Saturday, August 10, 2024

Gotta Lose The Weight! Gotta!

     Tomorrow is the day I put away as much as possible to make sure the house is free and clear of boxes so I can finally get my treadmill set up - - and not a minute too soon. I'm telling you. I took a few snapshots of myself today with my family, and DAMN, I am NOT where I want to be weight-wise., I am not, and it's not fat shaming if you personally think you could lose 40 pounds. It's not shaming; it's putting things in perspective!

    I have about 40-45 pounds to lose, which is exactly what I think I need to do. It will take a full year. I know that; I do not think it will happen overnight - I have work to do. I have already started eating better, and I'm working on my stress levels. I get plenty of sleep, plenty of water, and plenty of prayer. It's exercise time. It's walking on the treadmill, stretching, yoga ball bouncing, and weight lifting time. No, I'm not going to go the gym - - I'm not doing that. I'm making use of what I have in the house.

    I have walls to do push-ups on. I have the treadmill, the weighted balls, the weighted bars, the stretch bands, and the boxing stand. I can do this. It will just take a little while. I would rather go slowly than try to crash diet and burn out. It's going to take dedication, routine change, and the knowledge of what needs to be done before I make any real change. I believe in the concept behind the NOOM program. I'm just not going to pay anyone to tell me how to lose weight in a healthy way. I can study it and do it myself. 

    I eat too many empty calories and that has to stop. I'd say I'm addicted, but I'm not; I'm in a rut - I can stop, and I will stop. I won't give up sugar 100% because I think moderation is better than sacrifice, but I can do without most of the things that I eat that have sugar - - and just do what I know to do; that's been a better plan for years. I just get away from the facts and start binging whenever something happens to set me back. In 2023, I lost my job at the end of 2022. I didn't get over it for a year, and although I used the time to write, I didn't use the time to stay healthy.

    That changes, and it changes now. I'm OK being a little over what I should be, but I'm NOT healthy, and I won't tolerate that from myself. I won't punish myself either, but I will work with myself and praise myself when I do what I should do. Positivity beats negativity every time! I can do this. I really can. I have pictures to prove it—and I'll get more later down the road, too. It will happen.

Photo Credit:

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