything that comes out of Brandon's mouth; he's a Virgo, he thinks he's correct when he should obviously realize that we Scorpios have that market cornered. He's brilliant in many ways, talented, quiet, respectful, engineering, quite attentive, well adjusted, and he still listens to those around him so that he can add to his own personal experiences. I don't think I've had a single argument with the man in over 11 years of knowing him - - interesting.  True fact.

    I could go on and on about the guy, talking about his love for MMA wrestling, how he likes to play competitive video games, but he's not so absorbed in them that he can't get off the chair to make his own dinner if Caity's too absorbed in her game to do it for the both of them. He'll even make hers too, and dress and situate the kids while she's destroying the worlds around her. He's been 100% supportive of Caity in her growing projects, always willing and able to put in the efforts necessary to pull off an impossible feat -- if possible.  He's had a few jobs, lost a few jobs, learned from his mistakes, made more mistakes, and continues to kick himself for some of the ones he and I both wanted to kick him for, but he's the best guy out there right now for my little girl - - and I thank God every day for my Brandola.  Everyone needs one. I have one. I'm blessed.

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