Friday, September 29, 2023


 So, I was going to go through it 3x before sending it off, but I didn't need to. I went through it (mostly) as I was writing it. I'm finding now, that when I write I pay a bit more attention to the grammar bars, the little blue bars under the wrong word(s), and the red bars, telling me I flat misspelled something. I keep my eyes peeled for certain patterns. What I didn't do, and I probably should, is go through the book to see how many times I said "a bit" because I know it's going to be a bit too...well, you know, too much. I say it too often. I also say "so as" quite a lot as well.

    When I write, I do so as if I'm talking to you face-to-face. I don't watch my grammar, I don't know if I'm spelling every word correctly or not. I don't watch where I break my paragraphs, and that's something I need to watch more when I write as well. I don't like to have a lot of words bunched together. I like paragraphs on a page. They just look nice. Maybe that's just me. I don't know.

    "Pinball" sounds like a super fun, light-hearted title, so to be sure and get my point across, I used an ominous cover with darker tones and a mesmerizing shaky image; it's not supposed to be's supposed to be suspenseful. I hope I managed to do that. I find myself not going into enough detail, but I need to. I need to add 1000 adjectives but I think I did OK. I'll find out soon enough. I'm going to read the book in its entirety tomorrow, and Sunday. I'll look for issues I can change and when they send it back to me to proof, I will have already proofed it, so I can send it right back to be uploaded and published. 

    I know I should have waited until I did that, but there are so many things that will be happening this weekend I didn't know if I would have the chance to read it or not. After I sent it up, I realized I would have had the time; there you go. I'm OK with it. I can either fix it or let it slide. What do you want to bet I choose to fix it? I know me. I'll fix it. I can't fix it too much because the cover is made for a book with 395 pages and the book has 398. It's literally right on the money. Tight, but not bad. 

    This is the first of several sequels. I wanted to be sure and have at least these two out by now, and I'll write two more before Christmas. I'm starting "1211" on Monday, and hope to have it submitted by 10/22. I'll get it published by Halloween probably. Then, I'll write "Stollen", probably starting it around 11/2 or so, and finishing by Thanksgiving. It will be loaded and ready to go for the Christmas holidays. That way, if people want to buy all four books for their loved ones, well, there you go! Feel no obligation, but yeah, that would be really great.

    I began writing "Pinball" on July 22, but I stopped writing it on July 24, so I could write another book, a romance novel titled "Edinburgh".  I picked Pinball back up on September 19 and finished it today. So, in keeping with the timing, or the time it takes to write a 395-page book with about 86,000 words; we'll say it's about 12 days and then you wait about that long before Ingram Sparks gets around to publishing it. Longer...much longer for "Edinburgh", and I have no idea why. I'm still waiting on it.

    "1211"  will be a fun more quirky type of murder book. Someone died, but he died a very long time ago. This one is a relaxing fun giggling sort of mystery book I'm putting together to showcase a time in my life when I was old enough to move out of my parents' house, but I had no idea what to do when life hit me in the face. I lived in a really old apartment building close to downtown, OKC. It had 8 individual flats inside of it; and all of them, including mine, were occupied with the strangest group of tenants you can times. 

    Catch you on the other side to let you know how that goes. 

Photo Credit: ME!

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