Friday, August 30, 2024

BOOK 15 Has Been Completed.

 I sat down and wrote the titles of the books I've written because I wanted to know how many I have written. I thought it was thirteen, but when I got them all written out nice and neatly using my handy-dandy bullet-point method—the one that has stood the test of time—I realized I have written 15 books.

    The 15th book was completed just today. Mind you, I'm not 100% done with it, but it is done. It is finished as far as the book goes. I have 323 pages and 33 chapters written. At last count, it was 83,887 words, and that's all good - but I do have the fluffing and stuffing to do. I have to be honest; I started the fluffing today. 

    I put the last sentence of the last chapter in at about 3:00 p.m. today, and started in on the fluffing. I'll do an entire day of fluff and stuff tomorrow and I'll get it all lined up with the page numbers in place, as well as the headers. I'll give it my best to do the headers correctly, but I've never gotten the machine to do what I need it to do, so yeah, it isn't perfect. That's OK, I'm not either. I doubt any readers can claim to be; we're good.

    I'll announce the title on Sunday when I send it up for publication. I may send it on Monday, but I'll still announce the title on Sunday. I've waited for September to arrive so I can remember the date; I do that. I like the 1st, and I like the 22nd of every month. I remember those days more often; it's a good plan. The title is worth the wait. You may not think so, but I do. 

    I'll start promoting it as soon as it's printed. I'll even do the EPub book simultaneously so that when I do promote it, I can tell folks to buy it in print or for their devices through Amazon/Kindle. It should be $4.99 I think, that's the going rate for a new book. It could be cheaper, but it's a reasonable price. I may give it away for 60 days, but only if Kindle and Amazon agree - they may not. They need to make something, too.

    Anyway, it feels good to know the lovers are happy; they have a dog and are literally riding off into the sunset together, but not on a horse; you'll have to read the book. It's fun. I do try. I added Aunt Sharon, a feisty 90-year-old, rather than having Leigh carry on with her besties on the phone. I have already done that in a couple of books. It's more realistic to have her get teased by her own family at times; We can relate.

    It's done....done...done..sort of. I'll be really done done in a couple of days, and I'll start the new new book. I can tell you the title of that one now. It's THE GRANGE.  The new new book is another novel, and rather odd, but fun where this one was more serious at times. There was a reason for it; the book deals with serious matters. 

    The Grange is quirky, to say the least, and maybe even creepy at times. The lead character does live in a graveyard in a family crypt that shouldn't have been annexed into the city, but it was. She demands her land back, even if it means squatting there before she dies and is buried there; it's hers, and she's not going to let it go.

    Fun times ahead!! 

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