Tuesday, August 20, 2024


     Earlier this evening, I received an email, like I do from time to time, from an unknown woman in the entertainment industry. I didn't (and haven't) do a lot of research on her to see exactly who she is. She's doing a television show on a certain well-known channel (OK, it's the History Channel), and she wanted to do a story about my dog Faith.  

    Typically, when someone wants to do a story about my dog, they ask nicely, and this woman is no different. She was very polite and very well-mannered in the wording of her proposal, and she asked me if I would like to participate. Sure, I thought, the world needs to hear about Faith; they need their eyes opened wide and their hearts reminded of just how precious the little dog was...and is. I believe she is still alive, just on the other side.

    The woman emailed me again, asking me for the same thing people always ask me for. She wanted good high-quality photos, video, etc., and I always tell them I only have a little, if anything, that can be transferred into a good enough resolution to blow up for production purposes. They know they can't buy the film from Oprah, Maury, Ricki Lake, Discover, Nova, or Ripley's Believe it or Not, or from any other show because I didn't give those people the right to sell my dog's name, image, or likeness. If I did ONE THING correctly, it was that.

    When she sent me the agreement to sign, the one that basically said they could and would own the rights to any images I shared (or sold, since they were going to pay me $250 a pic...they were going to use 11) they wanted to own, sell, use, or distribute the photos I surrendered. They tried to change her story, image, or likeness at will if necessary, but you know they sugarcoated it by saying it would all be done in good taste. You know my answer - - at least, I hope you know my answer. I said no.

    The first show I ever did with Faith was "Ripley's Believe it or Not," and believe me, I was so green, so naive, but before the show was underway, a good friend from KFOR-TV sat me down and went through the contract line by line - we scratched through a lot of it. I had to do that with Maury, Ricki, Oprah, and everyone. Everyone wanted to keep the images and use them whenever and with whomever they wanted. They tried to change stories, exaggerate stories, eliminate the miracles, and put in man-made things; they wanted to take the FAITH out of FAITH! I said no.

    Now, you may know me, and you may already have guessed, but I think God gave this little mutt to me because I'm stubborn and jealous. What is MINE is MINE, and no one will take, steal, or abuse it willy-nilly. God's grace, story, and purpose are always and will always be wrapped around that little dog's story and life. He knew where He was sending her; I will NEVER let Him down where she is concerned. 

    I told the woman they could do their story but couldn't keep or own any images. They can direct folks to my book so they can read the real story, but you know she'll likely decline that offer. Either way, it's good. I'm good. I've lived this long without being filthy rich;  I can go a little longer. If I've done anything correctly, I will protect her with the grace God gives me to do so. At least I know when I see her again, the dog will not be upset with me for having sold her short -- and I bet she'll even giggle a little because she never really caught on that she was all that special; that is, until she heard the applause! (Then she knew)

UPDATE: (08/22/24) 

    I decided to let the show's producers do an episode about Faith, but I wouldn't sign their standard "boilerplate" contract. I won't go into detail, but they came up with a great agreement that gives me control of her life, her story, and what they can say about her. They can't change her story, they can't make it more sensational or exaggerated, and they can't use her image or likeness in any way that would harm or tarnish her reputation.  No one would believe anyone who tried, but we needed it in writing.

    They agreed to keep their rights for just 10 years, and they can not share the photos and media with anyone for any other reason than to promote that one episode of the show. It won't turn into a circus; she won't be their flying monkey. Faith's story is far too meaningful; they agree. They'll even promote my book a little, which is good because it keeps her story alive that much longer. Folks will see the show and want to know more; she'll be celebrated. I'm happy with that.  I'd love to see it blossom into a feature film about her; that is what she truly deserves. May her life, love, and memory live on forever. 

Photo Credit: Stephen Holman of Tulsa, OK

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