Monday, March 29, 2021

Two Books are Better Than One!

 God is soooooo amazing!!  I don't even care how "churchy" that may sound. He is just OUT THERE awesome, and we all need to be aware of His love, His power, His promises, and how He keeps those promises.  I tell people all the time that if they will just listen to God, listen really well, and do what He asks of them, they will have every last desire of their heart. No joke, He promised it in Psalms 37:4. (I mean, King David probably wrote the Psalm, but yeah, it's God's promise to us.) It says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."  It doesn't say, "Do what feels good", and it doesn't say, "Go off half-cocked whenever you think it's necessary, it will be OK."  God is very specific about what He wants in our lives, we just don't have the patience most of the time to pay attention to His calling. I listened. I obeyed. He's giving me so much more than I ever imagined. Thank you, God, thank you, Jesus! 

I knew I would write Jude's Almost Daily Blog book someday. That day has arrived. The book is in the publisher's hands right now and is being produced for the last round of corrections.  I'm so happy Palmetto Publishing was kind enough to let me make the first round of corrections without laughing at me too badly.  I mean, c'mon, I'm a freakin' English professor and I made over 100 mistakes in my own book. Most of the mistakes, nearly 87% of them, were not putting things into italics or not putting quote marks around certain words.  Believe me, I would NEVER EVER forget to put quote marks around an actual quote, or fail to give credit where it is known! Oh my gosh, can you imagine? I doubt I could ever breathe again if I was to plagiarize! Stop the thought! Get out of my head!! NO!  The book will be finished in 1 month and it will be sold online as a PDF as well as a print-on-demand book. I'm taking control of the distribution of this particular book so that I can control the price. I don't want it to be very expensive. I want as many people to be able to afford it as possible. That was intentional. You give up the rights for publishing and you give up the right to costs. 

Secondly, I wrote a book several years ago now, called "Faith Walks".  It is a delightfully lively book about a dog who came into our lives in 2002 and stayed with us as a family companion until her passing in 2014.  During those years she became known as the miracle dog who walked upright like a human. Faith was trained to do this, and it became her technique of mobility. She was taken around the world and seen locally, to show people that you didn't need to look perfect or have everything everyone else has to be perfect yourself. She could not have had a higher level of self-esteem. Faith walked by her own faith and God's grace. We were blessed to call her our own. The book "Faith Walks" was self-published many years ago and will be resubmitted to be republished through Palmetto Publishing in the near future. or I may leave it with Xlibris and just promote it.  I am creating a website to host and promote both books as well as books I write in the future. So far this has been an amazing journey. I hope you will consider following me!

Two books at one time! Wow! I am overwhelmed with excitement and humbled by God's amazing timing. He alone is able to make all things come together.  Once the book has been picked up I can submit the YouTube video for you to see the book trailer. We want to keep it a little private until the houses have a chance to see it. Thank you for your prayers and love, kind words are always welcome.

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