Sunday, September 3, 2023

Health Kick Restart. Here we go!

     Now, because I have the book behind me for the most part, and I'm about to be employed by someone, I've decided to get back on the health kick bandwagon to see if I can lose a few pounds, shape up, and feel better. Here we go.

    I sort of started last week with the copious water drinking again, and the walking. Then the index decided to go back into the 105 range; making it too hard to walk even in the evenings.  I had to wait until 10 p.m. to do any good walking and then you can only do a mile or so. I could have woken up at 5:00 a.m. too, but that sort of thing is rare for body refuses to listen to my brain at that hour.

    Today, however, because I can, I decided to eat only good things. I do this to myself from time to time. I don't 100% go crazy with it; it's not safe to do that. I did that once and lost a gallbladder. Not kidding. Gonny no dae that again. Today, I cracked open an acorn squash, dug out the seeds, and set them to the side. I added butter and spices to the squash and I baked it. It will be ready in a few minutes. I took the seeds, added half an apple, some pineapple juice, two slices of pineapple, some vitamins, milk, and protein...and then blended it. Done. Breakfast in a cup.

    I have a 10-minute workout session that I do, and I'll do that. Then I'll lift weights for 5 minutes and box for 10 minutes later on. I may walk if I can find the best time to do it. It's 90 out there right now, and with the sun bearing down on me it's uncomfortable. I have to wait until about 8:00 to see it settling. I can wait. I'm good at that.  

    Dinner will be chicken and rice. I also guessed it....copious amounts of water with lemon and lime. When I go back to the store today I'll pick up some natural ginger root and add it to the water. I could do the drops I guess. I may do that. I want the fat to be burned away as well as the hydration. A good dose of lemon, lime, ginger, and mint can make a good belly fat reducer. I threw out my mint, it was nasty. I had it hidden in the fridge for too long. Can't do that in the future. 

    The day will be spent reading through the novel "Edinburgh" to make sure all the spacing is good, and that I don't have a bunch of misspellings. Then, again, because I can, I'll do the 10-minute workout. I do doga every day -  you know, yoga with dogs. It's only to stretch my back really, but Ginger likes it. She feels like she's helped me with all my daily routines. Right now, you can see it, but she's sitting in my lap while I type. She is just so useful. Very very useful.

Photo Credit: Me.   Ginger dog.

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