Saturday, August 3, 2024

I Met My Boss in Person!!

 It's 2024 -- we don't always have the privilege and honor of meeting the actual people who we work with; sometimes they are miles and miles away.  My good friend Lorna is in Texas, and I probably won't meet her in person. I'll have to wait until we both get to Heaven. She'll be there - and they may even let her have a little height when she crosses the threshold of the gates. I can't imagine God making her stay tiny for eternity!  (She and I knew each other virtually for over 6 months before she sprang it on me that she's just over 5 feet tall! WHAT?

    Today, and I guess it started yesterday, I decided since I actually do live really close to my one of my actual bosses, I would meet him in person.  I talked to him about it yesterday, and told him I'd swing by his house with a couple of my books so he could read them and figure out who the heck it was that he hired! He was all for it, so that's what I did.

    When I interviewed with him for the job he asked me what I did for fun or outside of work and I let him know I was an author. I directed him to Amazon so he could see it for himself. He found me, and found the 14-16 books that are for sale and he really was impressed by it. He wanted to know if I was so talented and why it was that I wanted to work for the company in the first place. Listen, just because you're talented and can write books doesn't mean they sell!

    He has been a real help to me in the journey I'm taking with this new company. The company isn't new, my journey with it is. The company has been around for about 40 years or so. I worked for them a very long time ago; but in a different capacity. This time around, I'm a licensed adjuster, and I do subrogation work for many (various) clients who want what is due to them when someone damages or destroys their power or communication facilities. I'd throw names of our clients out there, but I'm not going to do that. Suffice it to say they are all big big names in the power industry and communications.

    Meeting your boss in person is fun if they're worth their salt and this one is. I won't give his name, but he looks like and sounds like one of my oldest and dearest friends from church from about 30 years ago.  I told him so, I think maybe the two men are related. They have to be. The resemblance and the's too much.  He was super happy to take my two books and to introduce me to his elderly dog - a little fawn-colored fat pug that I just adored to the hilt. I had to give the dog a kiss, I couldn't stand myself if I didn't.

    It's really really, and I do mean REALLY good that I work from home and don't have to get up, get dressed, put make-up on, fight traffic to get to work, fight personalities once I get there, or put up with office politics. I will NOT leave this company. I will not, they'll have to pry me off the payroll. It is just too wonderful. The pay is good, the benefits are acceptable, but the people are over the top great. We don't have any bad eggs really - - when we have scuffles, which every company will have, we have an amazing HR that actually does their job. They don't side with the manager - - they listen to both sides and make good decisions.

    Meeting my boss was really fun, really cool, and now, after he reads my first blog book - - and one of the romance novels, he'll understand who it is that is behind the work monitor in Teams meetings making fun of him! He takes a joke as well as he gives, and that's too important in the world we live in where we don't see one another often.  I wouldn't argue if several of us got together now and again, but there are so many who work out of state and couldn't come to anything we planned.

    If you can, get to know the people who work with you. It makes a huge difference in the way you end up treating them, and the way they end up treating you -- I told the man he wasn't allowed to hate me for my opinions that he reads in the books  - he promised.

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