Saturday, March 13, 2021

Because 'Merica!

 MY GOODNESS, I wish I had taken his picture!  Laura and I were walking into Winco, the grocery store about a mile or so from our place.  We typically shop there because they have an amazing bulk section where I can literally get whey protein by the pound and not have to pay exorbitant prices for it at the health food stores or even Walmart. I think it's 100% the same recipe sans sugar, and it's one-fourth the cost! I'm not lying, but whey protein powder is NOT what this blog is about; not by a long shot. 

Laura and I walked into the store and just as we approached the door we both (almost without thinking about it) reached into our purses to pull out those stupid masks that don't work, and no one believes could possibly really save a single life, but there are those who are still a bit sheepy and a bit nervous about stepping up and thinking for themselves; we'll leave it at that. I don't need to get all political on you. As we were about to put our masks on our faces  - there he was in all of his wonderful, big, bearded, beautiful, brutish self.  If he had been wearing a kilt, he would have been sent by God directly to me, I know this, but no, he was wearing his Wranglers, and on the right hip of those denim gloves, he wore a leather holster with a loaded .357 (pearl-handled in fact).  He was glorious! Thank you, Mr. Patriot. 

Mr. Patriot was about 6'2" tall, weighing in at somewhere between 215 and 230 pounds. He had a clean-cut but his face was majestically hairy - - we're talking several inches of free-flowing beardedness - - I gave this man a head nod and said "Thank you" out loud in front of God and everyone. I pointed at his gun when I said it. I asked him if the truck outside with all the American flags flying all around it was his truck. He stated it was not, but that he had seen it, and wanted to know where he could pick up a three-pronged flag holder for his truck's bumper! I thought maybe BassPro would have it, but I'm sure he can order it. I don't have a truck - - but the free-flowing American flags draping and cascading are fabulous representations of how my heart felt when I watched the man walk into Winco without his mask.  THANK YOU AGAIN, Mr. Patriot. It gave me the courage I needed to put my mask back into my purse, and of course, Laura followed suit.  

We were not alone.  As we walked throughout the store many other people saw us, gave us the nod, turned to their friends, partners, children, whomever they were with, and they began demasking! It only took ONE good Patriot to stand up. I'm rather ashamed that it wasn't me, to begin with, but I was in compliant mode I guess; not anymore.  I'm fed up with the masks, I'm done with being bullied. I have asthma. I'm not even supposed to be hassled if I don't wear a face mask, but hassled I am. I have been told I can't shop at Winco, Target, Kohl's, Best Buy, and other stores if I am not wearing my stupid mask. Funny how the Tractor Supplies, feed stores, tack stores, and car dealerships don't make you wear one.  There's someone at Best Buy's door to turn you away.  I realize the poor souls are just doing their job, but the bosses and owners need to realize we, the customers, keep the doors open!

Bless the big man's heart! He walked slowly, even methodically through Winco with his head up straight and tall. His tight tight veteran's t-shirt proudly proclaiming his patriotism, and the fact that he had given several years of his life defending his and my right to shop, eat, drive, dine, work, and interact with others freely and without fear of the government overstepping onto our Constitutional rights.  Not one manager, not one employee, not one customer said a word to any of us about our choice to be maskless - - thank you, again. I have to say thank you because it's the way things should be. If someone feels the need to wear their own mask, so be it, but it's like trying to tell me I have to pray to someone other than God, it's just not going to happen; if I had things my way everyone would pray to Jehovah YHWH; no one else. 

THANK YOU, to every single person, American or not, who is willing to stand up for themselves and make the statement that they are going to live without fear. We didn't shut the world down for the flu, we didn't shut it down for diabetes.  We didn't shut it down for any good reason whatsoever; and we were bullied into going against what we knew intellectually was false - - no more.  Don't Tread on ME!

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