Sunday, August 4, 2024

Chapter One - - is Done!!

     I feel as if I've been here before! I'm just glowing at the fact that if nothing else happens, I've finished Chapter One of the new book! I need to continue of course, and finish all of the chapters - this one is bound to be around 30 chapters long I suppose. I tend to do things in a very methodical way - - why change what isn't broken?  You do realize that every successful series on television has the same basic storyline, they just change up the characters and the places.  The same could be said for me I guess, I'm thinking ahead of what I want for my characters in this book, but my mind keeps pulling up what I did for the characters in my other books!

    Well, this one is a present-day drama novel. It isn't a romance book, but there will be a bit of fantasizing. There will be a kiss, I can assure you of that, even if it's just a sweet exchange of a man with his wife of over 38 years somewhere down there in the Sarasota, Florida sunshine. I'm pretty sure you'll hear, see, and witness Charlie Garrett kissing on his wife Hideko! Charlie was sweet enough to let me use his real name, his real image, and to mention his wife, family, dogs, church, etc. I'll be ever so respectful of course -- it is a great honor to have that gift given to me. (Look Steph, I asked permission!)

    Chapter One is done. I'm about to sit down with myself and write out what I think should happen in all the subsequent chapters. I do this in order to have an outline, guideline, and such so I know where I'm going! It's helpful to have the AI writing with me too; and believe me, this book will be AI-partnered. I may even give credit to my AI, but then again, I may not since I'm not required to, and want to take absolute credit for everything - - right? Well, I'll mention the AI in the book -- not by name. I don't want to get that personal.

    At least now that I'm writing the book I know where I will be, and what I will be doing after work and on the weekends. Geez, it only took me two months to get out of the funk of not writing and back into it. I'm not upset about taking the break. I needed it. I couldn't do too many things at once. The writing was always going to be there - but I needed to move from my apartment to my house. I also wanted to pour myself into my job for a minute to be sure I was doing it well enough to say it's a keeper - - it is a keeper!! (and those Law & Orders were not going to watch themselves, you know.) 

    The book I'm writing now is a serious book in some ways. It deals with the systems we use and believe in, and the way some of those systems have routinely caused inequality in too many ways. It deals with those who are purposely ignored and those who don't want to be seen. It deals with the abused, the hurt, the pushed back, and those who are too shy or introverted to stand up for themselves. Some of those people manage and survive, but some do not. The book discusses the people unseen, unwanted, unheralded, and deemed unfit by those who brazenly step over and on top of those they see as less worthy.

    The book is not a how-to book, and it isn't a whining sort of book that cries out for justice. It's more or less a means for me to acknowledge that I was in some ways, guilty of being the hurtful one, and over time and through many experiences, I've chosen to find ways to acknowledge people for who they are and to sing their praises even when they don't believe they need to be praised. I understand there are those who fervently do not want attention brought to themselves for any reason; it was hard for me to grasp that behavior because of my overt extroverted mannerisms. I have learned to be a lot more respectful of others than I once was.

    The book is about starting over, making choices to get out from under the comfort zones, and to forge a new way. It's about trusting others who you may not have been able to trust before, but are willing to be lenient with yourself -- it's about the people who are the people in our lives and the people we are ourselves. There is a common thread and I'll discuss it in the book, but I won't say much about it in my blogs -- not until the last week of course, when the book is up for publication. I will shout it from the rooftops at that point - - believe me.

    Chapter One is done! Today, I will meet out the chapters in chronological order and decide who says what, who does what, who ends up changing, and who helps others change for the better - - it's a process for everyone. I hope it goes well. I hope it goes really well. This is a deep and thoughtful book. I want it to reflect my personal journey as well as the journeys others have chosen for themselves.

Photo Credit:  Charlie Garrett of Sarasota, Florida


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