Monday, September 4, 2023

Edinburgh (The Book) is RELEASED to the PUBLISHER!!!

     Woot!!  It is there, and I am happy.   It ended up being right at 83,000 words, and 338 pages in a 5x8 book. I didn't want to make it a 6x9 because it would have been 240 pages and that's just not a good-sized book for charging what they charge. I only get to pretend I have some control over it.  When you write a book and upload it to the publisher they basically give you options as to what they are going to charge for the printing of it, and that's based on the page count. This book will cost them, the publisher about $5.62 for each book they print. They have to charge that, plus the postage if I want to buy my own copies, but they do add a bit for their trouble. I could, if I had the capital to do so, buy 10,000 books, and become an instant "Best Selling Author" but I don't think that's the right or fair thing to go. I don't have the $60,000 some odd to spare, so it's not going to happen.

    That being said, I wrote a really nasty, hard-hitting, former-husband-bashing book that did actually sell more than 10,000 copies, so when they send me the proof of that, I will start adding the tag "Best Selling Author" on all of my books and advertising. Sad that it took a nasty poop book to make that happen, but it did, and that's just how the cookies crumble, folks.  I took the book out of print about two years ago; it was just not worth the emails going back and forth trying to explain myself to readers who had a particular dislike for some of the things I said. It didn't matter that it was MY experience, and I said so very clearly, that they wanted to argue. I took the book out of print. It was just about done anyway.

    EDINBURGH is done!!  I'm not going to say that it's the end all of books, not by a long shot. It was just a lot of fun to write. It took me 11 days to write it. That's a record I don't think I'll try to outdo. I like that I did it so fast, but it didn't leave a lot of room for creativity. I had to think on the fly, and I did a pretty good job, I think. It was certainly enjoyable to do; otherwise, I would not have put myself through it. I had to redo the cover from a 6x9 to a 5x8 today. That takes a minute. I use Canva in case you're wondering.

    I just think it's soooo cool that you can write a book, edit said book, format it, and upload it to be published for NOTHING.'s 100% free when you know what you're doing. I could still make it better by adding more fancy designs. I'm really going to have to look into that. Each chapter heading could be really awesome. You can play around with page numbers and all sorts of things that make books really neat. I don't know how to do the front pages yet. I won't go back and change the ones I've done, but I'll look into the others in the future. I don't use the whole Roman numeral thing in the front; I could. I may. You just never know.  I set the price at $16.00 but I know they'll end up charging $18.00 probably.

    PINBALL is next. I've written about six chapters of it so far. I don't know why I didn't just crank that one out, but Edinburgh was in my head banging on my brain asking to be I wrote it. Fun times!!  If you really know me, you'll recognize a lot of my own personality and storyline in the main character. Elyenor Leigh Fletcher could very well be me, but she wasn't married, didn't have kids, and she lived in!!  I thought I would give it a shake-up, and I did. I added my three good friends with their permission, and they seem to think living in Texas isn't so bad; not when you're only a fictional character. 

    Hope you LOVE IT.  It will be on sale next Monday the 11th. I will go over the galley when they send it to me on Thursday, to be sure it doesn't need to be changed. I know there will be a mistake or two. I'm not going to worry about it. It may end up being my signature now that I know Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did it, and Erle Stanley Gardner did it too. Woot!! Great writers.


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