Tuesday, March 9, 2021

I Can Make That Without Lookin'

 When you're a cook you cook, and when you're a mom you mom, so there I am most of the evenings every week, just being a mom and cooking. Laura is so sweet, she's not only my daughter, she's my roommate; so she has to eat what I cook when I cook it, and she's not allowed to complain about it. It wouldn't do her any good to complain because I don't listen to anyone if they get it in their heads to cut down my abilities to mix up something tasty in the kitchen. I don't have to brag, bragging is for amateurs, No, what I do is tell the truth, then I pull out things from the fridge and the cabinets, whip something up from the scratch ingredients (always without measuring because it pisses my friend off when I do that) and I just shove the food under the noses of anyone who hasn't ordered from a take out menu. Sometimes I'm cooking for one, sometimes I'm cooking for two or three, but I usually end up making enough for five or six just in case. You always want to be prepared for the extra kid walking through the door if one or the other of them texted their sibling to say "Mom's cooking tonight".

I mean sure, I can do something easy like pasta and meat sauce, that's one of those things you do in your sleep, but I prefer to find a good recipe online and just wing it to see what happens. You never know. I don't have an Instapot yet; thinking about buying one, but I'm not sure I want to form that habit. I rather enjoy chopping, simmering, saute', boiling, broiling, grilling, etc. I like the time it takes to be in the kitchen fussing over what I'm presenting to those that I love; call me old-fashioned, but yeah, there's a bit of truth to the fact that a mom likes to be needed and where else can she feel more needed than in the kitchen at supper time? 

I decided to look up a curry recipe online and found one that was detailed enough to try and make sense of it. The only problem is, I'm the only one in my household at the moment that will eat curry. If I want to share it I have to call Caity and Brandola over, schedule it, wait for the day to arrive and hope they don't change their minds about driving 110 miles to my house to try my new curry recipe. They kept their word and I was able to spin up a big mess of Charlie Bigham's Chicken Curry with rice and a side salad, that happened to look a great deal like a typical garden salad with spinach since I wasn't successful at finding a few of the needed ingredients to be incredibly cool.  I had to settle for damn cool, which is almost as good - - Charlie Bigham's Chicken Curry recipe is found at https://www.bighams.com/products/product/thai-red-chicken-curry-fragrant-rice/  Now, to be honest with you, it's supposed to be served with coconut rice, but my family, being Southern as the day is long, and a bit too chicken themselves to try too many good things; did not deign to allow me to really impress them. I have to live with this. 

Suffice it to say we had a great meal that could have been even better, and it will be better when I live by myself and don't feel that I have to cater to these inexperienced palates that refuse to expand their horizons - - they can't blame me; I did all I could to stir up a stir fry, mix up a mixed bag, toss up a tossed salad with various varieties of otherworldly entrancing and appetizingly pleasant foodery. They have only themselves to blame - - or in Brandon's case, he can blame others, but not me. He cannot blame me. I love Brandon. He never turns down anything I decide to make even if it sounds like something he would see in a Sci-Fi flick -- he just always nods, smiles, and agrees. I love Brandon.

Laura? Well, that's another story. She's a Taurus.  If she hasn't eaten it at least 50 times she refuses to try it, and if she hasn't seen it, smelt it, been around it, heard about it, read about it, or thought about it, she won't think of attempting it. She's the one at the other end of the table watching her sister and brother in law poke and fork up chunks of red curry and peas, waiting for one or the other of them to die before she decides to add my red curry chicken to her list of things she may try when she's older; much older. She has to let it stew a minute first - - and by a minute I mean a year or two. Laura will however clean up the rice and salad; those are safe. Sometimes I think I'll just give her away but I'm too afraid I'll miss her little redhead; and I give in, allowing her to talk me into making pasta and meat sauce -- AGAIN.

Boring kid.

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