Tuesday, March 23, 2021

I Was Terminated! THANK YOU Jesus!

 It is not every day that you can wake up and thank Jesus that your job decided to terminate you, but today was one of those days. YES! I can now take the time to sleep in, read my book in peace, work on my guitar lessons (I'm training myself), and I can exercise in the middle of the morning without feeling like I'm cheating on my boss' time. I'm the type of employee who actually works from home when I'm contracted to work from home. I actually wake up, log in, work the hours I'm asked to work, and I will even give it a good college effort, but lately, I've been sorely upset with myself for accepting an assignment that not only took me away from my beloved bed - - God knows I love my slumber; I go to bed around 10:00 p.m. and if left alone I'll sleep past 8:00 a.m., giving me the good solid 10+ hours I really think I need and deserve. Well, now I can do that again and not feel guilty for waking up, logging in, and running to the kitchen twice to get coffee when I wasn't properly clocked out!

My bud Kevin called me about a month ago asking me if I wanted to take on another assignment, and this one was a good one - - and it was, he wasn't lying. It paid very well, it had benefits once they decided to hire me full time, which would have been in 90 days. I can do anything for 90 days as long as I watch myself and don't go rock climbing or something stupid like that (laughs because I don't climb rocks but I will jump on my horse in the rain.) I take zinc and low-dose aspirin, so I've staved off the 2nd round of Covid for sure; no one realizes it, but zinc actually really does keep it at bay. The more you know! I drink over 100 ounces of water every day too, so maybe that has something to do with being more healthy as well.  The bottom line is, Kevin is a friend, he's in the employment business, he needed to fill a hard-to-fill slot, one that required prerequisite knowledge and experience in sales and insurance; so he thought of me. I agreed, and there we were - - there I was, getting out of my bed at 6:30, working 7a-4p, not sleeping in, not working out on my terms, not reading books, not practicing guitar, not spending too much time on social media, and basically hating myself for being so nice; no more nice!  I got terminated!!

From Day 1 of the new job (which is from home), I had tech issues. I don't do tech, so they had tech issues. I turn computers on, I expect them to work, and when they don't I call the Help Desk. The guys at the Help Desk and I became closer and closer, we chat now, one even became my Facebook friend, we do blog exchanges now because I spend an extraordinary time with them every single morning trying to get my new out-of-the-box laptop to work properly.   The company I agreed to work for couldn't get their software to load; it finally loaded, and I lost my H drive. They couldn't find it, then I lost my S drive. I don't want to think of the embarrassing looks I could have gotten if the office(s) were open and people knew my H and S were not loaded; that I was in fact H-less and S-less! Basically, it meant I couldn't receive or share information with others in the company. I couldn't send out prewritten scripted dialog to physicians, insurance companies, credential contracting administrators, and the like. I was only able to make calls, verify whether or not an office received a package from us if they had time to review it if they wanted to sign up with us, and if so, they could let someone else know because let's face it, without an H or S drive, I was just another pretty face in the Matrix! Worthless!

I could save things to my desktop, but the company gurus thought it wasn't secure. Apparently, with the type of credentials I was trying to obtain, I had to be on a secured drive. I get it. I was less than secure and therefore, they had two choices. I could take on a less position; one I am absolutely overqualified to take, and therefore the company would never consider it, or they could terminate me. I didn't really have a choice mind you, that was all them, but they made the right choice! THANK YOU....they let me know at 10:00 a.m. this morning, but the funny thing is, about 9:30 today my new book (the first blog book) came back to me to review, but I was unable to review it until I got off work at 4:00 this afternoon! HA! Yes, now I can! I can not only review my book, but I can also lollygag too. I can pittle. I can goof off, I can act the fool, I can do the dance, and I can even go shopping for journals and dog treats in the middle of the day without feeling guilty or lying about my actual time on the clock! I'm not on a clock! I'm terminated. God is amazing!  There are times I just want to reach up and KISS HIM!  

Believe me when I say I'm not making light of people who find themselves out of work; I know that's a terrible thing, and I've been stretched to the hilt a 1000 times in the past myself, but this time around it's such a blessing! I don't want to overstate it, but I didn't really want to take the assignment. I just wanted to help out a friend, make a little money for it I guess, and maybe do it until the book sales come in for the first book, maybe a bit longer so I can be paid for said book sales, but I had NO INTENTION of going permanent after 90 days unless the company was willing to let me fly to Scotland and set up shop in my semi-detached or terraced house in the Kingdom of Fife! I have plans, I have goals, I have dreams, I have desires! I want this, and God knows this. He's literally opening every door and He's got this covered for me. He's 100% in my corner, both supporting me and making it happen for me. I love that.  Woot!  (Does the dance in her little plaid jammies because she can!) SMILES.  It's all working according to hope and faith. 

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