Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Why Must it be a HASSLE (Because it's my life)

     I came so close to having an average and normal day once - - but that was so long ago, that now, the normal is so far from average. I woke up this morning feeling bloated and I had no idea why. The lemon-lime water I've been drinking for three days is definitely doing its job; let me just say that. I think I've pooped 10 times in the past three days and yes, I can say I'll keep drinking this stuff. If it's cleaning me out this good, I don't want that to stop anytime soon. Bloat gone! All is good.

    I decided to make breakfast for myself. I do that from time to time. I grabbed the flour, the butter, the baking powder, and the milk, and I made myself biscuits, only to find out afterward that we were out of all the jams and jellies because my kid cleaned out the fridge and she threw them all away...she does that. Notice would have been GREAT. OK, no worries, I'll use the honey - nope. She took that to work. People, I had to eat my biscuits without gravy since I didn't make sausage or bacon. I used maple syrup....First World Problems. 

    Then, just because I live here, and it is the way that it is, the communal washing machines decided to both quit at the same time. Now, I know it's a major First World Problem, but we have to be honest about it; they were old. They needed to be replaced years ago. For both of them to quit at the same time seems really suspicious to me, and I'm going to put the blame on my crazy neighbors because I know I didn't do it. There's a 3rd washer that we use if we have to, and I had to. It took 1 hour and 43 minutes to do the one load. Tell me you live in an old complex, without telling me you live in an old complex.

    The clock hadn't struck 8:30 a.m. yet, and there was a fraud alert sent to me on my debit card by my bank. I love my bank. They take such good care. The problem was that another hacker decided to take $99.00 from my account when I purchased something online. CRAZY how that works, because the company I bought something from had ZERO clue that they were being used as a mule; it happens. I hate it, but it happens. It's happened to me about four times now. The bank closes my card, and issues me a new one, then I have to write or call the places that take money out on a monthly basis to let them know I have a new card number. GEEZ. 

    While I was blaming a neighbor; another neighbor came out of his apartment to tell me that one of our other neighbors had been in a really bad car wreck. She's a Lyft driver, so I thought maybe she had passengers too. She did not, so that was good; but she's not expected to live, and that's really sad. I truly hate to hear these types of things.  

    Before lunch, my publisher wrote to me to let me know that the book I tried to release (Faith Walks) has a spine width that is .511 and it should be .481; they want me to redo the cover. WHAT? The book was in production at another publisher and printed for Amazon sales for 12 years, but suddenly it's the wrong size? And did you see the difference? Literally .03 inches!! NO.  Just use it the way it is! I don't know if they will but I asked them to. Then, I redid the thing when I didn't get a response from them, but the thing is, I had to edit the PDF the original publisher sent to me, and I couldn't open it to make that change. I had to redo it through CANVA and when I did, I had to adjust things and it didn't turn out the way I wanted.

    Not only did it change a few things; but I made a mistake on the back and I already uploaded it!! I have to wait for them to reject it before I can upload the corrected one. If they don't reject it, I'll have to resubmit it, and that takes another 2 or 3 days. I can't imagine them even thinking it's OK to say it's .03 inches off in the spine so we're going to not print it, even though it's been printed over 50,000 times, and has been printed over 50,000 times, so yeah, there is NO REASON to change it. 

    I went to the store to get the cat litter, cat food, and dog food, and there was only one cashier with about four of us in line. Again, First World Problem; so I waited. I said to myself, it's OK, you'll survive this. I was doing really well until the lady buying whatever she was buying was looking for her cash, she didn't have enough, so she went for a card, but it was declined. I thought about my card, so I kept patiently waiting...for another five full minutes. C'mon, call another cashier at this point. I didn't say anything, but my mind was squawking!

    The man in front of me asked her if she could call someone and she said they had all quit or just not showed up today. There wasn't even a full moon, so I don't understand. I was finally checked out, but you guessed it, her drawer wouldn't shut so she couldn't ring up my purchases. We had to wait another several minutes for someone to come up to the front from the back; someone with more authority than the first lady had. I did.

    I picked the kid up from work, we went home, we got to our front door, and found that the managers had taken off the number plates of all the doors, and had taped off everything. I guess they're going to paint. Notice would have been great...another First World Problem. I began counting my blessings and saying them out loud. It always helps me when I do that. I have a home, I have food, I have water, I have a car, I have gas, and money to pay my bills. I have three great kids, 2 grandkids, and a few animals. I have written 9 books, I have an education, I have friends who know me and they still love me. I am a very very blessed woman...but you know what, more than all that, I have Jesus in my soul. That makes all the difference in this world and every other world to come.

    We're gonna have issues. We're gonna have problems. We're gonna face nasty situations, bad people, and just stuff....but we don't have to face it alone, and that is the best news I can give you. On the flip side, Michael's had candles on sale 2/$7 and they all smell like Autumn....this week, next week I'm sure they'll have their Christmas candles out, but for now, it's Flannel and Football, baby!! 


See if you can find the mistake. I did correct it already, but I put this up so you can feel my pain.

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