Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Let Go, and Let Jesus Have Your Worry.

 So, what you don't know, or maybe you don't know, is that I've had some set backs over the past two and even three years; we'll go back as far as 2002; because that's really when, wait, it's about 1988.  Yeah, we'll go with 1988 as being the worst year ever, and then we'll bring it up to about 2019, when things just sort of completely fell apart. LOL.

    I think I'm making my point. I've had major set backs all of my adult life. I have been employed, terminated, fired, rehired, consulted, begged back, and just you name it, when it comes to employment, I've had it. I've owned my own business, worked for others, worked for third parties, worked for people who lied to me and said they were the actual employer - - yes, it happened. I have so many drama stories, that if I were to write a book about it, not one person would think it was possible. It was that bad.

    Through it all; even through the good, because there was a tremendous amount of good, there was one single thing that was constant, and consistent, and that would be Jesus. He just doesn't change. Nothing about Him changes. He can't change, and that's the best part of it; He will never be anything other than what He has said He is. You can 100% bank and rely on that. God is great, all the time.

    So, let's take right now for example; I am working for a company that will remain 100% anonymous even though, they don't give us anonymous surveys to take, and expect us to "tell the truth". Right. No one in their right mind is going to...wait; I did tell the truth. I may not have a job tomorrow, but I did tell the truth.  That's it, I always tell the freaking truth because you can't defend a lie. You can't. You can defend and explain the truth, because it is your opinion, or it is fact, but a lie is only and always wrong. It's a cover, it's a hedge, it's a nasty thing. Don't do it.

    I'm in the middle of the most discombobulated training class I have ever been with, and it's a major service provider. The third-party service we are actually hired through is 40% at fault, but the client, the major service provider, must take the lion's share of the problem with the training because they sent us (all 48 of us) faulty, bad, broken, out of date equipment and fully expected us to keep up in a massive classroom setting that takes place over a VPN/VDI setting -- don't ask me to explain, other than that the client wants us to do their CSR work, and the company that hired us hosts the VPN of the client so we can do that. It's a MESS, and they literally won't change it.

    When I talked to the VP/CEO/CIO/CFO and other higher leveled employees of the client company and the host company not ONE OF THEM realized what the trainers were doing, what we were doing, how it was so messed up, and how it had become so bad that in just a few days we went from 48 licensed people who thought they were going to be CSRs to 28, and we're about to lose a few more. I may be one of them. Not because I want to be, but because they have a deadline for modules to be completed, but my computer locked up so often and I wasn't (and haven't) been able to get them all done.

    If I lose this position, I will BLAST this company, and the host, because I think people deserve to know who they work for, what they are getting into, and what they can expect. For instance, NO ONE told us that we're not paid for holidays. NOPE, we are not. They "observe" them, but we aren't paid for them. They have an incredibly micromanaged attitude about their metrics, and they can stuff that right up their arse because I'm never going to be told what to do if it's not the right thing. I will NOT cut a call short, I will always give the best service because I would want that same treatment.

    Let's just say if I lose this job, I won't cry over it. I'll pray over it, but I will NOT cry over it. I will take action, oh...yes, I will take action. I may even write a new dramatic novel about it, but again, people would say I was making sh*t up; it can't be that bad...yes, yes, yes, it is. I have proof. I won't say what that proof is today, but I have proof, and my new LinkedIn friends and I will go over it if I'm released; no, we'll go over it anyway. Some of the crazy things they expect would make most of us laugh. It's 2023 and they think we're not going to have our phones at our desks -- WE ARE AT HOME!!!  They think we're not going to have paper and pens either, food, or whatever. Yeah, OK.

    That's about it. Don't let the turkeys get you down! Soar with the eagles, and pray like you mean it. Jesus is listening, and He's not blind either; He sees what's happening behind the monitors. (Yes, he saw that too!)

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