Wednesday, September 27, 2023

PINBALL (The Book...75% DONE) Chapter 24.

     I was pretty excited today to see that the book cover that I had created for the book "Pinball" was in fact ready to go. I had taken the time maybe two months ago, to make the book cover and save it. I had to assume (as I do) that there would be about 380 pages in the book and there actually will be. I'm writing the book in the same type of style as I did "Murder Book", as this book is the sequel.

        I've just finished Chapter 24, and there will be 30 or 31 chapters. I have outlined them, and I'm being really picky now about what I add and what I write. I only have about 20,000 more words to write, which if I have 2500 words per chapter is 8 chapters, so it's going to be something like that. We'll see. Chapter 24 has about 2200 whereas other chapters in the book are rocking in the 3000-3500 words; so it's never a gimme. I don't know exactly what I'll end up saying until I start writing.

    Today, I needed a nudge so I watched a couple of Perry Mason episodes. I don't take the words from the show, as much as the nuance. Perry walks across the floor, crossing in front of Paul. He lights his cigarette, stopping in the middle of the action showing concern on his face for something. OK, I can use that. I mimic it and put it into my own words, choosing which characters to cross over, which to light a cigar, pop open a can, or something; then, in the middle of the action the pause to show that a thought has hit them between the eyes.

    This method opens up another route for my characters to act, play off each other, talk, carry on or start a conversation. It's never one-sided; they choose to banter. They collectively communicate. Even the bad guys open their mouths and let things out so the reader knows what to expect. Right now I've hidden a man, he's about to die, or maybe he's already died and the killer will describe the pleasure he obtained in the process of taking the man's life. He's a psycho, the killer that is, not the other guy. He's really quite innocent. 

    I'm going to start adding my nouns and adjectives to many of the paragraphs this weekend. I think I'll fluff and stuff starting Saturday. This is Wednesday night, so I have about two more full days of writing, and by that I mean I can take all the time I want to, but I'll probably end up writing for two days. I'll fluff and stuff and then on Sunday I'll format the book before going over it ONE MORE TIME to be sure I've fixed all the boo-boos. I won't save it as a PDF until I feel I've made as many corrections as I need to.

    I really don't want to have to go back over the book after it's sent to the publisher. Edinburgh just about killed me. I sent the wrong file!! I sent the file that wasn't corrected and now I'm still waiting for them to release it so I can resubmit my last corrected file. DING AND DANG...this is a process. We all learn differently, and apparently, I need to freely flub up any number of times before I get it down to a science. I'm not there yet. It'll happen. By the time I write my 20th book, I think I'll have the secrets in place.

    The good news? "Pinball" is almost done.  This will allow me to start writing the more comical sequel to the Nick Posh Thrillers; "1211". It is pronounced Twelve-Eleven.  That's the address of the murder house; the one Nick almost rents for himself but realizes it's only a one-bedroom flat and he'll need two. It doesn't stop him from checking out the basement when asked to accompany a local surgeon who finds crime fascinating. There was an old rumor about the house his grandmother lives in; it can't be true, but he wants Nick to help him check it out. Oh's true. There is a pile of rotten bones in the basement of 1211 N. Garvey. 

    Well, can't write that one until I finish this one. Two days....and then I guess I can start on the next one. Fun times!! I love my keyboard.

75% done - - two days. Yep. Two days.

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